Chapter 10: Pink stuffs or Blue stuffs

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The day had finally arrived, Frida and Benny were about to know if they were having a baby boy or a baby girl, they were at the exam room waiting for the doctor to arrive, Frida was laying in the bed and Benny was sitting by her side, she was tapping her fingers against her chest, Benny knew that Frida was a little nervous so he took her hands in his kissed them.

"Love I never asked you, what do you want? A boy or a girl?" Benny asked with a big smile.

"Either, I just want that our baby be healthy" Frida answered looking at Benny and down to her baby bump, "And you baby?".

"I want the same as you dear" Benny said as he caressed her belly.

They heard the door opened and the doctor came in, they shook hands and started to prepare everything.

"How you've been feeling Frida?" the doctor asked not looking at her.

"Everything is okay, the dizziness and nausea are gone, the only thing is that I'm hungry the entire day" Frida said with a chuckle and Benny laughed a little.

"I'm glad, and being hungry is very very normal, now you're eating for two" the doctor gave Frida a little smile, then he did the exactly same routine of the first visit, "okay, here's the baby, it looks perfectly fine and the heartbeat sounds great... Are you ready to know the sex?

Benny and Frida nodded, they were very excited to know it, he took one of Frida's hand and hold it tightly.

"Congratulations, you are having a girl" The doctor smiled at them.

Frida turned around to see Benny and gave a big smile of hers, he leaned over a gave her a tender kiss, the doctor gave them some privacy.

"We're having a little girl" Frida said with a big smile.

Benny was speechless but had a very bright smile on his face, after a few moments he managed to say: "A little princess, we are having a little princess" Benny kissed Frida again, "I love you so much".

"I love you so much too Benny Andersson" Frida kissed him back.

The doctor came back to give both of them a couple of recommendations for Frida and the baby, "Okay Frida, you should start to feel the baby move pretty soon".

After they thanked the doctor and said their goodbyes, since it was weekend they went to their house to relax, Frida and Benny went to their backyard Benny laid down and Frida went to do the same next her fiancé, Benny gently put his hand on Frida's growing baby bump and caressed very gently, "Hey there my little princess, I don't know you yet but I can tell you that I love you with all my heart"

Frida caressed Benny's head with so much affection, she couldn't wait to meet her baby girl, she was so excited, "Love, we need to start to buy the things for the nursery" Frida said leaning her head on Benny's chest.

Benny kissed the top of her head, "Of course honey, when do you want to start?".

"Hmmmm maybe tomorrow, we need to buy the paint, the crib, baby blankets, teddies, clothes, baby bottles, among other things" Frida was trying to think about more things.

"Okay, got it, tomorrow morning we will go love" Benny answered smiling at Frida. "Do you what kind of color do you want for the nursery? Maybe pink?".

"Not necessarily sweetheart, I want it to be light yellow... part of the baby stuffs can be pink and the other part can be from different colors" Frida said with a big smile picturing the nursery, "What do you think about it?".

"I love the idea Frida" Benny said with a big smile. "Have you feel our girl already?"

"No yet Benny, but I can't wait" Frida said.

The rest of the day went by, Benny offered to prepare something to eat, at evening the couple decided to watch a movie, half way through it Benny heard that Frida was snoring very softly, he picked her up took her to their bed and gently laid her down and covered Frida with a blanket, Benny went down stairs to play his piano trying to compose a new melody for Frida and her daughter, it didn't take him a long time to do it and he couldn't wait to show it to his fiancée.

After a few hours Frida woke up and she didn't see Benny in the room, she went down stairs and found him in the little studio sitting on his piano Frida walked in trying not to interrupting him, she put her hand of his shoulders and leaned her chin on Benny's head.

"How did you sleep?" Benny asked.

"Very good, how long I was out? Frida said with a small yawn.

Benny chuckled "Two hours sleepy head, you're taking my place"

Frida laughed "Very funny Andersson, but I don't think so, you will be forever the sleeping beauty of this house".

"I want to show you something, come sit down" Benny made a space for Frida to sit down next to him. "I made this for you and for our little princess".

Benny started to play the melody on his piano, Frida looked at him the entire time he played it, at some point she felt like a tickling inside her, she put her hand on her belly and pressed a little bit and felt it again, it was her baby moving, Frida smiled brightly and caressed her baby bump a few seconds after this Benny finished playing his composition.

Before Benny could ask Frida what did she think about it, she said with a big smile, "Benny, I felt her, she was moving while you were playing the piano".

A very big smile appeared on Benny's face "So that means that you both like it?"

"We love it" Frida kissed Benny, "And we love you, don't we sweetie?" Frida said as she talked to her baby and caressed the bump.

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