Chapter 25

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           There was no way to describe the feeling of bursting through the glass doors of the police station. Tears poured down my cheeks as I shouted for help, needing to see another human who wasn't going to hurt me. Being gone for nearly seven months, I never expected this day to happen. I really thought I was going to die. Several police officers surrounded me as I collapsed to the ground in exhausted but also a relief. This was freedom.

            The process of explaining everything to the police was draining. Several officers took off to the house I gave directions too. I prayed they would find Jax's dead, lifeless body. I informed them that they would find Ashton's body in the basement. My mind didn't fully process that he was dead yet. Maybe they wouldn't find a body and Ashton would show up. Deep down, I knew that wouldn't happen but until I saw his body again, I wasn't going to accept his death.

             Then there was Dr. Daring. I told the police exactly what he did to me and his involvement in this whole plan. I knew what I said to him before I escaped but he was an idiot to believe me. There was no way in hell that I was going to not mention his name in all of this. He kept me a prisoner for nearly four months, that was something I couldn't just forget. Screw him. I hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life.

             I had only told the police the minimum of what happened to me, not even touching on half of what happened to me and the several girls I watched Jax murder. The police had an ambulance rush me to the closest hospital for medical attention. There was no telling how bad I looked to these people.

                My parents were being called. Jax's body, dead or alive, would be obtained. Dr. Daring was going to be arrest. Everything was falling into place. I arrived at the hospital where I was forced to remove all my clothing and stand through an awful physical exam which included taking pictures of all my injuries and performing a rape kit. After the doctors were through with all my examinations and tests, I found myself standing in the bathroom. This was the first time I had seen myself since Jax had taken me again.

              What first appeared was the purple discoloration to the majority of my skin. A large darker bruise covered my left cheek and gradually drifted upward to my eye. My arms were covered in small scars from cuts Jax inflicted on me. The deeper cuts were around my wrists from being tied up. I tried not to flinch as I touched the raw skin. There were two faint marking on the side of my head from the electrotherapy that Dr. Daring had used on me before Jax had taken me.

             My hair was ripped out in places and would take forever to get the tangles out of it. Looking into my eyes, there was a sliver of happiness that I was free but the damage that occurred to me wouldn't be healed for a long time. There was dullness in my eyes, a scared victim of horrific trauma. I looked away, no longer able to stare into my own eyes.

              The hospital gown I was wearing was more revealing that I wanted. I didn't want anyone seeing my skin. Part of me didn't want anyone to know what all happened. It was too painful for me to remember let alone explain it all to everyone. The police said they would keep me updated on everything and would get a full statement later in the day, saying that I needed see my family and medical treatment. I was thankful for that; I needed the time to fully process everything. Part of me still thought this was all a dream and I'd wake up at any moment in that room, chained to the wall.

               There was a bruise and cut around my ankle where I had been chained up. The blood from stabbing Jax was no longer covering my hands but I could still picture it staining my pale hands. Blood seemed brighter than normal. So much blood everywhere. Ashton bleeding out. Jax bleeding. Too much blood. Too much death.

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