Chapter 1

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              When I woke up everything around me was white. Was I dead? Even if that was the case, I couldn't be any happier to see light rather than darkness. Once my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, a smile filled my face. I was in a hospital which means someone other than Jax had found me. There were bandages on my wrists but I couldn't remember what happened to them. Everything seemed blurry and out of focus. All I remembered was escaping from Jax. I tried to remember what happened with Jax so much but nothing came to mind. What was happening to me? Why couldn't I remember anything but Jax's name and that I had been kidnapped by him. I couldn't remember what he did to me or how I was kidnapped. I remembered the darkness of my room and the lightness that I saw when I escaped. How did I even escape?

            Confusion overwhelmed me. I knew something was wrong but I couldn't figure out what. My head was throbbing and a pounding headache consumed me. Fogginess devoured my brain, making me furious. Why did everything seem a blur? I looked down and saw I was wearing a hospital gown. I was connected to several wires and an IV was placed in my left arm. I watched as a clear liquid was pumped into my body, making me weary of what was happening. Where was the doctor? Where were the police coming to ask me questions about what happened? Besides several machines behind me and the bed I laid on, the room was completely empty. The ugly all white room made me uncomfortable.

             I was about to get up from my bed and find help when the door opened up. A tall man wearing a white lab coat entered the room. He had short black hair that was almost like a buzz cut they have in the military and his dark brown eyes looked directly at me. He gave me a soft smile as he entered the room, shutting the door behind him.

            "Hello Ms. Marshall. How are you feeling?" He asked, standing at the foot of my bed.

             "Where am I? Who are you?" I asked, my mouth feeling dry, making it hard to speak.

             "You're at Daring Psychiatric Center. I'm Dr. Daring." He smiled.

              "What?" I paused, trying to comprehend what he was saying. "Why am I at a psychiatric hospital? I'm not crazy. I was kidnapped and just escaped. I need to talk to the police." I exclaimed, sitting up more in my bed, making me even more lightheaded.

               Why would I not be at a normal hospital? Psychiatric facilities were for crazy people. I stared at him with utter confusion. Why wasn't he helping me? If someone told me that they were kidnapped, I'd immediately call the police. My heart rate started to pick up, realizing I may not be out of danger. Maybe this was a sick prank to make me think I was safe. I needed medical attention. My whole body felt as if I had just been hit by a car. My stomach growled loudly and the desire to drink some water was overwhelming. Everything around me didn't seem real. Maybe this was a nightmare I was having. This wasn't real. It couldn't be.

            "We don't like to use the term crazy around here. You're illness is getting worse it appears. You're delusions are becoming stronger. You admitted yourself here about three months ago. These thoughts about being kidnapped aren't true. I've been trying to treat you but it appears that isn't working as well as I hoped." He replied, sticking his hands in the pockets of his slacks.

            "That's insane. I don't have delusions and I never admitted myself here, I would remember that. I was kidnapped three months ago and was held captive there until I escaped. I know that I was there. I've never seen you before in my life. I would remember admitting myself into a psychiatric facility." I exclaimed, feeling my heart start to beat even faster.

            "Alessa, I know this is hard for you to understand because you can't help but believe your delusions. Please know that I'm here to help you. I acknowledge that you believe your delusions but they are simply incorrect." He said with a calm voice.

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