Chapter 11

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                A moment of pure terror rushed through me. Part of me wanted to react but I remained frozen in place. I glanced at Ashton who stared emotionless at the door. Dr. Daring stood before us, a death glare on his face. He wasn't supposed to be back yet and why so late? This wasn't supposed to happen. I clenched onto the book, afraid that I might drop it.

            "What the hell are you two doing in here?" He demanded.

             Neither one of us spoke which was surprising because Ashton always had a comeback for Dr. Daring. What exactly were we supposed to say? We were just breaking into your office to find out what you were hiding. I'm sure he knew exactly what we were doing and judging by his staring down at the book I had in my hand, he knew what we had found. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to escape. I was terrified of what Dr. Daring was going to do to us now. Several footsteps came running down the hallway. A guard appeared next to Dr. Daring, looking fearful that we had broken into the office under his watch.

             Dr. Daring remained staring at the two of us, darkness in his eyes. He whispered something to the guard, making sure we couldn't hear. The guard looked hesitant for a split second but then nodded and walked away. What was he going to do to us? There was a lump in the back of my throat that made it harder and harder to breathe. After everything I've been through I'm still terrified of what Dr. Daring was going to do. He was a man that shouldn't be crossed and we had pissed him off majorly.

             We awkwardly waited several minutes in silence as if Dr. Daring was waiting for something. There was no way to leave the office since he was blocking the door. I avoided Dr. Daring stares, knowing the anger in them would only add to my fear. Looking around, I tried to think of potential weapons I could use but nothing stood out. I remembered that even if we managed to get passed Dr. Daring, there was no escaping the facility and we would be in worse trouble for fighting back. I decided now was the time to get my answers. He already knew what I found so there was no point in him denying it any longer.

             "You need to explain yourself. I saw what was in this book. Why have you been lying to me?" I yelled, anger coursing through my body.

             Dr. Daring remained quiet, simply ignoring me which made me even more mad. He glanced down at his watch then started to walk towards me. I wasn't sure what to expect from him. Maybe he was actually going to give me answers. He snatched the book from me and tossed it onto his desk. Without warning, he grabbed a fist full of my hair and started pulling me towards the door. A scream escaped my mouth as a burning pain radiated throughout my head. He paused at the door, my hair still in his hand as he turned to Ashton.

          "Follow me." He said to Ashton.

            I tried to hit Dr. Daring but that just made him grip harder on my hair. He pulled me down a hallway with Ashton following behind us. We passed the isolation rooms and headed to a new area that I had never been to before. Ashton seemed to recognize the place because he stopped dead in his tracks.

           "Keep walking or this will be much worse." Dr. Daring threatened.

             Ashton didn't show fear but he wasn't his normal self either. I wasn't sure what was going to happen but clearly, Ashton knew. I wanted to ask him but I was too busy being dragged around. My hair felt as if it was going to be ripped out of my head. I thought I knew who Dr. Daring was but what if he had a worse side of him that I hadn't seen yet? He was capable of hiding my kidnapping so what else would he do now that I knew the truth.

            "Let me go you psychopath." I yelled, digging my nails into his hands but that didn't seem to faze him.

             It was impossible to believe this was happening. Why was he here? He wasn't supposed to find us. What hurt the most was what I found. Was Dr. Daring in on the plan this whole time? Or was he just a sadistic doctor that wanted someone to manipulate? My scalp was on fire as his fingers dug into my head, making me want to cry. After Dr. Daring scanned his badge, I was pushed into a room, his grasp finally leaving me. I stumbled backwards, nearly falling over. Ashton simply walked into the room, giving Dr. Daring a death glare but remaining silent.

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