Chapter 20

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               The door creaked open and soft footsteps echoed throughout the room. My heart was beating out of my chest as I prayed it was anyone but Jax. I didn't want to accept the fact that Kennedy could die today. I tugged on the chain around my ankle praying for a miracle that it would come off. Jax walked into the room, clearly pleased how weak and deathly we both looked. In his hand was one bottle of water and I couldn't help but focus on the liquid. If I wasn't so dehydrated, I would be salivating at the thought of drinking the cool water. I wanted to chug the bottle as fast as I could. Jax walked over towards me and knelt down so that he was at eye level with me. A small smirk covered his face, letting me know that he was up to no good.

               "Be a good girl and you can have this." Jax spoke setting the bottle on the ground just out of my reach.

            "What do you want?" I asked, my voice raspy from the dryness of my mouth.

              He didn't answer me but as he got closer and closer and as his hand rested on my thigh, I knew exactly what he wanted. I wasn't planning on giving him what he wanted though. I'd rather die of dehydration than let him violate me again. I pushed his hand off of my thigh and he clearly took that as a challenge. He gripped my leg again, this time with a certain tightened grip that dared me to resist him. I hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out how to beat him. It was hard because I was still chained to the wall, but I couldn't just let him have his way with me. I could let him do anything else to me but not this. I had to fight him. He couldn't win or at least not without me making it slightly harder on him.

             He took my hesitation as a sign of obedience but that was far from the truth. His hands rested on my hips, playing with the elastic band of my pants. As he started to pull them down, I pushed him back causing him to release his grip on me. I didn't care how much I craved water; I wouldn't let him touch me like that. Rage appeared in his eyes, clearly not happy I resisted. He came back stronger his time, forcing me onto my back as he towered over me.

            "Don't move." He demanded as he slowly moved off of me and remained on his knees.

             I was frozen for a moment, panic and delirium fighting to take over my mind and body. My eyes widened as he started to unbutton his jeans. Without even thinking, I kicked him as hard as I could in the face, hoping to knock him out and steal the key to the chain that was binding me to the wall. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. He was clearly shocked by my attack but quickly replaced it with an emotionless stare. Oh shit.

               I couldn't help but cringe back when he leaned closer to me. He stopped when his lips were touching the side of my ear. At this moment, I had stopped breathing, afraid to move the slightest inch. I wanted to push him away again but this time I couldn't move. I screamed in my mind to move but my body wouldn't obey. Then Jax said three words that made my face go pale and a bile rise in my throat.

            "Big fucking mistake." He whispered softly in my ear.

              The calmness in his voice concerned me. Why wasn't he beating me or taking me to the torture room? I'd suffer through any of his punishments rather than being raped. He stood up, wiping the blood from his lip where I had kicked him. He spit a mouthful of blood onto the ground before turning towards Kennedy. My eyes widened. I hadn't even been thinking about Kennedy when I had hit him. He took several large steps over towards her, causing her to shrink back against the wall. The chain prevented her from moving farther from his grasp. He forcefully grabbed onto her ankle and unlocked her from chain. She tried to bolt for the door, but he was quicker than her. A cry escaped her mouth as he grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her against him.

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