Chapter 8

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               Several days passed and more of my memories started to come back. The horrors would come back at random times making it hard to start out in the common room. I'd never felt so alone and scared. I didn't want to go through this alone but there was no one that believed me except Ashton and he wasn't talking to me. I wanted him back but he wasn't in the right state of mind to talk. Jax continued to haunt my dreams at night, making it hard to sleep. Typically, I got around three hours of sleep per night. Every time I shut my eyes it's as if Jax was right there standing over me with a knife in his hand ready to kill me. My body begins to hurt all over again as I remember the hours and hours of torture I endured. I decided that I didn't care if Ashton wanted to talk to me or not, he was going to see me whether he liked it or not.

              I got up from my bed and walked over to Ashton's room, not even bothering to knock on the door. He was laying on his bed, his hands covering his face. At first he didn't move, didn't even seem phased that someone had entered his room. This was it, maybe being the first one to talk would make him open up and start talking back. I gave him his space but isolating himself wasn't going to help anyone.

             "Listen, we need to talk." I announced which made him finally look at me.

             "What?" He asked, his face completely emotionless.

              I took a deep breath, deciding to open up to him knowing that it would be pointless.

               "I need you. I'm all alone and I'm starting to remember everything. It's killing me inside and there is no one else here that I can talk too. No one here that really believes me but you. Please quit pushing me away." I begged, hoping to get through to him.

               When he remained silent, I continued, "I won't ask about your past unless you want to share it. I just want to go back to being friends. We both need out of this hellhole and with each other's help we could do it. Please, just talk to me again." I pleaded.

              Still nothing from him. I sighed before saying, "You don't have to say anything now, just think about it. I could really use someone on my side, a friend, and I'm sure it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have a friend here as well. Just let me know later."

             I turned around and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I prayed that he would listen to me and decide to come help me. I wouldn't be able to escape this place without his help. It was breakfast time so I decided to go out in the common area to eat. I sat down at a table by myself and waited to be served. To my surprise, Ashton strolled out into the common area for the first time since the fight with Dr. Daring and where he started to isolate himself. He didn't sit with me but sat across the room, his eyes meeting mine for just a moment before he stared down at the table. At least he was out of his room, that could be a good sign.

              I was too busy looking over at Ashton to notice when someone took a seat at my table. I couldn't help but cringe when I realized that it was Dr. Daring sitting next to me. He gave me a calming smile but I knew better than to trust him. He was more absent lately which was fine by me so I found it suspicious that he was here.

             "I see your boyfriend has decided to make an appearance in the common area. Though I'm curious why he isn't sitting with you." Dr. Daring spoke, joy in his tone.

            "First off, he's not my boyfriend and second off, I don't think that's any of your concern." I replied.

             "Everything in his building is my concern. Just because you've behaved yourself for the past few weeks doesn't mean that I'm not watching everything that happens." He said, his hand tightly gripping my thigh.

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