Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I woke up hangover in an unfamiliar room with Eunkwang hugging my leg and Peniel snoring beside me. My head was throbbing and throbbed even more as I struggled to kick Eunkwang away from my leg.

I jumped in surprise and I almost had a heart attack when Hyunsik suddenly appeared from the door while yelling, "GET UP, PEASANTS! GET UP! GET UP!"

Peniel mumbled something, scratched his tummy before wrapping his arm around my neck and continued sleeping. "Hey, American Boy, wake up! You, Seo Eunkwang hyung, wake up!" Hyunsik turned to me and narrowed his eyes. "AND YOU!"

"What the heck, Hyunsik."

"You who vomited inside my precious car, wake up and face your punishment."

"I did what?"


The three of us sprung off the bed, following Hyunsik to the kitchen. No, he didn't yell those three words but he said them in a very, very low voice that might have come from hell.

"Wow, we're so high." Eunkwang said, looking at the huge transparent window that let us know we're on the high floors of the building, to which Peniel laughed about like a retarded seal.

Hyunsik made breakfast for all of us. "Aish, seriously. Sober up. Don't you people have work today? And you, Lee Minhyuk-ssi, don't assume it's fine to be late just because you're my friendㅡ"

"Actually, can I not go to work today? I really feel like hell. My head aches, and my whole body feels like I've been punched a hundred times on every single bone, and my chest feels tight all the time, and I just don't have the desire to deal with people today."

Hyunsik looked at me and blinked before clearing his throat. "I'm pretty sure that's not hangover. That's heartbreak."

"So, can he take a break?" Eunkwang asked, between sips of hangover soup.

Hyunsik groaned. "Fine, but you have to bring my car to get cleaned and washed. It smells like your vomit." He said to me.

"One more thing."

"What now?"

"Can I stay here? I don't wanna go home yet."

"You are fired."

"I'm asking as a friend."

"You are firedㅡas a friend."

Peniel and Eunkwang laughed, and soon Hyunsik was laughing with them too. I shook my head and smiled just a little.

After I got Hyunsik's car in a car wash and it smelled like melon again, I drove back to his flat and had my own car towed from our location last night.

When it arrived, I grabbed my bag and settled in Hyunsik's comfortable couch, overlooking the skyscrapers of Seoul.

When I moved into the house in front of Harin's, I set hidden cameras around it at night (with the help of Peniel and Eunkwang) for surveillance. I was being wary of Han Hyunbin returning or spying on me.

I've forgotten about that for the past several days, but there's the folder on my desktop screen. I opened it and checked the videos, pausing from time to time whenever Harin or Hwayoung appeared, and I was about to relax because everything seemed clear, nothing suspiciousㅡwhen I spotted a suspicious guy whose face I couldn't see.

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