Chapter 11: Baby shopping

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Everything had gone perfect that morning, Benny and Frida had returned from the mall, they had purchased a part of the things they needed for the nursery.

"Okay, so the crib will arrive in two weeks right?" Frida asked to Benny.

"Right, write it on the calendar love" Benny said from the kitchen

"Done, I'm going to call Aggie I have to tell her about our little princess" Frida said going to living room.

Frida dialed the number waiting for her friend to pick up, instead of Agnetha's voice a little one came from the other side of the line.

"Hello" Linda said.

"Hi, my beautiful girl" Frida said in a very happy tone.

"Hi auntie, is your baby here? Linda asked with a hint of curiosity.

Frida chuckled "No yet sweetie, the baby still has some months left to grow"

"Oooow, okay... I can't wait to play with my new cousin" Linda said a little lauder

Frida couldn't help but smile at the words of Linda "Soon my girl".

Linda loved to talk with Frida so she told her about her school and her homework, her friends and her baby brother, Frida enjoyed it, she loved this little girl so much.

"Well, that's great, you're very smart and lovely little lady Linda, I'm proud of you" Frida said.

"Thank you Auntie" Linda said with a big smile.

"Listen honey, can you put your mommy over the phone please?" Frida asked to Linda

"Sure... Mooooommmyyyyy, iiisss Aaaaauunttiieee Friiiidddaaaaa" Linda yelled and did it very close from the speaker so Frida had to put it a little aside, "She's coming, bye auntie".

Before Frida could said goodbye to her niece Frida heard Agnetha "Hello Frid"

"Hi Aggie, I have something to tell you" Frida said in a happy tone.

"Is about the baby right?, Tell me please" Agnetha said very excited.

"Okay... It's a girl" Frida said with a little laughter.

"Frida, that's amazing, a little girl... I can believe it. Congratulations my dear" Agnetha said very happy, "How did Benny reacted?"

"Thank you Agnetha. Well... he was speechless but he had a big smile on his face and he said that we were going to have a little princess, I know he's all over" Frida chuckled.

"I didn't expect less, I can't wait to see you when your girl arrives, you two are going to be crazy for her" Agnetha laughed.

"I can't wait to meet her Aggie, I can't wait to holder, to have her in my arms, I felt her move yesterday" Frida smiled at herself.

"I know exactly what you mean Frida, aaww really? That's one of the best things in the world... Listen we're going to have dinner with Bjorn's parents and mine do you guys want to come? is at our place" Agnetha asked.

"Let me ask Benny, be right back" Frida went to find Benny "Andersson, where ae you?"

"In our room" Benny yelled from upstairs.

"Agnetha is inviting us to have dinner at her house, do you want to go?" Frida yelled back.

"Sure, I have to tell Björn about our princess" Benny said with a big smile.

Frida went back to pick up the phone "Sure Aggie, we'll see you there"

"Great, at 8 o'clock" Agnetha answered "See you later Frid"

"See you Aggie" Frida hung up.


Frida and Benny arrived to the Ulvaeus's house, they knocked the door, Frida and Benny were received by Björn and little Christian. Frida said hi to Björn and asked him if she could hold Christian, he gladly passed the baby to her and then he said hello to Benny.

"Hey Benny, how are you?" Björn shook Benny's hand.

"I'm great Björn, we are having a baby girl and I can't wait to meet her" Benny said with a big smile.

"That's amazing my friend I'm so happy for you both" Björn hugged his best friend

"Look man, can you help me to paint the nursery?" Benny asked.

"Of course, it'll be my pleasure" Björn smiled at his friend.

The guys walked into the house, Frida was waiting for them in the hallway along with Christian who was cuddle up in her arms. They entered into the living room where the rest of the family was, Frida and Benny greeted each one of them, receiving congratulations from their friend's parents, Frida hugged Agnetha and Linda who was very eager to touch her aunt's baby bump, Frida sat down next to Agnetha, she held Christian with one arm to let Linda touch her belly.

"It's okay sweetheart you can touch it" Frida said as she extended her hand to take Linda's and guide to her stomach, "There".

"Is it a boy or a girl auntie" Linda asked with a curious tone

"It's a girl" Frida smiled at the little girl.

"I'll have someone to play with me and my dolls" Linda said very excited.

Everyone laughed, as the night went on they satdown to eat the dinner, after they finished Agnetha took the kids to their roomto sleep they were tired and quickly drift to sleep very soundly, a couple ofminutes later Agnetha returned to the dining room, she asked if they wanted toeat the dessert everyone nodded and Agnetha went to kitchen, Frida went to helpher and they came back with a chocolate cake. It was a great night, Björn's andAgnetha's parents shared many memories of them when they were babies, of coursethat was main topic of the conversation, the parents gave some advices to Bennyand Frida, they spent hours talking about many things and memories of all of them, it was one of their favorites things to do.    

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