Chapter 15: Final touches

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Frida was now seven months pregnant, only two months until her baby arrive. It was a typical day at the studio, everyone was at one of the offices talking about the final touches for the new album, they had already finished the recording, the only things left were the cover, decide the singles and the publicity.

"We can do a couple of interviews here" Agnetha proposed.

"Yeah, we can definitely do that" Benny agreed.

"Perfect, I'll scheduled five or six interviews with magazines and tv shows" Stig said.

Everyone agreed, Stig went to his office to make some phone calls and set the dates for the interviews.

"I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom" Frida said.

Benny knew that it'll took a while to Frida to comeback "Guys I need your help with something" he said with a big smile.

"What is it?" Björn asked very intrigued.

"I want to buy a ring for Frida and do a proposal again" Benny said very excited.

"Benny!!!! That's so sweet" Agnetha exclaimed.

"Aggie, I'm gonna need you help with the ring" Benny told to his friend.

"Sure!!!!" Agnetha said very happy.

"But how? Frida is very clever and maybe she can notice it" Björn said.

"Well honey, you and Benny need to set the crib, and remember that we are going to have the whole weekend to ourselves, so maybe you can do that on Saturday morning and Benny and Frida can babysit our kids, and with that Benny and I can go shop something for the kids and of course buy the ring" Agnetha explained the plan to boys.

"That's a great plan" Benny smiled.

At that very moment Frida came back to the office and they stopped talking, looking very suspicious.

"What?" Frida said raising her eyebrows.

"We were asking Benny if you guys could babysit for us this weekend" Agnetha asked to her friend.

"Of course! We'd love too" Frida smiled

"Thank you, we'll see you on Saturday morning" Björn said.

Everyone went to their respective house to get some rest before the interviews and the promotion of the new record.


The Ulaveus's arrived at ten, Frida opened the door and greet them, Linda was carrying a big pink backpack, and little Christian was in his stroller, Björn had his bag, they set their kids and went to help their friends with the crib and the nursery.

Benny and Björn were busy with the crib, while Agnetha and Frida were preparing a bag with Frida and baby's stuff for the time when they had to go to the hospital.

"Are you guys having a hard time with it?" Frida joked.

"In fact we are" Björn said.

They all laughed, and kept doing their things.

"Hey, what's that?" Benny pointed at the bag.

"It's the bag for the hospital" Frida said vey calmly.

"What!? Is the baby coming?" Benny asked frantically.

Everyone laughed very hard "Not yet silly, still we need to have it ready", Frida gave him a kiss on the forehead.

After a couple more minutes later the guys finished with the crib, the nursey was finally ready, they were looking at it, Frida had tears in her eyes she couldn't wait to meet her baby, and take her home she went directly to Benny.

"Thank you so much, I love it and I love you" Frida said and gave him a kiss, then she went to her friend and hugged them very tight "Thank you guys, I really appreciate it".

After resting for a while it was time to go for the ring, Agnetha looked at Benny and he just nodded his head.

"Hey Aggie, we need to go for somethings for the kids" Benny said to his friend.

"Sure, let's go to the store" Agnetha smiled.

They said goodbye to their respective partners and got in the car, driving first to a jewelry store and then they'll go to the mall, it was a 30-minute drive. When they arrived Benny was so nervous and Agnetha noticed it.

"Hey, whatever you pick she's going to love it" Agnetha put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Aggie, that means a lot" Benny smiled.

The entered to the place and started look por the perfect ring, it took them a while until Benny saw the ring, it was a beautiful emerald ring, the band was silver and had little white diamonds around it.

"Agnetha, come!" Benny said in a happy tone

"It's beautiful... She's going to love it" Agnetha smiled brightly as she was looking at the ring.

"It is, isn't it?... And it matches with her eyes" Benny smiled.

They paid for it and again got in the car and went to the nearest mall to shop the thing for the kids.

"And when are you going to give it to her" Agnetha asked.

"After our baby has born" Benny said, not taking his eyes off the road, "I hope, we can get married for real now" Benny chuckled.

Agnetha laughed a little "I'm sure you will".


Frida was at the kitchen, she was preparing Christian's bottle while Björn took a sleeping Linda to the bedroom who decided to take a nap, when Björn entered to the kitchen her friend was giving the bottle to his baby boy and softly humming Me and Bobby and Bobby's brother.

"The nursery is finally ready" Björn said to Frida.

"Yeah, just some final touches like the baby blankets and the curtains" Frida said rocking a sleeping baby Christian.

"Small details" Björn chuckled, "Are you nervous?".

"Well, I'm a little bit you know... But I can't wait to meet my little girl" Frida smiled brightly, "Were you nervous"?

"I was terrified" Bjön laughed, "Benny and you are going to be amazing parents redhead... I'm pretty sure about that".

Frida smiled at her friend "Thank you Ulvaeus, I'm going to lay him down".

"Do you want me to help you to take him upstairs?" Björn asked.

"Nope, I'm okay" Frida smiled.

After an hour they heard the car parked, Björn went to help his wife and his friend with bags.

"Did you find the ring?" Björn asked.

"We did man" Benny smiled.

"And it's very very beautiful" Agnetha said very excited.

Before Frida went out they entered into the house, she was coming down stairs with Linda holding her hand.

"She just woke up" Frida said looking at her half-awake niece.

"Hey darling, did you sleep good?" Agneth said picking her daughter up, Linda just nodded and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up.

They unpacked the things and put them in their respective places.

"It's time to go" Björn said "I think Christian is still sleeping, let's go to say goodbye" he said as he took his wife hand. They went to the room were his son was sleeping each one of them gave him a little kiss trying not to wake him up.

After they said goodbye to her daughter. "Be a good girl, okay?" Björn said.

"I'm always a good girl" Linda said very proudly

"I know you are" Björn gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good bye my love, see you on Monday" Agnetha hugged her daughter.

They said goodbye to Frida and Benny thanking them for watch their kids, they got in the car. Benny picked up Linda and stood outside the house until the car disappeared down the road. Linda looked at the couple and smiled brightly at them it was going to be an amazing weekend. 

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