Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
In Case of Emergency

Song Harin:

I fell asleep in my room with my cheek resting on the keyboard of my laptop. I was working on some page designs and now, I woke up in the middle of the night and it was raining really hard, so I went around the house to check the windows. Once I made sure everything was close, I made my way to Hwayoung's room just to check on her.

She's still tucked inside the blanket but my eyes narrowed to see her in such fetal position. I quickly crossed the room and sat beside her, holding her forehead to check on her body temperature, and then I let out a gasp to find her so hot. "Hwayoung!" I took her into my arms and realized she'd been sweating cold.

"Ohmygod. Hwayoung, baby, please be okay." I shook her in my arms but she barely made any sound. Her breathing was heavy. I stroked her curly hair as I made a phone call to Hani and mom, but they weren't responding.

I didn't realize it then, but my heart was pounding so hard against my chest and I was sweating even though it wasn't hot.

I took several deep breaths to calm myself down. "Car. No, my car is broken. Taxi. I'm gonna call a taxiㅡ" I grabbed an umbrella, taking Hwayoung with me outside the pouring rain after covering her with a rain coat. Just then, headlights almost blinded my eyes across the lawn.

I rushed towards it as they turned off Lee Minhyuk walked out of it. "Harin? What's going on? Why are you out-"

"Hwayoung is sick! Please, can you drive us to the hospital?" I asked, and he didn't hesitate a single second as he replied, "Of course, get in." He quickly opened the backseat's door for us and I sat there holding Hwayoung in my arms as he sped up to the nearest hospital without a single word uttered between us.

And because I couldn't speak or think straight, and I felt like I was being squeezed between the world's invisible walls, and that I might black out soon, it was Minhyuk who did the speaking. I watched as he rushed to the nurses and explained Hwayoung's situation. He was the one who seemed to be yelling at the staff to pay immediate attention to my daughter when they didn't seem to care enough. Everything was happening too fast and I was so scared as memories of my husband flooded into my brain.

I knew it wasn't the time to think about the day he died, but I couldn't push the thoughts away.

Finally, Hwayoung was taken away by the nurses and a doctor, and Minhyuk and I were sitting in the waiting room.

I felt a gentle squeeze on my shoulder. "She'll be alright, Harin."

Tears swelled in my eyes and before I could even think the words, I was already speaking them. "I couldn't do anything. When my husband was taken away, I couldn't do anything."

"It's not something you could have controlled, Harin." Minhyuk said, and I don't think I've ever heard him talk so softly.

"I wish I could do something. I'm afraid. I don't know what happened. I justㅡI just walked into her room and her fever is so high, and when we got here, I just panicked so much. I hate it." I looked around the hospital surroundings warily, and then I felt a warm hand by my shoulder again.

"Hey," Minhyuk called gently, like he was afraid I would go manic if he talked normally. "Don't worry, I'll be here until Hwayoung's alright again. I won't leave you, okay?"

Upon hearing those words, I couldn't help but look at him and he gave me a tight, reassuring smile before he wiped the tears off my cheeks with the back of his hand. "Thank you." I muttered. Two words, but I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

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