Chapter 4

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By the time i met back up with the others they had saved Gaara, Sakura gave me an ear full for leaving them and an even bigger ear ful when i refused to tell them why i did.

Now we're heading back to the leaf with Kakashi on Guy's back and Lee carrying all our bags. It always amazes me how weird and stupid one person can act.


Once back in the village we take Kakashi to the hospital then Sakura leaves with Lady Tsunade to talk in private. Naruto being Naruto went to ease drop on them and i choose to tag along with him.

"Do you think its the real deal?" Naruto whispers to me as i lay on my back staring at the clouds with my hands behind my head while ease dropping

"I think so," i whisper back, "Though i think it might be a trap. Sasori and my father didnt leave on good terms. I couldnt be surprised if my father set this up to try and kill Sasori"

"Even so," his voice was low and held both sadness and determination, "If its a lead to get Sasuke back, im taking it!"

I look at Naruto and give him a sad smile, at least one of us is confident in being that idiot back

"Blake!" I jump a little then roll over and peek my head over the roof to see Sakura gone and Lady Tsunade glaring at me, "Mind telling me where you went to on the mission"

"I guess since your the Hokage i have to," sighing i jump down infront of her, "But not out here"

She nods and leads me back to her office where i tell her what ive been hiding.

"Whu are you just now telling me?!" She yells as she stands up and punches her desk in anger but i dont flinch

"Its my responsibility," i narrow my eyes at her, "And everything has been fine for 3 years. I can take care of it myself"

She sighs and sits back down, "Blake, this village is your home, these people your family. Let us help you, stop being stubborn so that we can"

"Ill think about it," i bow to her then turn and leave the room heading off to meet with Sakura and Naruto

I find them standing infront of some guy and a pale gay looking teen who is wearing a fake smile

"Hey guys, who are these two?"

"Hm? Oh there you are, this is Captain Yamato. He will be our leader while Kakashi is in the hospital," Sakura fills me in

"Cool, so whos the gay looking guy?"

"I am Sai," the gay one answeres, "Though i am not gay like you"

"Really?" I look him over with a raised eyebrow, "Could have fooled me"

"Ok guys head home and pack. We will be leaving as soon as im done talking to Lady Tsunade," Captain Yamato tells us then he walks off to speak with Lady Tsunade


Once were all packed we all met at the gate then started walking off to where we are to meeting spot. I mainly ignored my teammates, that is till Sakura punches Sai then turns to me

"Why arent you reacting to him insulting Sasuke?"

My back was to them so she couldnt see my face, thankfully, "Sakura, the Sasuke we knew and cared for is gone. The Sasuke that is here now is what Sai said," i turn and look at her with a blank face, "I know you and Naruto dont want to accept that yet but you need to. The only way we could bring Sasuke back to the village is by either knocking him out or killing him"

She looked at me in complete and utter shock, i also noticed her eyes watering up a bit. She is so blinding by her 'love' for Sasuke that she isnt thinking like a ninja

"Um, alright, lets keep going," Captain Yamato snaps us back to reality and gets us moving again


Sakura didnt talk to me the rest of the way to the hotel nor did she talk to me at all that night or the next day when we got moving again. Naruto talked to me a little but not a lot. And now we ars at the bridge were supposed to be at to meet this spy of my father's, i still cant figure out who it would be, my father would have found out by now and killed them

"Damn Captain Yamato, your wood style is pretty impressive," i mutter as i look at Captain Yamato who looks like the puppet Sasori likes to stay in

"I have to get going, you guys stay hidden and wait for my signal, understood?"

"Understood," we all say together

He nods then walks off to the road that leads to the bridge once he's gone i turn to ths bridge

"Im going to hide under the bridge," i turn and look at my teammates, "I have a bad feeling about this and if my father comes out i need to protect you guys, he is way beyond any of us even put together"

"Your right, just be careful," Sakura gives me a small nod

Nodding back i silently go to the bridge and summon a giant spider to hold me on the under part of the bridge and i hide my chakra. It was every windy, and the wind is the only thing i could hear. I could even hear Captain Yamato walking nor the spy. I felt there chakras firsf then heard them starg talking

Wait.....Kabuto is the spy...? Since when? What all did he tell Sasori?

"Is that Sasori?" I hear Kabuto in his normal voice

"No it is not," my father answers in amusement, "Hmm i smell 3 little mice, go ahead and call them out"

I look through a crack and see Captain Yamato do a thumbs up then all 3 teammates jump out

"I hate being right....." i mutter so quietly i could barely hear myself

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