Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 // That Love, This Love
*Mature content*

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Minhyuk kissed me like he's really in love with me, and I hope he really is. When he carried me towards the bed as he kissed me, I knew I would be willingly giving myself to him because I realized that I, too, was falling in love with him.

He pulled down the zipper of my sundress behind my back and kissed every inch of skin he could put his lips on, waking every nerve in my whole system.

Unlike our first kiss, Minhyuk was suddenly gentle, touching me like I was a fragile glass. And he was beautiful. I wish I was half beautiful as he was.

I smiled as he kissed my lips again. "You look unreal."

"Is that a compliment?" He whispered.


"Well, you look beautiful. And this whole thing feels so unreal."

"It is."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Are you?"

He laughed. "Yes."

"Then, yes."

Body and soul exposed to him, he kissed me, touched me, and held me like I had no flaws. I wasn't sure I deserved it. We made love through the night and everything else melted away. And I couldn't believe that Iㅡa woman who was considered damaged and broken to others, irrepairable evenㅡhave this beautiful man who loves me, and looks at me as if I was more beautiful than any constellations ever drawn.

Late night we laid in bed, I traced the tattoo I found on his back with my fingers. It was like a logo. An image of a wolf howling to the full moon.

"Is there a meaning behind it?" I asked him.

He turned to me and wrapped me in his arms. "Not really, but we can give it one."

I chuckled. "Like what? Teen wolf?"

"Awooo!" He howled playfully, grinning. "But I read something on the internet."

"The internet, always bringing in new stories."

"It says, maybe the wolf was in love with the moon. And each month, it cries for a love it would never touch."

I hit his chest lightly when the story sank in my head. "Too sad. That is too sad."

"Yeah, but beautiful, right?" He asked as he stroked my hair softly.

"Maybe we should put it on a Starsign issue."

"Ugh. Do you always think about work?"

"What! I just wanna share it more to the world."

"Okay, but you can't draw my tattoo."

I laughed. "How did you know I was thinking that?"

He smiled but it was quick. "I'm serious. You can't draw my tattoo on the magazine. It would be uncool."

"Aish. Fine."

"That's my girl."

• •

I woke up and found Minhyuk sitting on the side of the bed facing the window. I smiled and moved over, hugging him from the back. "Ohmygod. What did I get myself into?'  Is that what you're thinking right now?" I asked.

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