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I stood in the kitchen talking to Valor about anything and everything she was one of my first friends in this house and probably the one I was closest to. She'd been telling about her little crush on Raptor. Of course, I shipped them, it's what good friends do. She eventually left to go do whatever she even does in the morning I'd told her how I felt about Drift and honestly I was embarrassed.  "I'm such an idiot." I muttered as I left the dining room only to collide with Drift "oh shit, Sorry!" He apologized as he rubbed his eyes clearly just waking up. I muttered a small "it's ok.' Drift looked at me and helped me up  "what's wrong y/n?" See here's the problem Everyone knew, but Drift. apparently that was because he was to busy training or whatever he did when he left. I shrugged "Nothing I'm fine." I said quietly. Drift watched me for a second before I brushed past him and left the house. I'd just gone to the training arena to relax since no one was even here this early.
My thoughts eventually wandered to Drift. why I don't know. He was good looking.. Very good looking but... I sighed as I hummed quietly. I just liked to come out here to relax every once in a while to get away from all of the Drama in the house. "Y/N!" I sighed at Fate's voice and got up as I hesitated before going back to the house. John had just called a meeting by the looks of it as well I went and sat down next to Dire and listened to John "-Isn't usually our place but we need to know what's happening there in order to protect the innocents because I know they're planning something.." "any way you guys will be pairing up for this. Dire and Calamity." Calamity looked at Dire everyone knew she had a thing for him "You two will be going undercover near their base in paradise." Dire got up and nodded as he grabbed his weapons off the table and left with Calamity following after him "Zoey and Carbide.." I spaced out as I wondered who I'd get "Y/N and Drift." I looked up at John "you two will be going undercover at a party in Dusk's house... Don't worry she invited everyone and since you two are fairly new she doesn't know you're on our team." Drift nodded and stood up "so we get to party?" I questioned "sure. After, you find what you're looking for." Valor looked at me "don't have to much fun with Drift Y/N." She said with a wink I stared at her with a confused expression now I knew that was a dirty joke I'm not an idiot but I decided to ignore her because I didn't want to expose myself. Drift looked away "uh is the party Formal?" John shook his head "no just casual soo dress like normal teens?" Drift nodded "ok, y/n meet me here in 15 ok?" I nodded "sure." Before I went to my room to the most casual teenage-y clothes I could find. Which was easy. Just the clothes I'd had before I joined the team. Skinny jeans and crop tops weren't the best attire to be in when a shootout occurs. So I had to ditch them.
I'd settled on some black skinny jeans and a red crop top and my black, no, red high tops. See since I was supposed to be a teenage girl I added some light makeup for the party of course. Not Drift. But if he likes it that's cool.
I went downstairs to meet Drift who had changed his clothes but was just wearing a red jacket over his shirt "I didn't know we were going to match." He said with a slight smile "yeah like a couple!" Valor said as she took a picture "my new lock screen!" I blushed and looked away as I quickly left the house.
"oof she's rich." Drift explained what we had to do "Alright all we have to do is manage to get to her office.." he held up a USB "and take the information from her computer." I nodded as we went inside "no guest list?" Drift shook his head "Dusk likes to flaunt her money." I nodded alright should we split up or stick together?" "I think we're gonna want to stick together." Drift said as he took my hand and led me upstairs "alright let's start looking." We began opening doors on each side "nothing here..or here... oh shit!" "What?" I turned around to look in the room Drift covered my eyes "Uhh you don't want to see that." He quickly closed the door and opened the next one "here.." he pulled me into the room and closed the door and locked it he smiled as he went to the computer and put the USB in before typing something into it "now we wait.."  I sat on the floor nervously as I stayed quiet "you put makeup on.." I nodded "yeah I know it's not perf-" "it looks nice.. you look nice." I blushed "t-thanks you look good too." Drift blushed as he stood up "alright we need to hurry" he grabbed the USB and stuck it in his pocket we walked towards the door only to hear footsteps in the hallway Drift pulled me towards him and looked at me. As soon as the doorknob moved he looked nervous and bit his lip "y/n can I.."  he just huffed and pressed his lips to mine, pulling me close. I quickly kissed back as I snaked my arms around his neck. He kissed back as Dusk walked in "eww get out of my mom's office! The bedroom is to the right." Drift looked up "shit.. cmon." I blushed and followed after him as he grabbed my hand and left the room quickly he walked into the room across the hall and closed the door and locked it he tapped something on his watch "aye John we got it.." "alright you two can bring it home as soon as possible. We need that information."
"Good job, you actually managed to get the job down quickly.. unlike some people." Drift nodded before stretching "I'm gonna watch a movie." He called to everyone as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room I blushed and bit my lip as he locked his door. "What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked with a smirk as he placed his hands on either side of me I blushed deeply. "Uh, I dunno.." He silenced me as he pressed his lips to mine softly " y/n I like you. Like a whole lot. Like.. I told the other guys to stay away from you." I blushed " would you be my girlfriend?" I smiled "yes." we spend the rest of the night watching movies 
I woke up next to Drift and blushed as the previous night's events came flooding back "I can't believe you're mine.." he said as he kissed me over and over again. 'I like this attention..' I smiled
I was scrolling through my phone as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me I turned around to look at Drift who kissed me 'tastes like mint..' and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss him again. He separated himself from me and gave me a wink as Valor walked in I jumped up to sit on the counter "did you guys watch a movie last night?" Drift nodded "hmm what movie? Fifty shades of you two?" She asked raising an eyebrow "At least tell me so I can sleep in someone else's room and not in the one right next to yours." "Hey, we didn't do the nasty!"I buried my face in my hands as Valor left the kitchen laughing softly. Drift walked over to me and stood right in between my legs "y/n I've been thinking..when should our first date be?" "When would you prefer? " I asked curiously "I don't mind." Drift said with a smile "I don't want to to go pressure you into anything so if you want to let me know and if not that's fine too. He said softly as he kissed me. I kissed him back and smiled "wait you want to go on a date?!" Drift nodded "of course. who wouldn't want to?"

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