Chapter 9

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              As I laid in bed, trying to force myself to sleep, inconveniently I started to regain a memory and obviously, it wasn't a pleasant one. This would definitely keep me up all night. I already had trouble sleeping with new memories but also with the plan to break into Dr. Daring's office. There was no chance in hell I'd fall asleep. now The flashback began and it explained how I got the scar under my left eye.

             It had been maybe a week or two of being in captivity. It was hard to tell, I'd lost count of the days being locked up. With no windows, it was hard to be sure when the day was over with. I usually judged it around when Jax would bring me food. I'd only get one meal in the morning and maybe a meal in the evening if I behaved myself. It was when he skipped days to feed me that I lost track of the days. Jax was a cruel man. I was still recovering from yesterday's beating. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't hand this abuse any longer. My body was falling apart. Every part of me was in pain all the time. I was starving due to lack of food and small portions when I got fed. All I wanted was to go home. I missed my family and friends. I even missed my crappy waitressing job. I'd do anything to have that all back right now. I'd never left this cell before. He's come and beat me then leave food for me. He rarely talked to me and refused to answer any of my questions I had.

             The door unlocking snapped me out of my thoughts. Involuntarily, I tensed up, getting as far away from the door as possible. I learned by now not to stand up unless instructed because I'd go days without see Jax or without food. I couldn't risk that again. As badly as I wanted to fight back, I had to be smart if I ever wanted to escape this Hell.

            Jax walked in, the bright light temporarily blinding me as it always did. He didn't say a word which was nothing new. What was new was him gripping onto my ankle and undoing the chain that had never left my ankle since I arrived here. What was going on? I stared at him in confusion but either didn't notice or didn't care to explain what he was doing. I was stunned as the metal chain fell to the ground. I didn't move, afraid I'd be killed if I moved. This had never happened before. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I got light-headed and was forced to take a deep breath.

          "Let's go." He demanded as he yanked me to my feet.

             I stumbled a few steps, barely able to hold my own weight up. I tried standing while I was alone just to keep myself strong but I was still weak from dehydration and lack of food. Jax seemed annoyed and simply dragged me out of the cell. Where was he taking me? What was happening? Was this where he finally killed me? My hands were trembling but I wasn't sure if that was from fear or low blood sugar.

           "Where are we going?" I asked quietly.

             Without any hesitation, Jax whirled around and slapped me across the face, knocking me to the ground. Tears welled up in my eyes. I wanted to prove I was strong and not show weakness in front of him but the stringing in my already injured body proved to overcome me.

            "Shut up." He snarled as he yanked me back to my feet.

              His grasp on my wrist was extremely tight, surely leaving a bruise tomorrow. He dragged me down a hallway that was completely white. There was no trace of other color, even on the concrete floor beneath me. The door I came out of was made of metal. There were no windows present which made me believe we were underground, possibly a basement if I had to guess. We walked farther and that's when I saw an black door. I didn't know what was behind the door and I was terrified on the endless possibilities. I couldn't even imagine what would be behind the door. Jax opened the door and pushed me inside first. Fear struck me when I walked into the room and the lights were turned on. All around me on the walls were different torture devices. Anything you could think of was present in the room. There was a cheap twin size bed on the right side of the room and in the center of the room was a metal pole and a wooden chair with cuffs on the armrests.

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