8. Feelings

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Beth's POV

The next day Em and i decided to go on a shopping trip. A catch up was well over due because there is only so much you can do when you are on different sides of the world. I was happy to just have some alone time with Em. Don't get me wrong i love the Boys; especially Ash, but ever since Em arrived i havent had a single moment alone with her. Since everyone is so excited in this area they only want to talk about how England is. I may sound jealous, but i'm not. In one way i'm happy i dont have to answer those questions like i had to when i first arrived.

We were in Ashton's car on our way to the mall. Honestly i am surprised he let me borrow it. It's his "baby". Well i wasnt the one driving Em was since she is nearly a whole year older than i am.

"So are you excited for shopping" Em asked after nearly 5 minutes sat in silence.

"Meh" i replied. I'm not a big lover of shopping. Unless it's for things i like.

"Well i for one am soooo excited! i need new clothes, shoes, purses, oh and maybe a beach towel. This is so cool"

"Cool." i said quite blankly. All i had on my mind was whether her and Luke would get together. I ship them so bad.

"We can go to Starbucks after if you want, i know you need your coffee." Em chuckled.

"Yayyyy!" i scremed. Okay not literally screamed but it was close.


After what seemed like a life time aimlessly walking around the shops trying on this and that we finally sat down in Starbucks. You know that feeling you have when you have something to ask someone but you cant remember what it was? i have that right now.

"Ermm Beth are you okay you look a bit.. distracted" Em said

"Yeah i was meaning to ask you something but i cant rememb- oh wait i remember now," I said gleaming "How are you and Luke?"

"Luke, he is really sweet, and hot. I feel a connection you know but i'm not sure i only met him like yesterday but it feels way longer, which is a bit weird. Plus he probably doesn't like me"

"I feel you. I was like that with Ashton. It took a while to realize i was in love with the big idiot but i did, and now look where we are."

"Do you think he likes me? Or that he will ask me to be his girlfriend? Not that i'm bothered you know i dont care but." Em looked at me with a serious face.

"Erm well if he is half as smart as i think he is, then he will" i said laughing.

Luke's POV

Sometimes i dont even know why we bother having a band practise. A quarter of the time we are actually banding but then the rest we are just laying on the sofas talking. Not that i dont mind.

"Hey so you know that girl, Emma right? She is so cool and funny and smart and friendly and interresting" Michael said.

"Michael you havent even known her that long. How do you know that she is all of those things?" I said trying to hide that i thought that too.

"Dude come on i can sense it. Like the first time i met you i could sense that i wanted to kill you." he replied.

"But you didnt did you" i said sarcastically.

"No i didnt but dont think i wont hesistate to now" he replied laughing after he saw my reaction, "Anyways you havent known her that long either"

"No but i do know that she is cool, funny, smart, friendly and very interesting" i said. Regretting the words as soon i said them.

"How?" Calum spoke up. Always the curious one.

"well, erm you know we have chatted you know totally normal" i said trying to play cool but failing.

"How did you chat? We were almost all together at the same time there would be no time for you two to be alon- wait you got her number didnt you?"Ashton said

"What if i did" i asked

Without hesitation Ashton leaped at me tackling me to the ground. Before i knew it he was standing up with my phone in his hand.

"Password?" he asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you know am i"

"Oh really. Hey Michael i think i have a chance with getting you with Em-" Luckily Michael was too distracted with the pile of food on his plate to even flinch.

"EMMA! MY PASSWORD IS EMMA" i screamed cutting him off.

"oh dude you're whipped" Calum laughed

"i am not!" i exclaimed

"Oh really, Ashton whats your password? Bethany?" he asked

"It actually is" Ashton whispered

"Where am i? In some kind of romantic love story?" he said

"Youre beautiful? Luke you told her she is beautiful?" Ashton said reading my messages. I got up and seized my phone and ran upstairs. I made sure to change my password.

Em's POV

That was a fun trip. I havent brought this many clothes in ages. The heat was already getting to me so i suggested going back to Beth's to change. As we pulled up the driveway we were both singing at the top of our lungs one of our favourite songs; Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne. Damn we are weird. As we walked up the driveway Ashton came running out of his house ran across the front yards and picked Beth up by her waist. They are too cute. The rest of the boys came walking out over to us.

"Hey Em, how was your trip?" Luke asked me sheepishly

"Great thanks. It's really hot so i'm going to go and change" i replied

"After you have changed do you wanna come over and like hang out at Ashtons?" he said

"Ermm sure okay give me ten minutes" i said cooly

"See ya there" He said to me. I swear once he finished he gave me a little wink. I started blushing so walked away hoping he didnt realize but when i turned around he was smiling to himself. 


Hi or Hey?! Originally this chapter was written while I was on holiday, but I've changed what was needed to be.


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