Chapter 12

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The next time I opened my eyes, I was in my bed. Well, not my bed at home in the stupid mental facility. My whole body was aching, mainly my head. I sat up and everything started to spin. I closed my eyes and remained still as the dizziness went away. My head was pounding and it was as if there was still electricity running through my brain. There was positive and negatives to last night. I remembered everything which I was thankful for but also frightened by. I didn't want to remember the electricity flowing through my head, making me feel like I was dying. The loss of control of my body was something I'd never forget. Once I felt confident that I could stand without falling, I made my way to the bathroom.

It was hard to recognize myself in the mirror. My skin was pale, my eyes a faint green color, almost grey. The stupid scar remained under my left eye where Jax had threatened to cut my eyes out. It would always be a constant reminder of what happened to me. Bile rose as I stared at the two large red circles on each of my temples. Another remembrance of the events that happened last night. I ran my fingers through my hair and luckily, if I wore my hair down, I was able to cover up the marks. There were red marks on my wrists and ankles from where my skin rubbed against the restraints during the electroshock. The skin was raw and painful but nearly not as bad as the assault itself. The intercom in the bathroom buzzed before someone spoke.

"Alessa, Dr. Daring would like to speak with you. He said that you should be familiar with where his office is." The nurse said.

Wow, that was harsh. Part of me found the comment hilarious yet the other part of me was scared of what he wanted. Was he still pissed off? Would he use the electroshock again on me? I took one last glance in the mirror before leaving my room. Ashton's door was closed so I assumed that he was still sleeping. Despite, being mad at him for not fighting back with me last night, I wished he would be with me to talk with Dr. Daring. I didn't like being alone with him.

I headed towards his office, walking as slow as possible. I wasn't in a hurry to talk with him. Once at his door, I knocked three times and waited for a response. He told me to come in and hesitantly, I entered. Dr. Daring was sitting at his desk, reading over some papers. There were bags under his eyes, assuming since he was up late last night. No thanks to me, I guess. He wore his white lab coat and a green dress shirt and black slacks. Even his nice clothes couldn't fool me. He was a monster. I stood in the doorway awkwardly waiting for him to acknowledge my presence.

"Come, have a seat." He said, not looking up from his papers.

I sat down in the chair across from him, crossing my legs and folding my hands in my lap. This was extremely uncomfortable and I would do anything to be able to leave. After several minutes of awkward silence, he finally looked up at me and set his papers aside.

"I figured we should talk. A lot has happened in the past 12 hours." He said. I remained silent which encouraged him to start talking again.

"You weren't supposed to find that file. You were never supposed to know the truth. You've ruined everything." He announced, shaking his head in disappointment.

What the hell did he mean that I ruined everything? This was not my fault. How did I have a part in any of this? He was just mad that I found out the truth.

"What do you mean? How is this my fault?" I demanded, suddenly defensive.

"It won't matter telling you the whole truth at this point. The damage is already done. Let me start from the beginning." He paused for a moment and cleared his throat.

"Jax and I have been best friends since we were little kids. I always knew there was something off about him but it wasn't until we got older that I realized his true intentions. It started out with killing small animals. He was so proud of himself that he could capture and kill defenseless animals. Then he admitted to me his first human kill and I knew exactly what he was." He paused for a second before finishing with two words that made my skin crawl. "A psychopath." Dr. Daring frowned.

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