Chapter 10

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               I think I slept for maybe two hours last night. Nerves and fear got the best of me which wasn't a new situation for me. I slumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face to wake myself up. I'd need a large cup of coffee to get through the day. All I wanted to do was go back to bed but that wasn't an option. Breakfast was starting soon and I had to go to and pretend like everything was normal. I just hoped Dr. Daring left like he was supposed to and didn't ruin our chances of sneaking into his office. I needed answers and I planned on getting them today. I needed to know the truth about what was going on with me.

              After getting ready for the day, I headed out for breakfast. Ashton was already sitting at his usual table when I arrived. I took the seat next to him, acting like my brain wasn't in a million other places. I gave him a smile but remained silent.

              "You look like shit. Did you not sleep at all last night?" He said, having no filter to what he said.

              "Well, thanks so much. Every girl wants to hear that. And no, I didn't sleep much for obvious reasons." I said rolling my eyes.

             "Sorry just stating the obvious." He shrugged.

               Our food trays were starting to get passed out alone with our medications. I did what I had been doing. Popping the medicine in my mouth and hiding it under my tongue until the nurse turned her back and I could quickly place the pill into my pocket. Later I'd flush it down the toilet. The nasty residue lingered in my mouth so I took a large bite of my waffle. We ate in silence for a long time, listening in on others talk about random things. One of the big topics was the bingo game that happened yesterday and how close of a game it was. There wasn't much for these people to talk about so the highlight was who won at bingo. It was hilarious yet saddening at the same time. These people actually had problems and who knows if Dr. Daring is actually helping them or screwing with them too.

              It had been over a month of being here and today was finally the time I'd get answers. It's sad that it had to come from breaking into Dr. Daring's office to do so. Ashton and I went back to his room after breakfast and started talking about our plan. He told me that Dr. Daring was already gone for the day and he shouldn't get back until tomorrow afternoon. We'd wait until late at night when everyone is sleeping and sneak to Dr. Daring's office. The guards did shift change at 11pm which was the perfect time for us to sneak down the hallway to the office. Ashton told me he knew how to pick a lock and that over the years of being here he had collected some objects that could help us break into the office. Thankfully, there wasn't a code or alarm on his door. He must have assumed with guards and constantly being here that no one could break into his office.

             "You're sure there's no alarms in there?" I asked, slightly paranoid.

              "Yes, I've been in his office hundreds of times. It's just a lock and key." He replied.

              The rest of the day carried on normally. No one had any suspicion of our plans and if they did there was no indication of it. I tried my best to not show my nervousness but it was hard. If we got caught, who knew what would happen to us. It was about ten-thirty at night when my bedroom door opened. Ashton crept inside, carefully closing the door behind him. No one could know we were awake. I had to tell myself that there was nothing left for me to lose at this point. I'd been kidnapped, abused, raped and now forced here to believe I was crazy. I couldn't live this way anymore. I needed answers.

             "You ready?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

             "Of course, are you going to be okay?" He asked, his accusation both was logical but also hurtful. Did he think I couldn't do this? Sure, I wasn't the strongest person in the world but I'd do anything to get out of here. All I wanted to do was cry all day but Ashton brought out the stronger person in me. He made me realize there was no point in crying. I'd be able to cry once I was free.

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