Chapter 3

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              After a few minutes of waiting for Dr. Daring to enter, he finally opened the door. Janet walked inside with him, the guard remaining outside the door. My eyes never left him as he moved silently through the room. He was carrying a small container with him and it was killing me to think of all the things that were in it. His expression was unreadable as he set the container on my bed and opened it up. I tried to look up to see what was inside, but I wasn't able to see anything. My heart started racing even faster thinking of everything he could do to me. This wasn't a normal hospital, so the possibilities were endless.

              "Janet, you can go back to dinner. I don't need any help here." Dr. Daring said and without any hesitation Janet left the room, closing the door tightly behind her.

             "I have my rights; you can't force me to take any medication." I snapped.

              "Actually, in that contract you signed, you gave me the authority to force meds upon you. You told me that you knew you were getting worse and that the medication would help you, even if you didn't believe it." He smiled, knowing he was going to make me take my medication.

             "I told you I never signed that! I know what is real, I was kidnapped. Before I escaped, I was raped by the man who took me. I am starting to remember, and I know you're lying to me." I yelled.

             For a split moment and I mean the tiniest moment, there was a look of fear that he had been caught. He was quickly to regain his emotionless expression after. He didn't expect me to remember so quickly. Then again, maybe I was imagining things. What if the look he gave wasn't what I thought it was? Did he know that I was kidnapped? How would he possibly know that? He was just trying to make me seem crazy. What if someone found me after I escaped and decided to lock me in a mental facility. Then I wondered if I really did escape from Jax then how did I end up here in a mental facility? Maybe I really was crazy. What if this was my brain's sick way of messing with me? I couldn't think that way, I needed to believe myself. I was kidnapped. This wasn't just a figment of my imagination.

               Dr. Daring started to look through the container he brought, not speaking to me. What was he waiting on? He might as well do what he planned on doing to me. There was no way I could stop this. My body stiffened when he pulled out several long needles as well as two pill bottles. He slowly opened both bottles and poured out several pills from each container. I was tempted to jerk really fast and knock them out of his hands, but I figured that would only anger him.

            "I'm going to give you one chance to willingly take your medication. If not, I will force you and trust me, you won't like it." He threatened.

            He held the pills towards my mouth, motioning for me to open my mouth. When I refused, he sighed loudly before grabbing one the large needles. Without warning, he jammed the needle into my arm, causing my body to tense up. My eyes filled with tears as the needle was pulled out from my skin. He wanted to make it hurt. I wasn't sure what he put into my body, but I knew it wasn't good. There was an evil in his eyes as he demanded for me to open my mouth. When I refused once again, he grabbed my nose and held it shut. The only way I'd be able to breathe was to open my mouth. I started struggling against him but being restrained didn't help. I tried to turn my head away, but he pressed down on my head, preventing me from loosening his hand from my nose.

            I tried my hardest not to breathe, but I had to open my mouth for air eventually. As soon as I that little bit of air, the pills were shoved into my mouth. When I started to spit the pills out, he held my mouth shut as well as covering my nose. Panic filled my eyes, knowing I wouldn't be able to breathe. The bitterness of the pills filled my mouth, making me want to gag. The lack of air was already starting to make me feel lightheaded.

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