Chapter 21

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-3 POV-

The leaf village was calm and peacefull like it has been for a little while. Lady Tsunade was in her office doing paper work like normal when the father son team come in

"Anything?" She looks up at them already knowing the answer but hoping she is wrong

"We couldnt find him but we did find something," Shibi answers

"What did you find?" Tsunade looks at them curiously

"Orochimaru is alive. Not sure how but he is and he has joined the Akatsuki and so has Sasuke and they are planning an attack on the leaf"

Tsunade pales then sighs, "Very well. Perpare everyone for war. This one, i have a feeling, will be a bad one"

They nod then quickly head out going to alert everyone. The genin were in charge of making the cave in the mountion is good to use for a safe place for the non ninja people. The then go around warning everyone to be ready in a moments notice.

Whole the genin are doing this everyone else are training and going over battle strategies. Lady Tsunade takes a moment to write to all there allies and warns them of the up coming war.

Just as she gets the scrolls sent out there is an explosion outside. Everyone moves into action, the genin gets eveyone to safty while everyone else moves to see whast going on and works to start fighting.

When the smoke clears down below there is Orochimaru with his evil grin standing with Sasuke and his team along with Tobi and Zetsu. In minutes there surounded by ninja of all ranks. Orochimaru smirks and before anone can do anything Orochimaru does fast hand signs and suddenly tons of graves slowly raise out of the ground. Once there all out of the ground each top drops open revealing whos inside

The 4th Hokage being the first one everyone sees, Naruto being the one to pay close attenchen and causing his eyes to widen.

Then they see the 3rd Hokage, Asuma, Jiraiya, and tons of other fallen leaf ninja. Also there were non leaf ninja like Sasori, Konan, Kakuzu, Zabuzu, and Haku

Naruto's shocked state turns angry when he see Jiraiya. Shikamaru gets angry along with Ino and Choji when they see Asuma standing there. Each and everone all get angry seeing there fallen comrades, family, leaders, or lovers being risin out of the ground and forced to fight aginst the same people they died protecting.

"You monster!" Naruto shouts at Orochimaru then looks to Sasuke, "Your going to stand there on his side while he destroyed the leaf? Your home??? He wants to take your kids from you!! What would Blake say?!" Naruto shouts angerly

Sasuke says nothing as he watches Naruto already knowing what Blake would do and say. He didnt want to anger or hurt Blake but he felt he needed to do this

"Go," Orochimaru says with a smirk and everyone he made raise from the ground all go to attacking

Of course everyone is hesitant or doesnt want to fight those they love or cared for making a good bit die with in seconds.

In seconds Shikamaru and his team are suddenly faced with there sensei Asuma

"Im sorry about this, i have no control of thi. This is your ultument  test, dont hold back, dont let your emotions get in the way. I am proud of all of you"

The team looks at there old sensei and all of them have mix feelings but they all knew what they had to do. Nodding to each other they block out there emotions best as they can then attack


Within 20 minutes the leaf was almost fully destroed. Kakashi, Ino, Anko, Iruka, Hiashi, Shibi, Choji, Choji's dad, and 90% of the ninja have been killed, those still alive were badly injured or low on chakra. Lady Tsunade has almost killed herself from over using her chakra trying to save as many has posible. On top of that 95% of the buldings were destroyed

"I think its safe to say the leaf has fallen," One of Sasuke's team mates, Suigetsu, with a smirk

"So it seems," Sasuke mutters but he doesnt feel all too happy about it, instead he felt worst

Suddenly the sky gets dark and a large strike of lightning hits the battle field forcing both sides to jump back. Once the lightning clears there is Blake sitting on his black lightning drago who roars loudly

Blake jumps down and glances around seeing his home destroied and most of his comrades dead or dying

He then turns and faces his father and his team, "Well ill admit i am surprised your alive. How are you?"

"Kabuto was kind enough to give up his body to bring me back," He smirks widely, "I still need your son though"

"You wont get them, there hidden and safe. You wont get them, not while im alive or dead"

"We will see," he just smirked at Blake planning something for him

Blake turns his attenchion to Sasuke and his eyes harden as he glares at Sasuke. He wants Sasuke to chose him and the leaf but he is also perpared to kill Sasuke if he has to

"Last chance Sasuke, we can get the man behind all this or ou can stay with them"

Sasuke watches him mentally debating if he should or not. He wanted to be with Blake and his kids but he also felt he needed to do this.

As he was debating Sakura and Naruto move to stand next to Blake. Then the rest of the 9 rockies who were still alive all move to stand behid them.

Sasuke watches them. In that moment he stared to remember all the memories he had at the Leaf both good and bad. All the times they tired to include him into different things even though most of the time he refused. All the times when he did go he enjoyed himself but prettended he didnt. All the bad times too

Sighing he jumps and lands infront of Blake who was on gaurd. Sasuke looks to Blake then turn and faces Orochimaru and pulls his sword out. All of the remanding leaf had a smal smile at seeing there missing comrade finally come home

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