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-16 Years Later-

The years have flown by. Alex and Jake are now 20 and both ANBU now. There younger baby sibling, brother, is now 16 years old and is Jounin with a team of his own. After him i had triplets all now 15, all jounin boys. Then there were the twin boys now 14 and chunins there there is there younger brother who is only a few months younger. There there was are first daughter who happen to be the same age as Naruto's son, 13. After that another set of triplet boys are 11, academy level. Then there was the quad boys, 4 freaking babies at once, now 10. And then another son, 8 years old and just tarted at the academy. Then ANOTHER set of twin boys how are 6. Now im pregnant with twins!

If you've lost count thats 20 kids plus 2 on the way. I wanted to stop after my 3rd child but Sasuke has some magical power over me to keep getting me pregnant. Everytime i dins out im pregnant i attempt to kill him then he says how happy he is. He has said he will stop getting me pregnant once i have another girl but you see how well thats working for me. Oh and so far non of my kids can use m scroll!!

Sighing loudly i look up from the table as i rub my belly. I look around then i spot Alex and Jake coming into the room from there room, yes they still live here, all my kids still do

"Hey there my sweet boys," both boys go on gaurd as they watch me, "Want to help your poor mother with something?"

They look at each other then look at me, "With what....?"

"Its nothing bad agaisnt you both. Its for our father," i glare as i say the last part

"Then sure whats the plan?" The both grin


I sigh as i wash the dishes and as i do i feel hands snake around my waist and rub my belly as this person kisses my neck

"You look amazing," Sasuke whispers in my ear

"Im ankles are killing is my back......and im tired...." I mutter grumply

He chuckles and gently pulls me away from the sink and gently sits me down on the couch. He then sits on the coffy table and grabs my left foot and rubs it and my ankle

"Thank you so much for blessing me so this huge family," he smiles at me

"These, are the last ones," i narrow my eues at him

"If at least one is a girl then yes," he now smirks at me

"Oh no, i never agreed to that, besides," i smirk and do a hand sign then my neck extends and i bite his neck injecting a paralyzing in him

In seconds my oldest twins appear and sedate him. They then carry him off to Sakura while i ride on Nimbus to her

"Blake are you sure?" She looks at me dead in the eyes

"Sakura, either you castrate him or i will," i look at her dead serious

She smiles and nods before turning and heads off to over see the surgery.

"So, last baby brothers?" Alex smirks at me

"Thank god," i mutter and sit down with a sigh

They laugh and both give me a side hug, "Were surprised it took ou this long to do it"

"Me too," I smile at them the sit down and wait

After a few hours Sakura comes back to me smiling, "You will be happy to know Sasuke Uchiha can no longer get anyone pregnant anymore"

"Good, when will he be awake?"

"Soon actully. You can wait in his room with you want"

I nod but my boys tell me the gotta go before leaving. I think they just didnt want to deal with there father's rage.

I go into his room and smile as i sit next to him as i wach him sleep. He went though so much. He has gotten up in ranks and is a sannin now. He finished our house, with some help, before i gave birth and we got married. He planned a huge sweet peropsal that got messed up by Alex and Jake and there friends. It was still sweet.

The wedding was small just the 9 rockies, there senseis, my boys, Itachi and his daughter, and Kakashi married us. I was surprised when i found out Kakashi could marry us but i was happy about it too

Itachi had a daughter with Kisame, surprisingly Kisame is the sub. After giving birth Kisame took some time and travled for a few years. Sometimes after giving birthyou want nothing to do with the child, get depressed, and sometimes you over love the child.

He came back about 5 year ago and is now a happy family with Itachi and there daughter. They only had one child together.

Kakashi had one more son before stopping. Naruto and Hinata had there son and had another child, there daughter. Sakura married Lee and she just got pregant for the first time. Choji got married and had a daughter. Shikamaru got married to, guess who, and had there son. Kankoro and Kiba are dating. Shino has a mystery person he is dating, he wont tell us who it is and not there is a bet going around

"Ugh, Blake?" I snap out of thought as i see Sasuke starting to wake up

"Hey," i gently rub his cheek, "How do you feel?"

"My balls hurt," he groans and reaches down to rub them but i slap his hand away

"Dont tough, they need to heal"

"Heal?" He is instntly awake as he looks at me then lifts the blanket and his hospital gown to look thne looks at me horrified, "What did ou do??"


I scream loudly as i squeeze Sasuke's hand most likely braking it but at the moment i didnt care. My set of twins weresneaky and hid another set of twins behimd them so i was really pregnant with 4 kids again.

"There is baby #4 also a girl," the nurse says happily

4 for 4 on the girls. Panting slightly i look with Sasuke with a tired smile

"Enough girls for you now?"

He grumles a little as he pulls his hand away and rubs it, "Even if i wasnt not like i could do anything bout it"

I laugh slightly. I get cleaned up while my babies are gettingg cleaned up too. Once all clean the nurses come back with the girls and slowly are friends come in. While eveyone is cooing over my girls, who all look like me! So far every kid has looked like Sasuke

"Sorry im late," every turns to the door and sees Shino then a figure comes out from behind him

"Hidan!" My eyes widen as i see him step in rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact, "HA! I told you bitches! Pay up!"

I shout loudly making eveyone holding my babies, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Ino, tense up waiting for the crys that never come

"Oh relax, there my kids they are already used to yelling. Now pay up!"

"Wait you knew??" Hidan looks at me like im crazy

"You have been spending more time at the leaf, you have been killing musch less, and i have caught Shino cussing a good bit. It was easy to figure out"

"I told you he would find out," Shino steps forward and fixes his sun glasses, "So, when did you all make a bet about my love life?"

Everyone but me looked worried and paniced. I just shrug and pull my babies to me, one laying on my shins, one my thighs, and one in each arm

I loved my life, sure there were some bad parts in it but i wouldnt change a thing about it. I love my very large family, from my kids and husmand to my friends and loved ones. This is the life i always dreamed of

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