Chapter 6

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I had composed myself by the time my team got there

"Well? What are we waiting for?" Naruto almost jumps out till Captain Yamato stops him

"We cant just charge in there, we dont know how many people ard in there or where they are"

"This is just Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sai, and Sasuke," i inform them

"You saw Sasuke?" Both Sakura and Naruto looked at me shocked and also relieved

"Yes i did, but its like i said, he's not the same as before," i didnt want them to get there hopes up about bring Sasuke back, but knowing them its already too late

"Whatever, im still bringing him back!"

"Alright heres what we will do," Caption Yamato speaks up already knowing that if he doesnt get a plan ready soon then Naruto will charge in, "We will go under ground and find Sai, I can track him once inside. When we find him we bring him back out here but we have to be as quiet as possible"

"Right," all 3 of us respon together

"Good, now Blake you stay out here and keep on gaurd. I want you watching as much of the base as you can got it?"

"Got it, ill keeo you informed"

I jump up into a tree and sit on my spider, Papa's back. He will be keeping me safe while i watch whats going on through the baby spider's eyes


I didnt like how big and empty this hide out was. I guess it was smart to do it that way, keep intruders from finding something.

"You did very well Sasuke," i tense up a bit as i look and listen through the spider on my father, "You have improved greatly since your arrival"

The spider crawls up onto my father's shoulder and looks at Sasuke. He had grown so much, and i had to fight to keep from getting a hard on just from looking at his opened shirt and all those muscles that could-

"It seems we have an infestation," i was snapped out of my horny thoughts as Sasuke's eyes lock onto the baby spider, rather the sharingan locks onto the spider

"Hm?" The baby was frozen in its spit unable to move so i could see it till it was too late

My father grabbed the spider and picked it up looking it over, "It seems we do, hmm how do deal with them?"

He smirks at the little baby who is now able to move and is trying to brake free.

"Bye bye," my father's smirk grows till he squishes the baby

My spider hisses and starts to tap one of his legs on the tree branch in anger

"Im sorry Papa," i rub his back gently then go back to looking in the babies eyes


I was pulled out of what i was doing by Papa moving around. Sighing i come bsck to reality and see my team standing with Sai

"Whats going on?" I eye Sai suspiciously

"He wants to help us, we are going to find Sasuke and bring him back!" Naruto shouts determinedly

"Do you know where he is?" Captain Yamato asks

"No, the base is gigantic. I saw him fof a moment before tge spider u sent in was killed. There is no telling well he is now"

"I see, well we will find him, for now be aware Kabuto has been caught and my wooden clone is watching him"

"Ok ill keep an eye out for him"

He nods again and they disappear into the base. Once there gone i jump down from Papa and go over to Kabuto and Captain Yamato's clone

"Blake, i was wondering where you were," he looks me over and smirks at me, "I was surprised when you werent with them. Do they not trust you?"

"I was looking into the base without being in the base. I was keeping them safe"

"I see, well while they are busy," he was sitting cross leged and i noticed he pushed his knees down more, "Why dont we have some fun?"

"As much fun as that sounds ill have to decline," i cross my arms over my chest

"Really? Even with the chance of seeing more then my bare chest?"

I look at his clothed shirf for a minute remembering what his chest used to look like

"Ill habe to decline, as ive said before"

"So then why did you come to see me?" His smirk drops as he watches me

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?" He watches me with a confused look

"Is it true that if i had Sasuke's kids then my father would take the strongest one and take over his body? That after he takes over the childs body he will live forever and kill me and all other children"

Kabuto is quiet for a long while before sighing, "For the most part yes, but Lord Orochimaru promised to leave you alive for me. You would just have to give up your scroll and all creatures you've made"

I didnt know what to say or think, "Wh-"


A big explosion goes off and shakes the ground roughly

"He's always in a foul mood first thing after waking up," Kabuto sighs then smirks

"Papa!" He jumps down next to him, i jump on him, then he runs to the explosion sight

Papa stops right at the edge of the huge crater thats now there. Inside the crater i saw my team all standing and staring up at the other side. I follow there eyes and see Sasuke standing there

He was looking at my team, then his head slowly lifts and his eyes meet mine. His sharingan was activated but i wasnt scared of them

"Blake....." a shiver went through my body hearing him say my name in his new deeper voice

Suddenly everything changes, the back ground disappears and nothing but the sharingan eyes.

The back ground changes to a nice open field with a few small hills, a single house big enough for a big family maybe small clan, and there is a lake next to the house. It was a beautiful sight

"Do you like this?" I stopped myself from shivering feeling Sasuke suddenly appear behind me and speak right in my ear

"Its beautiful," i whisper

"It could be ours," i suddenly feel his hands on my hips, "And there would enough room for many children"

"Many children?" I turn my head quickly to look at like like he is crazy, forgetting what was going on af the moment

He smirks that sexy smirk at me, "Cant revive my clan with one 1 or 2 children now can i?"

I watch him for a moment before i come back to my senses and step away from him then face him

"I know you want to kill your brother and thats your main goal. I also know you wont be coming back to the village any time soon. But you need to leave my father," he frowns and narrows his eyes at me, "My father wants us to have children. If he can have me have an Uchiha child then he can take the child's body and never need to take anyone else's body"

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