Chapter 9

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had the boy's stuff packed and had them with me as we rode Griffen. I thought hard on where we should go and i thought it best if we just kept moving. For now we are heading to the sand village, much to Griffen's displeasure but this time he didnt fight back, he saw my face.

"Momma, will we ever meet our father?" Jake asks softly as he looks up at me with a soft child look

Jake has always been the softer one of the two, acted more like a child then his brother, "I dont know sweetie," i pull him close and hug him with one arm then pull Alex to me and hug him with my other arm, Alex likes to hide it but he likes when im effectionent to him, "I hope one day you can, but i dont know"

"We will never be the family you want us to be Jake," Alex snaps angerly

"Alex, be nice, you never know, we may" 

Its quiet the rest of the time to the sand village. My mind was on Sasuke and that house next to the lake he showed me. I wanted to have a life with him and, even though it was painful as hell, meany kids sounded amazing. 


We finally get to the sand village. I have Griffen fly in and land on the roof that Gaara is standing on. He watches us land them lets a small smile show as my boys jump down, then me. 

"Good to see you again Blake, these are them?"

"Yes, Alex and Jake"

"Stay as long as you want. Come ill show you where you will be staying," he turns and disappears into sand then reapears on the ground 

Shaking my head i chuckle then dissmiss Griffen, drop our bags on the ground, grab my kids then jump down. I land gracefully and gently set my boys down before picking up all our bags. We then follow Gaara but go the back way out of the veiw of the towns people and end up at the Kazekage mantion.

"Gaara?" I frown in confusion 

"My sibling and i live here, i thought it would be safer for your boys to stay here. My sibling can even help train them when you cant or need a break"

"Thank you," I smile at him then head inside and go to one of the spare rooms that my boys will be staying in

I put all there things up then go to my spare room and put my stuff up then head down stairs when i hear something. Looking out the window i see my boys outside with Kankuro. He's showing them Crow and how he is a puppet user. They both look so excited and amazed, and they both looked like true children. I always loked those times when they did.

Letting out a soft sigh i go down stairs and find Gaara talking to Temari. She smiles when she sees me come down, "Its no mistaking there father, thats for sure"

"Tell me about it," I smile at her as i walk into the room, "And they cant get enough of training. All day everyday thats all they want to do. To punish them i have to take all weapons away and out bracelets on them to keep them from using there chakra. Best punishmet there is with them"

"They will be strong when they are older," her smile goes down a little to show a bit of worry, "How are you doing?"

"My own father wants to take over one of my children's bodies then kill my other child while giving me to his assistent to be used as a toy and baby machien. Other then that im great," I sigh and sit diwn

"No one said parent hood is easy, especailly a ninja parent," she comes over with a warm tea, "Dont worry, Kankura or i will always have an eye on them when you dont"

"Thanks, though to warn you they till under estimaste you," i sip on the tea a little, "To them you would look weak"

"That just means ill have to knock some sense in them," she turns and leaes the room with her fan

I smile and shake my head, "She will make a good mom one day"

"One day far in the future," Gaara mutters making me laugh

"Good luck on that Lord Kazekage. Yoou maybe the sand village leader and her brother but she is her own person. She will do what she wants"

He sighs heavily then sits down and looks to me, "You have changed. Physically youve grown and look better. Emotionlly also, being a parent has helped you change even more"

"You've changed too, i can see you've grown. Im glad you became the Kazekage, you deserved it"

He watches me longer then was necessary, "I should get back to the office"

I nod and sip on my tea as he stands up and leaves, but he stops at the door and keeps his back to me, "There are other people out there besides Sasuke"

He then leaves the house. I just sigh and fold my arms on the table and lay my head down on my arms. Why cant life be easy? Why does it have to be so hard?


A week goes by and in that time my boys have gotten close with Kankuro, Temari after she knocked some sense into them, and even Gaara. They have, more then once, snuck up to his office and spent time with him while he was suposed to work. They see the sand siblings as part of there family. Im glad they are getting close but im worried what will happen if we have to leave

"Mom! Come train with us please?" Alex calls out from outside

Getting up i go outside and see him and Jake facing me looking ready to fight, "Alright, how about a test"

"A test?" Both look at me confused 

"Yes, get this bell from me," I hold up a single silver bell, similar to the bells Kakashi had, i was planning to do the same test on them, "Get it before noon and ill give you a specail Uchiha scroll," I show them a scroll i got my hands on from Lady Tsunade, "Dont and you wont see this scroll again untill your a jounin"

Both boys look at the scroll hungerly then look at me horrified. They both then look at each other and glare at each other. Let the game begin 

"Ready? Set. Go!"

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