Chapter 10

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I watch as both boys jump away from me and each other. I can see them both planning in there minds. Knowing them Alex will attack first and try anything to get the beel. Jack will watch and strick when he thinks im not paying attion, he will be quiet and sneaky. This will be interesting

As i thought Alex attacked first. He came at me running as fast as he could and with a kunai. He was fighting with the intent to kill, im impress and a little hurt. Smiling a little i dodge as he thrust his kunai at my stomach. I side step him and do a little dance around him as he keeps trying to stab me, he goes from my sides, my legs, or my stomach. He then jumps back and growls before doing hand signs then a huge ball of fire is shot at me.

Smirking i put chakra into my feet and legs then jump up in the air going much higher then the fire ball. When i was in the air i sensed a kunai flyinf at me, i pull out my own and block it. It was on track with the string of the bell tied around my pants. Once i land i sense tons of weapons being fired at me. I never turned i just do flips and cartwheels dodging every single weapon that is thown at me. Non hit my bell string either

Once all the weapons are no longer being thrown i land and turn to see both my boys. They were watching me then look to each other and glare at each other. They then throw kunai at each other forcing them both to jump away from each other. I almost steped in but stopped myself when i see them bot turn back to me. Looks like there just like every team Kakashi had, even my own. Myabe i should try a seconded chance like he did

"Now!" Jake yells then Alex throws a kuni but at something to my right, it hits a wire so thin its easy to miss, then a huge metal cage pops up and traps me inside

"Yes!" Jake shouts and runs over to Alex who high fives him then they both run over to me both grinning

"You two worked together..?" I was beyond shock

"Yep, Jake made the plan before you came out," Alex praises his brother whos gives a shy smile and rubs the back of his neck

"I knew Alex was the better fighter so i used my brain ti make up a plan. Get you to let your gaurd down then strike. Just as i know you would suspect thats what we would do"

"I am very proud of you two," I smile proudly at them

"Now if you excuse me," Alex comes over and tries to get the bell but i move it out of his reach

"Now now, i said noon, its almost 1," both boys looked shocked then hang there heads, "But this test was ment more then just getting the bell"

The look at each other confused then at me, "This test was the same one my sensei did to my team. The test wasnt about the bell it was to see if we would work together to get it, you both did, so," i take the scroll and hold it up, "You can study this, but! Only with me around. This is an Uchiha scroll, i dont want it to get lose and fall into the wrong hands ok? Thats why i put a seal on it so you two cant get in, but someone else thats more experiose people can"

"We get to read and study it thats all that matters!" Jake grins then the grin slowly drops, "Hey mom"

"Ya?" Alex helps me out of the cage and i helped hid it again

"You and Gaara, you two are close right?"

"Ya, he is my good friend," Gaara and i spent a lot of time together this last week, mostly me helping him orginizing his office and paper work, the non offical ones that is, "Why do you ask sweetie?"

"Do you love him?"

"Jake! Temari said dont say anything about it," Alex hisses

Sighing i pull them close then get on my knees so im eye level with them, "Look you two, Gaara and i are close friends thats it. He may have more feeling for me then i him i dont know. But my heart only belongs to your father, i could never be with someone else"

"Mom, its ok if you do," Alex is the one to speak up this time, "We like Gaara he is awesome and he can protect us, all of us"

"Besides it would be good for us, a family that is," Jake then says and looks down, "Dad.....i mean Sasuke, is a criminal and is working with the same man who wants to do bad things to us"

I didnt know what to say to i just hugged them and kissed there heads, "Lets not talk about that now ok? Come on, you two have a training session with Kankura right?"

They nod and head inside while i stay where i am and sigh. I was alone till i felt a hand on my shoulder then saw Inuyasha and Sesshomaru standing behind me

"What can i do for you both?" I give them a small smile

"We felt your emotional change," Inuyasha says but you can tell he doesnt know what to do

"Ya...." I sigh and go to lay down but Sesshomaru sits down first and lets me lean on him, "Jake and Alex just asked me if id be dating Gaara and pretty much told me they want me to. I want to move on from....Uchiha but i cant"

"Maybe you should try," Sesshomaru says but hes not looking at me, just looking at the house, "That Uchiha guy is bad knews"

I stare at him for a moment before sighing and staying quiet. Inuyasha sits down behind Sesshomaru looking away but sits were my back is half on Sesshomaru and the other half is on Inuyasha.

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