Chapter 2

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                 Being kidnapped caused me to be more jumpy than I ever was before. I whirled around to see a boy who couldn't be but in his early twenties, maybe a little older. He was leaning against the doorframe across the hall from mine with a huge smirk on his face. His pearl white teeth stood out against his tanned skin. He was wearing a plain gray t-shirt and some black sweatpants. He had long brown hair that was slicked back with a few stubbles growing on his face. I had to note how attractive he was to look at. I couldn't remember ever meeting someone as attractive as him. There is always a catch though when it comes to the super attractive guys, there is always a problem with them. Then I laughed to myself because he's in a psychiatric ward which meant there had to be something wrong with him.

               "Shit, don't tell me you hear voices in your head." He said., staring at me deeply as if trying to figure me out.

              "I don't. I just thought of something funny." I replied.

               "Care to share? I'd love to hear what's going on inside that pretty little head of yours." He said, giving me a huge smile, making a blush start to arise.     

               "I was thinking that since you're attractive, there must be something wrong with you. Then I remember where we're at." I said, not even realizing that I admitted to his face that he was attractive. Why did I feel so comfortable opening up to him? There was something about him that made me not care.

             "So you think I'm attractive?" He grinned.

              "Anyway, you said before that you believe that I was kidnapped, why's that?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

              The guy caught on to what I was doing but chose to play along. His electrifying green eyes never left mine as he spoke. I was a bit uncomfortable at first but his eyes seemed to hypnotize me into relaxing. He continued to lean against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his muscular chest. Something about him was mysterious yet intriguing.

              "Before I answer that question, how about you go change out of that outfit. As much as I enjoy the view, I'm sure you wouldn't approve of me looking." He said, his eyes taking a quick glance at the short gown I was wearing but then darted his eyes back up to mine.

              Before I entered the room he grinned and said, "Remember your ten minutes time limit."

               I quickly slipped into my room, trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart. The way he stared into my eyes was breathtaking. I shook away the feelings building up inside me as I looked around the darkened room. The bathroom door was cracked open with the light on. There were two twin size beds, one occupied with my roommate who was asleep. I'd have to meet her another time. I grabbed a pile of clothes off my bed and walked into the bathroom.

              The first thing that surprised me was that there was a mirror above the sink. If I wanted to kill myself, all I had to do was break the glass and cut myself. I tapped on the mirror, realizing it wasn't normal glass. It was a lot thicker than normal and most likely impossible to break. Inside the bathroom was a toilet and a shower. There was a sliding glass door made of the same thick material as the mirror. The bathroom door didn't have a lock on it which worried me. Where was the privacy? Then again, this was a mental institute, I doubt they cared about privacy.

               Looking in the mirror, I was surprised at how I looked. I hadn't seen myself since before my kidnapping. There was a scar underneath my left eye that ran the length of my eye. What happened here? I closed my eyes and tried to think about the incident but I couldn't remember what happened. There was faint discoloration on my cheek, leaving me with more questions. How would Dr. Daring explain all of these signs of abuse? My once bright green eyes were now dull in color. This had to be from the drugs that they had pumped into me. I didn't look myself. It was as if I was a totally new person, someone I barely recognized in the mirror.

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