Chapter 6

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           It was almost an hour of sitting in silence. I could tell Ashton was extremely uncomfortable judging by the rigidity of his muscles and the blank expression on his face. He would start to speak a few times but then would close his mouth. I didn't blame him, I wasn't sure what to say either. It didn't help that he didn't feel things like I did. He most likely didn't care about that torture I've experienced. He couldn't relate to my feelings.

           "Okay, I'm sorry. I can't sit here in silence anymore. I suck at this but listen, you're going to remember everything eventually and there is nothing you can do about it. Crying about it won't help anything. We need to get out of here." Ashton said. "Sorry if that was rude." He shrugged, though I could tell that it he wasn't remorseful at what he said.

        "No, it's fine. You're right." I replied, taking a deep breath.

          Despite wanting to curl up in a ball and cry all day, I knew that wasn't the best for me. Once I was out of here, I'd be able to mourn and face my reality. Here was not the place for that. My back started to sting as if I was feeling the pain all over again. Over the intercom, the nurse announced that group therapy would start in five minutes. I was surprised that Dr. Daring wasn't going to push it back seeing that Hannah hasn't even been dead for an hour.

         "I really don't wanna go." I frowned, not wanting to face Dr. Daring.

         "It would be in your best interest to go. This is how you build trust." Ashton suggested.

          Ashton did have a point. As we walked to the common room, I tried thinking about my past life, specifically my family. Sadly, everything was blank. Surely, I wasn't alone in this world before I got kidnapped. Maybe I had amnesia or what if I got that traumatic amnesia from my kidnapping? Then again, it could be all the drugs Dr. Daring is forcing me to take. Who knows what all he gave me when I first got here. Was he the one who found me after I escaped? It had to be Dr. Daring because if it was Jax, he would have taken me back to his place and killed me. I wasn't sure if I should be thankful Dr. Daring found me. I was alive thankfully but I was still being imprisoned.

          We continued walking past the common room into a new room that I had never been before. Therapy was written on door. We walked inside and just like I pictured, there was a circle of chairs and Dr. Daring was sitting in one of the chairs while everyone else joined in. There was maybe eight people present. There were two spots left for Ashton and I but of course, there were right next to Dr. Daring. I instantly regretted coming to this. I shouldn't even be here. Thankfully, Ashton plopped down right next to Dr. Daring, giving him a big smile. Dr. Daring rolled his eyes, clearly unpleased that Ashton was the one sitting next to him. I quietly took the seat next to Ashton, avoiding Dr. Daring's stare.

          "Alright everyone, let's being." He announced as he folded his hands together.

          "Now, I'm sure you've all heard about the tragic death of Hannah. I'd like to start by saying how unfortunate this is. I encourage all of you that if you are feeling like you just can't go on, please talk to me or the nurses or anyone here. I don't want suicide to be the only answer for you guys. Would anyone like to start the group either about feelings involving Hannah or anything else?" He asked, almost having me fooled that he cared what happened to us.

          For the next hour, I was forced to listen to people who didn't even talk to Hanna crying about her death and then others talking about their own person problems. Granted, I didn't know her very well but I was also the one who found her dead. I didn't want to talk to Dr. Daring about Hannah or anything else for that matter. I felt traumatized about see Hannah's dead body but that would just have to stay buried deep in my mind. I couldn't tell Dr. Daring about the other girl who was murdered right before my eyes because he would just tell me it was a delusion. Dr. Daring actually seemed interested in what the others had to say, which surprised me. He definitely didn't give me the caring and compassionate vibe to him. Somehow he became a doctor and started his own practice which still puzzled me on how that was possible.

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