Chapter 22

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Ashton's Point of View

           I was currently sitting in the living room of the house knowing that Alessa was locked away beneath him. It was vital that I was extremely careful around Jax. He was a dangerous man and to cross him was a death sentence. I wasn't necessarily scared of death but if I died then Alessa would never get her freedom. This was a weird feeling that I didn't experience often. It wasn't love because I was never capable of that emotion but more like a fondness or pity for the girl. I don't want her dead which I guess is a good thing for her. Ever since the day I met here there was something about her that I actually respected.

          There weren't many people in the world that made me feel something in a positive manner so Alessa is definitely special. It's hard to say exactly what just that she is different from most people. There is a deep part inside of me that may actually care for her. That thought alone disgusted me. It was a feeling that I wasn't used to, and unfamiliarity was something I didn't handle very well. Even as a little kid, I didn't really have emotions accept the negative ones. Anger was one of the big ones that was hard for me to control. Like the day my parents decided to put me up for adoption.

            It was a few days past my tenth birthday and that was important because that was the first time, I killed a dog. I was curious what the inside of it looked like, so I took a knife out of the kitchen and lured a stray dog in my backyard to kill it. Mom and Dad were super upset with me, but I wasn't sure why it was such a big deal. I was fulfilling my curiosity which by the way was super satisfying. There is a ton of blood in a dog in case anyone was wondering. It was a different type of feeling to experience that day. Excitement. A craving. Thrilling.

             My parents were arguing in the living room about something. I decided to eavesdrop and see what their problem was. I sat on the stairs and listened in on the conversation.

            "He's a psychopath. He's killed rabbits and frogs. We've caught him trying to steal toys from the store. We thought it would be a phase but when I saw that dog in the backyard, I knew we were in over our heads. We can't handle a child like this." My father said in a hushed voice, but I could still hear him talking about me.

           "Richard, we can't just give him away. He's our son." My mother cried.

            "He has no emotions. He doesn't care about us or anyone but himself. It's only going to get worse from here and we don't have the finances to get him the help he truly needs. This is what is best for the boy." My father insisted.

           I waited for my mother to tell my father that he was crazy. They couldn't actually be talking about getting rid of me like a piece of trash. I didn't even do anything wrong. I was just a kid. I waited and waited, listening to my mother's sobs which only made me angry. She wasn't going to stand up for me. Pure rage overtook me and all I could see was red. I wanted to do bad things to them since they clearly didn't care about me. I pushed those thoughts aside but couldn't just sit back and listen to them anymore.

          "You want to get rid of me?" I asked, coming out of hiding to see my parents shocked faces.

             "No, honey. You're just sick and we have to send you somewhere for you to get help." My mother replied gently, though she was lying right to my face. I had heard the whole conversation. I wasn't stupid.

              "You're lying. There is nothing wrong with me." I screamed as long as I could.

              My rage now was uncontrollable to the point where I just started throwing anything and everything I could get my hands on. It wasn't directed at my parents though if it went in the general direction I wasn't upset. I wanted to show them the crazy, bad child they were implying I was.

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