Chapter 24

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Another week goes by and surprisngly the village is pretty much backto normal. Now that there isnt any need for the twins to help withe rebuilding they have been spending even more time at the trainig ground. I have tried more then once to talk to them and bond with them but i get nothing! It looks like they got both Blake and i's stubborness

I look up from the paper as i see the twins come out of there room and sit down at the table to eat breakfast that i made them.

"After the academy why dont we see if Kiba will help us train," Alex looks to Jake excitedly

"Ohh! Maybe we could even talk about getting ninja houds too!" Jake adds excitedly

"We could, do you think they would let us?"

"Dont you need to ask before deciding this?" I look at them from over the paper

They pause and look at each other then at me with bank faces, "We are going to ask, what do you think we were just talking about?" Alex says in the most disrespectful way posible

I narrow my ees and watch as they get up, "Stop right there," they pause and look at me annoyed, "I spoke with Iruka sensei today and you both are missing class. You also will NOT be getting ninja hounds"

"You cant tell us what to do," Alex challenges

"Yes i can. Now look i get it i wasnt there from the begining but i am still your father. I have let you do what you wanted for long enough. I wont be walked all over anymore. Now we will not leave his house until you both realisethis"

Jake sighs and looks at Alex with a sad tired face. They share a strange mental conversation before turning back to me

"Your right, we treated you badly and were sorry," Jake pauses and elbows Alex who glares at Jake then mutters an apologize as he looks away, "Its just we grew up with just mom and i will admit i wanted you to come back so we could be a family but when we came back and saw you were here but mom was........its just hard for us"

I nod and give a small smile as i look them over, "You both are true Uchihas, speakig of i was thinking if things went well this morning that we would spend therest ofthe day training your sharingan ot learning more about Uchiha's history"

Alex eyes widen at the training while Jake's did at the history part. They are so similar but so different too

"Lets train first!"

"Lets learn history first!"

They yell at the same time then look at each other and glare. They then start fighting





"Enough!" They both stop and look at me as i sigh and rub my face then look at them, "We can do bother. Why dont we learn first then train"

"You like Jake more then me dont you!? Thats why you picked him over me!" Alex shouts in anger

"No! I said lets train first because if we train first you will be too tired to listen. If we learn first then once were done youll be even more ready to train. Ok?"

He frowns but nods, "Fine"

"Good, now sit down and we will get started"

They sit down and we spend half the day learning about the history of the clan. I tell them as much as i can and Jake eats it all up while Alex only looks half interested.

"Can we go train now? Im so sore and stiff," Alex groans once i finish another lecture

"Sure, get some tools and lets go," they both get up and race to there room

In seconds there out the door and im having to run to catch up with them. Once i do i smirk playfully at them and i can see them understoon my unspoken challenge. Next thing i know the twins are gone. I run faster but trying not to run too fast. im still going to beat them because im not going to let them win but i do want them to think they have a chance at beating me

Right as i land in the clearing of the trainig ground i feel the twin come flying at me. They land on my back and knock me down then bust out laughing. I join them and look back at them smiling a real big smile

"My my, and here i thought youd kill him. Never did i think youd be laughing after racing your father," we all freeze then look to the sound of the voice and i had to blink a few times to make sure i wasnt seeing anything

"Mom..." Alex whispers in disbelief then Itachi appears standing next to Blake making my eyes widen more

"Uncle Itachi...?"

Finally Sesshomaru appears on the other side of Blake. Its as if seeing him makes this all real. Instantly the boys are up and in Blake's arms. I get up then move over to them. Black looks up at me from over there heads and he smiles at me

"How was it? Being a single parent?"

"They are for sure Uchihas," he laughs at this then looks down at the twins as they pull awat then Alex gets behind me and pushes me forward while Jake does that to Blake. I smile a little as does Blake and i pull him close and hug him tightly and give him a long kiss. Once we pull away from the kiss i hold him close

"How are here?"

"Well after i died Sesshomaru heard Alex and Jake cry out to him. It took him some time to break into this world but when he did he found my body and took me to that area the 4th's wife went to give birth. Once he got me there he went back to get my heart as we remember it left my body......see Zodiac led my heart away once he found out what Sesshomaru did.

Anyway once Sesshomaru brought me back he had to work to bring someone else back then i had a fight with Zodiac who almost didnt let me use my scroll anymore. Once he finally let me use it again i got Itachi out, which it turns out Sesshomaru had found hid body and took it to there world and healed him. So here we are," Blake answers in a long speech

"Well, seems youve had an intersting few weeks"

"Wait, who else did Sesshomaru have to bring back?" Jake asks curiously

Blake smiles and rubs the back of his neck nervously, "Well, your baby brother/sister"

My eyes widen, "Your pregnant??"

He nods and i quickly kiss and hug him again. Then i pause and hold him at arms length and narrow my eyes, "That mutt hasnt been near you has he?"

Blake rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, "I havent been with him in years dont worry this baby is yours"

"Good, now lets go. I was going to wait and show this to the twins but now your here lets go," I grab Blake's hand and pull him along already knowing the rest will follow

We walk for awhile untill we get to what used to be the Uchiha compound next to the lake and heresits my project. The house ive been working on and building with the help of shadow clones. I wanted to build this how myself and so far i have gotten the frame of the house up but thats it. I do need help if i want it done before the baby

"Sasuke this is amazing," Blake smiles and looks to me, "But you know-"

"I need help yes," I finish and sigh but nod

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