Chapter 9: Beautiful Melody

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The day had finally arrived Frida and Benny were going to go to the first appointment with the doctor.

"Come on Benny, it's getting late" Frida yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming Frida!! Can't find the keys" Benny answered.

"I have them here, come on!!" Frida answered back.

The couple got in their car and drove to the hospital, when they arrived Benny helped Frida to get out of the car she was now four months pregnant, they entered into the hospital and went with the receptionist.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Good morning, I have an appointment with the doctor for an ultrasound" Frida said.

"Right, let me tell the doctor" The receptionist said as she got up from her desk.

After a couple of minutes, the receptionist came back along with a nurse.

"Please come with me, the doctor will see you now" the nurse said.

Benny took Frida's hand and walk behind the nurse, they entered into the exam room where the doctor was waiting for them.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Andersson" the doctor extended his hand towards them.

Benny and Frida smiled at him and shacked the doctor's hand.

"Please lay down here" The doctor asked nicely to Frida.

The doctor gave them some privacy for Frida to get settled, Benny helped Frida to lay down in the little bed and after stood by her side taking her hand after a few moments the doctor came back and started to get his new equipment ready.

"Okay Mrs. Andersson" The doctor began to say when Frida interrupted him

"Please, call me Frida" She said with a smile

"Okay, Frida... The next thing I'm going to do is apply this gel in your lower stomach and with this little kind of camera were going to see the baby", The doctor explained to the couple, he applied the gel and started to move around the little, "Okay, we should see the baby at any mome... There it is!" The doctor said with a very happy tone.

Frida and Benny were looking at the screen that showed the silhouette of their baby, Benny squeezed Frida's hand, and she turned around to give his fiancé a happy and teary smile, Benny gave Frida a kiss on the forehead, the doctor turned on the sound and they heard the heartbeat of their child, it was the most beautiful melody they have heard in their lives, tears of happiness started to came down Frida's cheek and Benny had tears in his eyes. The doctor made comments here and there about the baby, it was healthy and that was all that mattered to Frida and Benny. "Do you want to know the sex?" The doctor asked to both of them. Benny and Frida shared a look then Frida said, "We want to wait until our next appointment, please""Very good, so I'll see you in two weeks okay? The doctor said."Perfect, and thank you so much" Frida said as she and Benny shook the doctor's hand and walked out of the room.As they walked down the hallway Benny stopped Frida in her track and gave her a big hug and swinged her in the air and gave Frida a big kiss and touched her now a little bit bigger baby bump, "Do you have any idea of how much I love both of you? Benny asked looking Frida directly in the eye."We love you so much too daddy" Frida said she put her hand over Benny's and gave him a long kiss.AT THE STUDIOAgnetha was at the recording room along with Björn and Stig waiting for Frida and Benny to arrive, Agnetha was warming up her voice while the boys were checking all the controls, Frida and Benny entered onto the room and said hello to the guys, Frida went directly with Agnetha who received her with a big hug."Hey Frida, how are you? How was the appointment?" Agnetha asked very happy, she wanted to know everything about her baby niece or nephew."The doctor said the bay is perfectly fine, and he already knows the sex of the baby" Frida hadn't finish telling everything to Agnetha when..."Really, is it a boy or a girl!?... Please Frida tell me!!!" Agnetha said with a big smile."I'm getting there Aggie", Frida chuckled, "We asked the doctor if he could tell us until the next time we see him"."Well, when is the next appointment?" Agnetha asked."In two weeks" Frida said."Well, if you can wait to know it, I think I can wait too" Agnetha smiled at Frida "And what else happened""We got to see the baby and we heard the heartbeat" Frida said with a big smile "And... oh God... It was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard in my entire life Aggie"

Agnetha smiled at her friend "I know exactly what you mean".

They heard Stig's voice "Are you girls ready?" Frida and Agnetha nodded as they put the headphones ready to start singing. The melody started to sound and they started to sing, while they were at it Frida started to imagine herself and Benny singing to their child and picturing that made her sing with all her heart.

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