Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Like The Old Times

Song Harin:

I'm so good at screwing things up. As I baked the fourth batch of cupcakes with Hani for Hwayoung's fourth birthday, I worried a lot if I screwed up my daughter's chances of playing with Lee Minhyuk by being careless about the things that I said.

I just couldn't help it. Ever since I saw those men in suits, I couldn't erase the feeling that something was off about them. And that makes it hard for me to trust Lee Minhyukㅡespecially with my daughter.

I got off work early today, telling Im Hyunsik that it's my daughter's birthday tomorrow. I invited him out of politeness, but he seemed thrilled to be invited this timeㅡeven though I've been doing that for years and he always just thanked me with a straight face.

"Hey, I invited all our cousins' kids. Do you think that's okay?" I asked Hani as I put frosting on the cupcakes.

"Well, it's a kid's party, so that's probably okay butㅡnone of them have seen Hwayoung for years."

"I know, and maybe it's my fault and the reason she's such a shy kid. I just want her to have playmates. And want playmates her age."

"Are we talking about your hottie neighbor?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, stop calling him hottie. What if someone hears you?"

Hani chuckled. "So what? It's the truth. Don't tell me he's not."

I ignored it and went on with my concern. "I just want to be a better mom for Hwayoung. I want to make her happy."

• •

Lee Minhyuk:

I finished sketching the latest chapter of Super Mom. I straightened my hand and stretched it as possibly as I could. I tilted my neck left and right. I got so into drawing this chapter that I didn't realize I've been in the same position for hours.

I laid on bed and stared at the ceiling. Song Harin's words echoed in my head: "Maybe you should look for a real job."

I grabbed my phone and dialed an old friend. "Im Hyun-"

But instead of a man's voice, I was answered by a woman's voice, that was said to be his secretary. Whoa. He's really big time now, huh.

"May I ask who's calling, sir?"

"Lee Minhyuk, just his college best friend. Please tell him that."

"Please wait a moment, sir."

After a moment, I was directed to another line. "Hyung!" The familiar voice said.

"Whoa, you're unbelievable, Im Hyunsik."

He laughed. "Hyung, you're more unbelievable. How could you contact me just now? Where have you been?"

"You know how my life had been. I had to be careful not to bring you into that, too."

"So, what made you reach out now?"

"Can we meet in person?"

"When? Now?"

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