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*Hello everyone, thank you for choosing my story to read! I want to say that this story is rated mature for language, sexual scenes, and violence so read at your own risk. Hope you all enjoy and thanks  again!*

              My eyes shot open as soon as I regained consciousness. Tears poured from eyes when I realized that I was still in my own personal nightmare. This sudden disappointment occurred every time I woke up. I'd do anything not to be in this hellhole anymore. Darkness consumed me, swallowing me whole. The concrete floor sent shivers up my spine. I wasn't sure where I was besides a darkened room with no windows, only one metal door. No freedom in sight.

          Metal chains clanked against the floor as I moved. I tried my best not to move, not wanting the constant reminder that I'm trapped. My hands and feet were chained together, preventing me from escaping my torture. I wasn't sure how long I'd been locked up but if I had to guess I'd say around three months but for all I knew, it could be three years. The concept of time is an illusion, something that I could try to figure out but fail. At first I tried to count the days but soon all the numbers scrambled inside my head. Cries echoed through the air, ruining the sweet silence. That's when I realized that it was me crying. That fact made me cry even harder because I was truly alone. At least if it was someone else crying, I'd have a companion. Months of captivity could drive anyone insane.

          The man that took me comes and goes when he likes. Over the past months, I've experienced almost everything possible. I've been beaten, burned, cut. So much torture in just a few months. I had no idea why he kidnapped me or why I was here. I've begged him to tell me on several occasions but he either ignores me or simply says that I don't need to know. The man told me his name was Jax Winters, which surprised me. I never expected him to tell me his name, let alone his full name. It scared me because he must not be worried that I'll  escape and tell the police his name. He is a monster. He has so much faith that I won't escape which terrifies me and makes my mind go deeper in despair.

          My thoughts were cut off when the metal door unlocked and was pushed open. I shrank back into the corner of the room, trying to get as far away from him as possible. My body screamed out as the chains resisted me from moving any farther. Food was an infrequent blessing that left me weaker than normal. Jax walked into the room, his black silhouette was the only thing visible. The light from the hallway blinded my eyes, causing me to look away from him.

          Icy fingers gripped my arm, yanking me to my feet. My body stiffened as he started to take off the chains. He only did that when he took me away to torture me. Tears filled my eyes, knowing my fate would be far from pleasant. Jax still hadn't said a word to me but instead started to drag me from my cell.

          "No, no, no. Please don't hurt me again." I pleaded, clawing at his hand that was latched onto my wrist.

          He simply ignored me, he usually did. My eyes finally adjusted to the light from the hallway but from many other experiences, I knew where I was going. The walls around me were completely white, not even a speck of dirt on them. We stopped in front of a familiar black door where my life was ruined over and over again. I'd never forget that door. This was his torture room. I tried my best to break free from his grasp but failed.

          "I didn't do anything wrong. Please don't." I cried as he unlocked the door.

          Again he ignored me. I knew he didn't need a reason to hurt me, it gave him pleasure but I'd rather be punished for doing something rather than for no reason. My last time in the torture room wasn't pleasant. I became his punching bag as if he was training for a boxing match. My stomach had turned black and blue from the beating almost instantly after he finished with me. My jaw was so sore from his punches to my face that I was unable to eat the little food he had given me. I tried fighting back but he made sure I was too weak to fight. Jax was smart, he knew how to destroy a person, make them weak enough not to fight back but strong enough to survive. That time I deserved my punishment because I did punch him in the face but it wasn't my fault that I'm trapped here. He was the one who kidnapped me. Jax is a deranged individual who had something seriously wrong with him.

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