Chapter 2: My Everything

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After what it seemed like forever, Frida got out of the exam room, looking down to the floor, but with a very bright smile of hers that lighted up her face. Agnetha kind of knew what was happening, she went almost running towards Frida.

"Well, what is it?" Agnetha asked while taking Frida's arm and leading her to the exit.

Frida lifted up her head and gave Agnetha alook, that kind of look that said "you know what it is".

"Come on Lyngstad!!! Spit it all out!!!" Agnetha said as she shook Frida's arm.

"Okay Fältskog, just don't pass out please" Frida joked, she took a deep breath and then said: "I'm having a baby... You're going to be an auntie Agnetha" as Frida Pronunced those words, her eyes filled up with tears, tears of happiness. 

"Oh God! Frida, those are wonderful news!!!! Congratulations my dear!!" Agnetha gave Frida a tight hug, "I'm so happy for you and Benny"

"Thank you sweetie" Frida said as she hugged Agnetha back. "I'm so very happy you know?, but I'm also very nervous, I don't know how I'm going to tell Benny about our baby" Frida wiped her tears away.

"Frida don't worry about it, I know that Benny will be very happy with the news, and if you don't want to tell him today it's okay" Agnetha smiled at her friend, "I mean, I told Björn a week after I found out I was expecting Linda and the same happened with Christian".

"Okay, thank you Agnetha" Frida smiled, "but don't tell your husband about it, for now is our secret".

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed", Agnetha winked at Frida and both shared a laugh.

They got in the car and drove back to Frida's house.


Benny kept glancing over the clock, not paying attention to what Björn and Stig were saying.

"What do you think Benny?" Stig asked looking at Benny.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Benny answered looking a little confused.

"I said that if you agree to start the recording of the music next week" Stig smiled at Benny.

"Yeah, it's fine" Benny sais absent minded.

Stig got up from his chair and went to make himself a coffee, while Benny and Björn stayed at the meeting room.

"Hey Benny, what's happening? Are you okay? You are so distracted today" Björn asked a little worried.

"I'm fine my friend... Is Frida, I'm worried about her" Benny sighed, and continued, "She hasn't been feeling very well lately, she gets dizzy all the time".

"Don't worry Benny" Björn gave him a clap on the back, I'm sure it's nothing serious, maybe it's just something she ate or she's tired, we have had a really tight schedule" Björn smiled.

"I know, I just can't help it, you know?... Frida is my everything, I don't know what would I do without her" Benny said.

"I know what you mean Benny, it happens to me the same way with Agnetha" Björn smiled as he mentioned his wife's name.

Benny smiled at his friend, and Stig returned to the office.

"Well, since everything is settled, we can go and enjoy our little vacations because we are starting the recording next week" Stig said very happy.

The guys got up from their chairs and said their goodbyes to Stig and went to their cars.

"I guess I'm seeing you in a couple of days?" Björn asked Benny.

"That's right, we can have dinner at my house, and tell the girls about the recording", Benny answered.

"Okay, see you then, goodbye Benny and say hello to Frida" Björn waved.

"Take care, say hi to Agnetha" Benny waved back.

They got in their cars and dorve back to their respective houses.

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