Chapter 22

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-Blake POV-

I smiled a little at Sasuke then narrow my eyes at my father. I step forward an open my scroll and throw it into the air

"Calling everyone!" I shout never taking my eyes off my father however i can slightl see the glow of my scroll

With in seconds you can hear hundreds of poofing sounds, several roars of different creatures, and two poofs infront of me. Sesshmaru and Inyasha. I also felt a few poofs around me, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Kagome, Shippo, and Koga all appear

"Hey there Blake," I feel Koga put his arm around my shoulder, "You havent called me for anymore fun time, why is that?"

I feel Sasuke narrow his eyes at me and glare at Koga. Clearing my throat i push his arm off me, "Now isnt the time"

"Sesshomaure, go bring back the dead that you can. The rest of you know your jobs!" I shout so the ones in the back can hear too

"How many are there?" Sakura asks curiousy

"245 i think," I frown in thought for a moment before shaking my head, "Anyway its enough. Now lets go!"

Then, war brakes out again. We all run at each other. I dodge justus left andd right or dodge fists and kicks. Then im faced aginst Jiriya whichim glad because i didnt want Naruto to fight him.

No words are exchanged, he instantly thows a punch which i jump over and do a spin kicking him in the face which he couldnt dodge but ud block with his other hand. Goes to kick me but i jump again and try to kick again but he grabs my leg and slams me into the ground knocking the air out of me.

Ignoring my lungs, which cant get air in them at the moment, i jump up and throw a punch and luckily it hands on his face and pushes him back a little bit

Suddenly Naruto jumps in front of me, "I got this Blake"

"Are you sure?" I finally got air into my lungs again

"I got it, go"

I saw that determened look in his eye so i knew he was being serious. Nodding u jump away and look around. I saw Shikamaru, Ino, and the resently revived Choji finish Asuma. I saw a smile on Asuma's face but couldnt hear what he said.

I look around again and saw Kakashi finish off the 4th Hokage who was smiling and said something to him, again i couldnt hear what was said.

Looking around more i saw my creatures finishing off a good bit of the dead my father brought back. Sadly i did see a few of my creatures die but for every one someone killed 3 more took its place and killed that person.

Jumping into action i do a hand sign and extend my neck like my father has done before, and stretch my neck out and bite Haku's neck and inject several different posions inside him. He looks back at me and gives me a smile then drops to the floor. I extend my neck 3 more times and do the same thing to the enemies.

I was about to move to my next victim when i felt sharp pain in my stomach. I gasp and my eyes widen. As i feel it i notice all my creatures freeze then they all slowly poof away. Everyone finishes off Orochimaru's army before looking around confused. My eyes lock with Sasuke who's eyes widen in horror

I slowly look down and see a sword has gone through m stomach

"With yours and Sasuke's children in the world i no longer need you," i heard my father whsiper in my ear

I forcd myself to smirk as i slowlt look back at him, "Oh you dont know how are," I groan as he twists the sword, "You......cant kids.......they are in......that world No one.......can........bring them out of But dying.......I on......any of them........they are forever trapped there...."

"NO!!!" He shouts and kicks me off his sword and i feel myself rolling on the floor and grunt and coagh up blood

I use my last bit of strngth to look up and watch as Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura all finish off Orochimaru together. He was still pissed off to the point that his dead faced showed anger.

Sasuke quicklt comes to me and puts pressure on my stomach, "Sakura!!"

She runs over and starts trying to heal me, along with Ino but by the look on there faces they werent getting veryfar

"Its too late....." I whisper as i grab Sasuke's hand and smile weakly at him, "Its too late to save me"

"No, come on just call that guy to save you!"

I shake my head slowly, "Im too call any of them.....thats why.....they left.....they know...."

"They know nothing! You cant die!" Sasuke shouts and looks down at me with tears in his eyes but he doesnt let any of them drop, not yet at least, "You cant leave me too......" he now whispers

I weakly lift my hand and put it on his cheek and give him a smile, "I love you Sasuke Uchiha........I have for so long"

His eyes widen as he hears my words. His eyes soften as he puts his hand on top of mine and moves his other hand to my cheek

"I love you too.....thats why you have to make it," he whispers as he comes closer and rests his forhead on mine but never braking eye contact

I knew at this moment he really did care for me since he never shows emotions but at this moment he was showing so much. Then again he was losing someone he loves and he doesnt even know where his kids are

"We cant all sorry......the boys.....there safe......but i cant........."

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