Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Song Harin:

It's Monday and I drove to my mom's house with Hani's car to drop off Hwayoung. I left the car in the garage and took the bus to the company. I was almost three minutes late. I was panting when I got to the office.

"Good morning, everyone. Sorry, I'm late." I said, even though I knew they wouldn't mind because everyone else in the office were younger than me and they also knew I have way more responsibilities than they have.

My officemates would have joked though, but this time, everyone seemed quiet. I looked up and froze. There's Im Hyunsik. But that's not it. Lee Minhyuk was beside him.

Hyunsik clapped his hands. "Good. You're here. I was just introducing our newest graphic designer, Lee Minhyuk, but you two have met before, right?"

It took a while before I could respond. "Oh. Yes, we have, sir."

"Song Harin is our longest employee in this department, so you'll be under her training from now on." Hyunsik continued. My jaw dropped. "Are things clear now?"

"Yes, sir!" Everyone else responded.

"Alright, get back to work." Hyunsik patted Minhyuk's shoulder before going back to his office.

I looked at Minhyuk and he winked at me goofily. I swallowed, brows furrowing in the pace of things that happened. "Minhyuk-ssi, come help me get some files in the inventory."

"Yes, sunbae."

He followed obediently. I faced him once we were in the inventory. "I can't believe you're here."

He chuckled and showed off his ID. "No congratulations-on-your-real-job, Lee Minhyuk?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I already apologized."

Minhyuk smiled. "Just messing with you, but I probably shouldn't. You're my senior."

"How old are you?"


"Same age."


"The files are in green folder. Take them and look into them. They're our old magazines for the past year. Get an idea how it works. Also, please hand me over the files in pink."

Minhyuk carried both piles of files in his arms no matter how much I insisted I carry the other one because they were heavy.

"If you have questions, ask anyone here based on their job. I mean, if you have questions about the writing, you can ask Sohyun and Yura. While with photography, you can go to Sungjae and Changgu. I do the graphic design."

Minhyuk's desk was right across from me. He set the green pile on his desk, and the pink one on mine.

"Copy." He said.

"And Minhyuk?"


"Welcome to Starsign."

We smiled at each other, and then Sungjae cleared his throat and asked me something, so we had to break free from whatever strangeness that was.

My heart was beating so loud and I could hardly comprehend what Sungjae was asking about. God save me.

• •


"Welcome to Starsign, where everyone is obsessed with destiny." Sungjae said with a hint of distaste as we walked to the cafeteria along with Sohyun.

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