Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Tea Party

Song Harin:

The party had started and the emcee that Hani hired for the occasion was quite awesome. Both adults and kids seemed to be having fun so far.

I made rounds, looking for Hwayoung. The heels of my shoes dug through the bermuda grass. I tried to walk confidently. I have dressed up for the occasion and it felt so new that I wasn't comfortable with the redness of my lips, or the way my curled hair bounces when I walked, or the way the hem of my dark blue dress dances very often with the wind.

A year had felt like forever. I can't believe I'm finally throwing a celebration.

I found Hwayoung with a few kids by the front lawn. I was about to approach when I heard their conversation.

"You should have a dad. All of us have dads."

"Hey, I heard Hwayoung's dad is in heaven. My dad told me that when people go there, they never come back."

"Poor Hwayoung. Who's going to pick you up from school once you begin studying? My dad always lifts me over his shoulders whenever he picks me up."

"That's right, and he always plays with me after school."

In a very small voice, I heard Hwayoung speak. "I have my mom a-and she loves me!"

My heart clenched, and my fists clenched, and I wanted to show myself up and take my daughter into my arms.

"Having a mom is different."

"I-I have Lee Minhyuk ahjussi!" Hwayoung's voice shook even though she said it so bravely, so proudly.

"Who is that?"

I was about to come out and get her when I heard a familiar voice. "That's right! Hwayoungie has me." I peeked over the wall that's keeping me hidden and found Minhyuk coming to the rescue of my daughter. He took her into his arms and smiled, "Right, Hwayoung?"

"Ahjussi!" Hwayoung threw her small, short arms around him.

"Happy birthday, princess. Sorry, I'm a bit late."

"Are you here for my tea party?"

Minhyuk lifted a huge paperbag that seemed like a gift. "And I brought something to make your tea party awesome."

"Wow! Thank you, ahjussi."

"Where's your mom? Let's play together with your mom."

They began walking away from the kids and as I watched them secretly, a feeling of relief washed over me. A genuine smile curled up my lips, and I couldn't believe I was feeling itㅡbut I was grateful to Lee Minhyuk.

• •

Minhyuk livened up the party even more than the emcee did. He started the real tea party in front of the adults, and as I joined them and sat around the huge round table (meant for the 'tea party') I couldn't help but wonder if I judged him too early.

He wore an afro wig and pink apron with a print-design of a dress. He brew real tea and served them on the round, pink table where a few kids sat, me, Hani, Leemin and Smiggles (the stuffed toys).

"I know what you're thinking." Hani whispered.


"He's not even embarrassed to wear a pink apron in front of the adults. He's doing this for my daughter, blah blah blah."

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