Chapter 15

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                 Bright lights blinded me as I opened my eyes. This was different. I instantly remembered what happened to me. Jax had come and took me from Dr. Daring. Just thinking about him made me filled with anger. Dr. Daring was a coward who would eventually get what he deserved. My cheek was sore and I slowly touched it and flinched when I came in contact with the skin. That would definitely be bruised. It was interesting that the lights were on. I assumed that this was the same room I had been held in previously expect it wasn't pitch dark. I never got a good look at the room before now. There wasn't anything special about it. There were no windows and a metal door which I already knew about. The walls and floor were made of a thick, cold concrete. There were various chains around the room, some attached to the wall and others attached to the ceiling. This was definitely different than I expected. I wasn't sure if I should be more fearful or curious about the chains.

              I tried to stand but felt a tug on my ankle. Of course, this wouldn't be different. On my ankle was a familiar chain that was attached to the wall. There was no point in standing if I couldn't walk anywhere. If Jax walked in and I was standing, I would get a beating or starved. Trust me, I still remembered that rule. For my own peace of mind, I tugged on the chain, making sure that I couldn't escape from it. I didn't expect to be able to escape but it made me feel better to check. It was uncanny being back here. I wasn't as terrified as the first time but the fear was still there. I had only interacted with Jax for a few minutes before I was taken. How would I react seeing him again in his own territory? Reality of the situation started to hit me. I was back in the place that ruined me. Where everything terrible in my life happened.

            Then my mind starts to wonder about Ashton. The betrayal really hit me hard. I couldn't understand why he'd do this to me. I told him everything about my captivity. It's like he never cared what happened to me. It seemed to slip my mind that he was a psychopath, just like Jax. I knew very little about Ashton and his past besides the few things he told me. For all I knew, he was just as dangerous as Jax and I was friends with him. Not anymore that's for sure. Oh my God, I kissed him. Sure that was before I knew about Jax and I was in a vulnerable state of mind but it still happened and I had liked it. I felt sick to my stomach. If I saw Ashton again, I was going to kill him. Okay, well not really because how would I do that but it sounded good.

              My stomach growled loudly, letting me know that I was hungry. Well, it will most likely be another day or so before I get to eat so that's just wonderful. I laid back on the cold ground, ignoring the goosebumps covering my skin. I was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt that were from the psychiatric facility. The thought of escaping Jax again made me worried. He would be more alert and careful with me. He couldn't let me escape again. This was a game of his and after losing the first time, he was going to come back stronger and more determined to keep me here.

               The door unlocked and my heart started racing as I sat up. As if time is in slow motion, the metal door opens. Anticipation eating away at me as I wait for Jax to make an appearance. He walked into the room, tall and powerful. I swallowed but my throat was dry. There is a smirk on his face as he tilts his head as if sizing up his prey. He knew damn well who was more powerful that this moment. I was chained to a freaking fall for crying out loud. I shrank back, hitting the cement wall behind me. His dark eyes stared into mine, never breaking contact. It took everything in me not to look away and become submissive. I needed to try and show him that I wasn't afraid, even though that was a lie. I was terrified.

              His hair was perfectly placed, not a strain out of place. He was wearing a black t-shirt that was nearly skin-tight along with a pair of jeans. He knelt down so that he was eye to eye with me. His rough hand clamped down on my ankle, dragging me towards him. I tried to kick away but this just made him tighten his grip, making me tense up. My ankle was starting to throb when his grip didn't loosen up.

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