Chapter 17

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              When I woke up, I was welcomed with the same reality that I fell asleep too. Pain paralyzed me with every movement I made. It even hurt to breathe because that involved my chest moving. My back was sore from yet another night of laying on a concrete floor. I would be afraid to look at myself, knowing I looked terrible. It had been almost non-stop crying since I got here. At this point, I wished I could go back to the psychiatric facility. I actually missed Dr. Daring's ugly face. Anything was better than being here with Jax.

            Knowing I'd regret it, I pulled my shirt out and peeked down my shirt. A wave of nausea hit me as I saw the bright red letters on my chest. It looked even worse the second time seeing it. The bright light in the room made my eyes burn. My stomach rumbled, wondering when my next meal would occur. What else could go wrong with me? I was a hot mess.

           Needing to learn to fight through the pain, I pushed myself against the wall and attempted to stand. I failed miserably, falling back onto my butt. After several attempts, I was able to stand, mostly leaning against the cold wall. The shooting pain throughout my body became more and more bearable the longer I forced myself to stand. Sweat clung to my skin despite being cold. I needed to figure out a way to escape but no ideas came to my mind. I'd have to pray that the police would find me. I frowned, knowing that was hopeless. If no one had found me yet, it was unlikely to happen.

              I wondered what my family was doing right now. Had they given up on finding me or were they constantly looking? I would like to believe they wouldn't forget about me, but it almost has been 7 months since I was kidnapped. What was Rachael doing right now? Most likely studying for an upcoming exam. It broke my heart that I wasn't with her in school. She wasn't the best student in the world and relied on my encouragement to study more often. Hopefully, she got her act together and is doing great in the nursing program.

             As soon as I heard the door unlocking, I quickly sat down. I didn't want to face Jax's wrath if I was standing when he entered the room. I couldn't physically or mentally take another beating at the moment. It was a goal of mine not to cry today. I needed to stay strong and constantly crying was depressing for sure. Jax opened the door, walking in. I could feel myself tense up instantly. It was hard not to be fearful seeing him.

            He slowly walked over to me, making sure to tower over me. He knelt down and I cringed back when his hand reached out towards my face. I was afraid he was going to hit me. Instead, he stroked my cheek, stunning me. What was he doing? Just when I was relieved that he wasn't going to hurt me, he started to speak.

         "Let's look at my handy work." He grinned.

            He grabbed the front of my shirt, making sure to press against my wounds. He pulled me forward, nearly making me fall into him. I tried to pull away from him, but his grip was impressive. He looked down my shirt, a huge smile on his face as he admired what he did to me. It took everything in my power not to fight back but that would result in terrible things. Things I didn't want to experience.

             "Come on, I've got some fun events planned for today." Jax announced as he unchained me from the wall and pulled me to my feet.

             Well, that didn't sound good. There was nothing fun about being here and surely, nothing that Jax thought was fun was actually enjoyable. My balance was uneasy as I stumbled behind him as he led the way. I was hungry, exhausted and in pain. Being mentally, physically, and sexually abused really took a toll on a person. Tears ran down my face when he led me towards the torture room. Couldn't be give me a break already? It was one thing after another. I knew better than to try and fight back because there was nowhere to go.

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