Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
I Like You Like That

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After Minhyuk left, Haneul's mom began asking questions about him; how we met, how long we've known each other, and other things I answered with the right amount of details. Something about the way she asked made me feel uncomfortableㅡlike I was doing something wrong.

Jinho walked me to the foyer after the dinner and after I've said good night to his mother. "Noona, I apologize for mom's behavior."


"I know you felt something off too. I'll talk to her. And... I'll try my best to help your friend."

"Thank you, Jinho."

"No problem, noona. Haneul hyung would be happy, if I'm helping out a friend of yours. Anyway, I hope to visit Hwayoung soon. You take care, noona."

"You, too."

I went to the car, but Minhyuk wasn't there. I grabbed my phone to call him only to realize I didn't have his number.

I let out a sigh and walked towards the beach where he might be.

With the help of the moonlight and a few street lights, I found him sitting by the shore, hair wildly blowing with the wind. I quietly approached and sat beside him.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I just tend to... get carried away when it comes to that case." Minhyuk said without looking at me.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything that's happened today. What you said was right. It's just not fair." I said softly, not taking my eyes off him. I've never seen him so down. When he looked at me, his eyes seemed to be filled with sorrow and anger, but he still looked at me softly.

"Thanks for understanding, for doing this. Hell. Thanks for coming into my life, Song Harin."

I smiled and looked away, trying not to notice the way my insides felt giddy. "You will find him. We will find him."


"Yup. I'm going to help you, and we're not gonna stop until we find him."

He finally smiled. "That's the spirit."

I pulled myself up to stand and offered my hand to him to help him up. "Come on, let's take a walk and tell me all about him."

Minhyuk gave me that kind of smile as if he couldn't help it before reaching for my hand. His warm and quite rough hand pressed against my soft one, and the giddy feeling in my stomach came back. Even as he was already on his feet, Minhyuk still held my hand a moment longer before letting go.

"Changsub was the better son between us two. He especially loves mom so much. He's bad at school, his grades were holding on the edge of the cliff when we were in high school even though he always went to class. But he's the musical genius. We both loved music, but Changsub probably had it tattooed on his chest."

I just listened quietly, smiling occasionally. I realized that as he spoke about his missing brother, his voice grew brighter and brighter. His story-telling was so animated that I somehow felt like I was in it.

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