Chapter 16

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After a flight that didnt seem to go quick enough, i was finally home. I wasted no time in heading in and to Tsunade so i could turn in my report and go home. I knock on the door and go in once im allowed

"Blake," she looked serious, not something i was expecting, "Report?"

"Here," I hand her the report adn she takes it but doesnt read it yet, "Lady Tsunade? Is something the matter"

"Im afriad yes....." she sighs and looks dead at me, "We have people out there looking as we speak"

"Looking..?" I was confused for a moment until my mind caught up, "No..."

"I dont know what happened-"

"You dont know what happened!?!?"

I snap at her then quickly leave her office and race back to my home. I barge right in and see everything is clean and in order, "Jake! Alex!" I race up to there room but it was empty of my boys. I checked everywhere but they were no where to be seen. There was also no sign of a struggle. What happened to my babies?

I race outside and see Shikamaru running to me with his team, "Blake"

"What happened!?!" I shout at him

"It was the middle of the night, i had just gotten back from a rough mission. They were asleep in bed when i checked in on them...." he hesitates 

"Who was watching them!?!" I grabbed his collar and him him close now livid, in my eyes everyone was an enemy, everyone was a suspect, anyone could have done it

"Blake, its not her fault......"

"Her fault huh," I look behind him and see Ino crying and shaking 

I throw Shikamaru away from me and go to Ino and grabbed her arms tightly, "What. Happend."

"I....i fell asleep......i didnt mean to...." 

i almost punched her but my body froze, "Shikamaru!"

"Blake calm down," I knew he was using shadow posseion on me

"Let. Me. Go." I growl and fight his shadow posseshion as hard as i could

I slowly am able to move my arm but then i feel something else, something else held me in place too. I move my eyes but i cant see behind me

Suddenly Sesshomaru appears and glares at everyone then looksc to me, "This is the leaf, may i attack?"

"Sesshomaru, there gone," i feel tears building up

His eyes widen then glares as he looks around and growls, his whip coming out, "Where. When."

Im finally let go and turn to see Shikamaru and his dad, both looked a bit tired. My mother instengs were out and my mama mode was activated making me even stronger then before. From what i hear it happens when the mother's baby is in danger, or in my case babies. I slowly look around and see every ninja ive ever known is standing around all of them on defence. Even Naruto and Sakura and Kakashi. The even looked ready to attack, looks like they are no longer my team

"And here i though i could trust the leaf village. Looks like i was right the first time i left," i looked right at my old team as i said it, then i look to Sesshomaru, "Comeone, we need to go looking for them," I then look back at the leaf ninja, all of them, "I dont need the leaf anymore. Its clear i cant trust any of you"

I then push past everyone then call Nimbus for my to ride on then call apon every single creature ive ever created, all besides my mirror and besides Scarlett, she has a family here now. 

"Everyone go out and find my boys, dont let anyone get in your way," I then turn to one of my creature that is a wolf who can stand up on his hand legs and his hands are like hands, "You, search every inch of the leaf village, let no one stand in your way" 

He nods then goes off along with everyone else, "Blake!"

I jump on Nimbus then turn to look at my old team, and Sai who is with them, "What"

"Dont do this," Sakura pleades with me

"We can help you!" Naruto adds

"Where were you two when they went mission huh?" Neither said anything, "Thats what i thought, just stay out of my way got it?"

Then Nimbus shoots off away from the leaf


-Sasuke POV-

"Did you hear? That Blake snapped," I stop at a window i was close to and hear some guys talking 

"Ya i heard that. Apparently the leaf village allowed his boys to be kiddnapped after they swore they could protect them and after the Hokage forced him to go on a mission that was a week long"

My eyes widen then narrow as my sharingan comes out in my anget

"I also heard he let out all these monsters to look for them. He even left one to search the leaf. I would hate to be whoever ook them"

"Me too, not only is Blake a scary guy but i heard he was the one that gave birth to the boys, and that Sasuke Uchiha is the father. Whoever kiddnapped them is crazy"

I quickly leave after that and go back to my hide out. Whoever stole my kids is dead


-Blake POV-

"Master, we have a led," one of my bird creature tells me as she flys by me


"To the north, there is a hide out in the gound. Its almost imposible to get in but it can be done. With time"

"No, it will be opned now," Nimbus shoots off in that direction as fast as it can. It eventully leads us to a wooded area 

I hop off Nimbus and look around. I could feel something off about this place and i could feel the barrior on the place. I go to one spot and put my han on it to feel the barrior, it was indeed strong 

"Dont worry babies, mama is coming 

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