Four parts cause its 10,449 words!

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I'd decided to go out with my friends tonight I knew My brother,Raptor would kill me if he'd found out where I'd gone just because of what was always happening at this club but this club was the best of the best. My friend came back with drinks in hand and gave one to me "here y/n drink up!" I downed the shot "Damn that' stuff tastes like shit." Within a half hour I was dancing with my friends who were all drunk when someone approached me "hey sexy wanna have some fun?" I stared at the male in front of me "no thanks." I'd blurted out as I stumbled away the man didn't follow me was e approached another girl "fucking creep." I bumped into someone "sorry." I'd said as I looked up at the figure "y/n?" My eyes were half closed "Drifty!" Drift was my brother's best friend I'd always found him extremely attractive. "What are you doing here?!" "Same as you!" I laughed "you know Raptor doesn't want you here!" I shrugged "I'm bringing you home y/n."  "Fine..Lame-o" I allowed Drift who lead me out of the night club and to the car "alright come on." He didn't trust me to sit in the back so sat down with me next to him. I giggled "Drift~" he glanced at me and buckled my seatbelt "y/n you're fucking insane.." he muttered as he started the car. I watched him my eyes wide with adoration I laughed "you're so hot when you're mad!" Ok maybe I was a little drunk He ignored me "damn your jawline!" I drooled over him until we got home which was when he quickly unbuckled me, took me out the car, and carried me inside. "You're lucky Raptor isn't here right now.." he put me down and went through the medicine cabinet "fuuuck!" I grinned as I followed him "What now?" He asked "Nothing Raptor never lets me swear." I said happily He rolled his eyes but I could see a small smile under his mask. I stood in front of him and wrapped my arms around his neck he froze "y/n.." I ignored him and stood on my tiptoes before kissing him Drift stayed still before he gave me a peck on the lips. "Id kiss you but.. alcohol." He gave me an aspirin and a bottle of water and sent me off to bed I put on my pyjamas but instead of going to bed I waited for Drift to go to his. Once drift went into his room a stumbled (not because I'm drunk I just can't tiptoe) over to his room and went in. Drift was already in his bed shirtless and under the covers. I crept over to the bed and crawled under the covers "y/n what're you doing?" He asked as he laughed softly at me attempting to sneak into the bed "..I'm cold." I said as I snuggled close to him he turned to me his face red "I've never seen you without your mask on.." I traced his jawline staring at him intently until he chuckled and pulled me close "y/n you sure are something." I blushed as he pulled me closer but was also grateful for his warmth I soon drifted off to sleep in his arms. "Fuck it.. I love you." he whispered in my ear.
When I woke up Drift wasn't next to me anymore I sat up and got up going downstairs until I heard my brothers voice in the living room  "you fucking slept with my little sister?!" "Raptor you know I wouldn't do anything like that with her! You know that I'm not like that!" I frowned and sat down continuing to listen "you were both in your room and you were shirtless!" "I-" Raptor cut him off "I know you like her and I told you to stay the fuck away from her! You're not about to break her heart!" "When have I ever broken anyone's heart?!" Drift raised his voice "oh please I know how you are Drift you just, sleep with any girl when you're bored!" "But sleeping with my sister? You promised you'd stay away from her man." Raptor sounded angry but Drift just sounded hurt "I don't sleep with anyone! I'm not like that what the fuck!..I'm leaving." He mumbled "so you're going to fucking leave her now?!" I heard the door slam shut and I slipped on my shoes and slowly walked downstairs raptor was in the kitchen with his head in his hands "I should've fucking known!" I slipped past him and outside  'Drift can't leave us!' I looked around before I spotted him "Drift!" I called as I ran after him "hey wait up!" Drift whipped around and glared at me he looked like he was about to cry. probably out of frustration "what do you want y/n?" "I-I just wanted to talk to you about last night.." I blushed and looked at him nervously he looked irritated "look y/n I don't have time for this no, I don't have feelings for you,no I don't want you to be my girlfriend, and no you were never anything more than a friend to me." He spoke to me so coldly I stood there as tears formed in my eyes "I.." he looked at me and opened his mouth to say something "y/n!" Raptor called out to me as he ran over "see you around y/n." Drift said painfully before he turned around I grabbed his hand "b-but I heard you last night." I whispered my voice cracking " well.. I lied you mean nothing to me y/n." His voice cracked. he was lying he had to be. Without turning around he left. I stood there and stared after him I wanted to call out but I couldn't bring myself to form words so I fell to my knees until the tears blurred my vision "y/n.." I turned to Raptor "it's all your fault! He hates me because of you!" Raptor didn't say anything because he knew I was just going to ignore him "I fucking hate you!" I ran back to the house and went to my room.
"Y/n.." there was a knock on my door "I'm sorry you know I'd never hurt you on purpose." I ignored Raptor "please y/n you know I have to take care of you I promised her!" He was talking about our sister she'd died a couple years ago I was only twelve. I opened the door and let Raptor hug me as I cried on his shoulder I hated thinking about her Raptor did promise her he'd take care of me he was only a year older than me but he'd matured quick after it happened. he grew up so that I didn't have to.

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