Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lee Minhyuk:

The woman left with her daughter. I didn't want to look at any of them, so I pretended I couldn't hear her. I was afraid that Han Hyunbin would think they mean something to me.

"What are you doing here showing up uninvited?" I asked coldly.

Han Hyunbin, the man who raised me. My mentor. The most dangerous person I know.

"Is that the way you should greet the man you used to call 'father'?"

"I thought we both agreed that you and your gang stay out of my life now?" I asked, and then raising my voice in anger, I asked again. "What are you doing in my house?"

One of the goons stepped forward menacingly, but then all Han Hyunbin had to do was raise his hand to stop him. "Your house?" He repeated, laughing mockingly. "Do you seriously think that you could turn over a new leaf by buying a house in a quiet and peaceful neighborhoodㅡwith all the money you earned from your dirty work?"

I clenched my jaw. "Please, leave."

Han Hyubin stepped closer and grabbed my shoulder. "We're working on a new heist. Come back to us. If you pull this off, I'll help you find your brother."

"Isn't that what you said back then too, huh? Don't use the same tactic on me over and over. It won't work again."

"Listen closely and carefully, Lee Minhyuk. You belong to my gang. Sooner or later, I know you'd come crawling back. You won't survive in this world by yourself. You can't." He patted my shoulder once but full of force before he turned his back on me.

Mihwan, his current right-hand man, spat on the ground in front of me. It's funny because he used to be so afraid of me. I casted him a glare until they were gone.

I clenched my jaw and dialed Eunkwang's number.

• •

Song Harin:

I've just finished bathing Hwayoung. Right now, we're on the bed and I'm brushing her dark, curly hair (that she got from her dad) softly.

"Hwayoung-ah," I called. "Why do you like the new ahjussi in the neighborhood so much?" I asked her.

She shifted Smiggles (her favorite pink teddy bear just the size of herself) and answered, "Because he plays with me. Like my friend's dad plays with her. He even wears a pink apron!" She giggled.

And my whole world seemed to stop for a minute.

"O-mma, i-is daddy never coming back?"

My eyes warmed up. I forced a smile and turned her towards me. I just didn't know what to say. I wish I could tell her something that would make the two of us feel better.

I caressed the top of her head and kissed it. "Your dad loved you, you know. He wished he could play with you." My voice broke. I cleared my throat before speaking again. "But he's in a better place now. I'm sure because he was a good person, a good father to you."

Hwayoung just looked at me with those confused eyes that broke my heart even more. I wiped my tears away quickly. "Tell you what, why don't you play with o-mma? I was good at playing tea party!" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Hwayoung looked down. "You just always seem so sad... I know you don't want to play."

"Oh, Hwayoung." I brought her into my arms. "Of course, I want to play with you!" I said, but then I wasn't sure if it was the truth. I felt like the worst mom in the world. I let grief and sadness take over me. I bathe her, dress her up, feed her and send her to my mom and sister, and then I go to workㅡbut was I really there when my daughter needs me? "I'm sorry that you think that way. I love you."

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