Yep out of ideas

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"Cmon y/n you have to like Someone. What about Drift?" I glared at Valor "no. You guys know I hate him. He's annoying and cocky and I hate him." "Y/n you're basically a girl version of him! You're annoying and cocky and he hates you back!" "good because I hate him." "you are the one that started bothering him though right?" I turned my gaze to Calamity "well yes but it's his fault! And I tried apologizing." I crossed my arms "It isn't my fault he wants to catch feelings for someone and let it slip out. He should've kept his mouth shut."
"Alright Drift you know how you hate y/n?" Drift nodded and looked at Dire "an annoying little-" "yeah we get it." "well since you have yet to participate in any of our contests.." "guys I'm not doing that, that's disgusting!" "cmon Drift all you gotta do is take her v-card and then you never have to acknowledge her again."  "that seems really messed up." "and if you hurt her its even better right? You do hate her, don't you?" "well yeah." "then you're going to do it? As revenge for everything she's ever done to you?" "look guys I'll do it. But only so she knows how it feels to be embarrassed like that." But even as the words left his mouth,he had no intention of hurting anyone like that.
Calamity looked at me "y/n you totally ruined his chances on purpose. I'm betting it's only so you could have a chance." she teased with a grin "um ew like I would ever want to date him.." just then Drift Raptor and Dire walked in. "speaking of." Valor grinned as Dire wrapped his arms around her "what're you guys up to?" She looked up and pressed a kiss to his lips "I could say the same." Raptor sat down and pulled Calamity towards him. I crossed my arms "alright just let me look like a single bitch I guess." wow embarrassing "Well Drift was just in here.." Calamity said with a grin "okay, but where did he go?" valor looked around "probably to go be with a slut." Everyone turned to look at me "what?" "Y/n you seem kind of I dunno Jealous?" I threw my hands up "no. Just annoyed you guys really had to come couple up like that." I shook my head "guess I'll die." I shrugged as I got up "No y/n stay!" I groaned "you can sit in Drift's lap if it makes you feel any better." I gave Dire a look "No it really won't." "well, then who's team are you supposed to be on when we chicken fight?" "what chicken fight?" "y/n it's 98 degrees we're gonna go swim!" "oh." I stared at the table. "Please y/n? Promise me that if we have a chicken fight you'll be on Drift's team?" 'I really don't want to disappoint them..' "No one else is gonna go?" Raptor shook his head "Fine If and only if we decide to play that Stupid idiotic child's game then I'll be on his stupid team." "Thank's so much y/n You know I love you right?" "Yeah, yeah I know." Valor pointed at me "see you're being cocky!" I huffed "am not."
"come on you guys you don't Have to do this. We can play any other game like just switch teams." "y/n!" I bit my lip and swam towards Drift."
"you're trying to set her up with him?" Raptor spoke softly to Calamity who nodded "They'd be such a power couple!" "uh, I dunno.." Dire and Valor swam over. Dire gave Raptor a look "Yeah They don't match. Drift isn't gonna settle for her and he'll probably just hurt her." Valor glared at the two "guys have some faith!" Dire seemed unsure "whatever."
Drift looked over at me as I swam over to him "Looking good y/n." I glared at him and blushed a little 'I know he isn't serious...Right?' "Have you been Drinking?" I asked suspiciously "what? I don't drink." I eyed him warily "Anyway. What do you want?" "I uh I wanted to ask you if you'd be my partner?" "why would I be your partner? And for what?" "CHICKEN FIGHT!" I looked back at valor who was already getting On Dire's shoulders "Just this once? I promised them." he looked thoughtful before he smirked "Ok sure." I smiled and started to climb on his back. "cmon y/n hurry up!"
I Glared at Valor "I thought we were Friends." I mumbled as I shook my head as Drift helped me out of the water. "First day off in weeks and I got stuck going to the pool and play in kids games with you." 'why is he so pissed?' Dire walked by "cmon man it isn't that hard just take the card.." Drift looked at me and bit his lip "Hey y/n you wanna try on your other bathing suits for me?" I stared at him 'What is up with him?' I looked at him genuinely confused with his strange behavior "Guys let's play spin the bottle!" Swift said loudly as everyone got out of the water. "Oh my god, great Idea but Raptor and Dire can't get mad." I stared at all of them in disbelief  'I can see where this is going.'
"Y/N!" I stared at the bottle and spun it 'Fuck this game.' it landed on drift 'Fucking Cliche.' I watched as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine 'oh this is... Nice.' I put my hands on his shoulders as he continued to kiss me I forgot about everything around me. We pulled away for air before going right back to kissing. Even as he pulled away I tried to keep his lips pressed to mine leaning forward as he pulled away. ' I'm definitely drunk.' "Damn y/n is trying to get some tonight!" Drift looked at the two boys Valor and Calamity fangirled as he grabbed my hand and brought me into the bathroom "How romantic! They're going in the bathroom to continue!" "No, we're just talking." I glared at them as soon as he closed the door he leaned against the counter "I can't fucking do this to you." I stared at him "what's wrong? And I wasn't really thinking we were gonna do anything" He shook his head "I don't like you like that. At all. I literally can't fucking stand you!" I frowned 'should I even be hurt because I was.' "what?" "are you mad? Do you want me to fuck you? Because it won't mean anything to me." he pinned me against the wall and leaned forward a bit before stopping "I'm sorry.. well I'm not. But I really hate you." he laughed nervously before he left leaving me in there.
I stood there arms crossed as I fought back tears 'I didn't want him to fuck me.' I sighed and went back into the room and sat away from everyone. 'I hate this stupid game!' Drift was talking to Raptor and Dire and looked up at me after a moment.
'Fuck I really just left her in there. I doubt she's hurt.' I grabbed Raptor and Dire and pulled them to me "Why do you want me to hurt her?" "I don't know maybe because she exposed who you liked two years ago. Remember? And then she rejected you and literally got switched so she didn't have to be here anymore?" I narrowed my eyes "Yes, I remember." I glared at y/n 'She deserves to be rejected. So she can know how it feels right?' 'wait had she been crying? Already? That was really easy.' I shrugged
'what did I do wrong? We kissed I got carried away. Why though?! Even after all that I still want to kiss him!' I bit my lip and sniffed Raptor And Dire went over to the girls "Y/n d'you wanna play with us?" I looked up and shook my head beginning to tear up again 'Fuck you Drift.' I turned away from them and got up. And went inside.
I leaned against the counter 'I should've never drunk.' I sighed softly and went to my room to go to bed.
"Y/n! Wake up!" I blinked a few times "why'd you leave last night?!" "Because I had to much anything." "you had one drink?" "Yeah, but that stuff was really strong." I groaned
"What happened with you and Drift last night? You were really kissing him.. I thought you hated him?" Calamity Smirked "No. I was drunk I don't like him!" I quickly rolled out of my bed and went into the living room 'ugh I might have a hangover?'
"why the fuck are you guys sitting there when she has a hangover?!" I opened my eyes "ugh shut the fuck up Drift. You whiney little-" I held my head " Where're the aspirins?!" "See?" Drift shook his head and reached into the cabinet "Y/n go get in the fucking bed." "Woah Drift I know you're desperate but that is no way to talk to a lady!" I giggled at my unfunny joke "No, y/n. Go get in your bed before you empty your stomach all over the floor." when I didn't move He picked me up and carried me to my bed before he left. Drift came in a moment later looking annoyed and handed me a bottle of water and my aspirin. I took the pill and sighed. "Thanks, Drift." he didn't say anything as he left the room.
"Y/n are you still alive?" I looked over at Dire and narrowed my eyes "What do you want?" "Your boyfriend sent me in here to check on you.." "Oh. Yeah I'm fi- wait, I don't have a boyfriend!" He shrugged "Boyfriend.. Drift.. same thing." He left the room "Wait how long have I been in here?" "Um like half the day." He shrugged I sighed "ugh. Last time I drink anything Valor gives me."
As soon as I was better Drift was back to being his normal self.
"You two dating?" "what? No!" Valor shrugged "come watch this video from a few years ago!" we went into the living room and as soon as I saw the screen I froze "Drift lets go somewhere else?" "what? Why? Do you not want me to see? I wasn't there that night." "well its not that but.. Let's just say I've said some things in the past that were really weird and I would prefer if you never heard them and everyone has big mouths ."  I bit my lip "well I was tired. Everyone was that's why no one remembers. When I'm tired I'm really out of it okay?" valor played the video "Oh God y/n I remember this video!"
We all sat in a circle it was Me, Valor, Calamity, Brite, Lynx, Dire, and Raptor.
"Ok y/n" I turned to Dire who was speaking. "Truth or Dare?" I bit my lip "Hm Dare, No Truth!" Dire grinned devilishly "Alright if you could do one thing to Drift-" "Isn't he after Fate? I don't like her. She's annoying. And she kinda sleeps around" "You only hate her because drift has a huge crush on her!" I crossed my arms "Finish, Dire." "ok if you could do one thing to Drift. Obviously, you can't kill him or anything something he'd accept what would you do?" I stared at him for a moment "I'd totally sleep with him."
Drift stared at me "WHAT THE HELL." I looked down and ignored the video as i continued to talk
"I mean he's super cute. Right? Like I think he's hella attractive." "you could have just said you'd date him." I stopped "well i thought it was only one time I'd rather do that than go on a date with him once!" they all stared at me "What?" "Y/n you really got a crush on him. Eeeew." I turned to Valor  "WHATS EW ABOUT HIM? He's Sweet."
I buried my head in my hands, Of course, everyone else was being exposed too but Drift was looking at ME "Y/n what the fuck?" "Hey, this was before Fate!" "No. I already told you I can't be with you!" I flinched "but I-" "I don't like you." he hissed as he got up and left "Shit. If I had known he would've acted like this." Dire looked at me and grinned before he elbowed Raptor who quickly got up and went after him.
"Drift you have to sleep with her first!" Dire glared at him "why what's even the point?" "To hurt her duh!" Drift stared at The two "you really want me to hurt her like that? Sleep with her and then leave her?" They shrugged "I don't really care..." Drift eyed them thoughtfully before he quickly left the room.

"I thought you at least like me as a friend.. didn't you help me when I had a hangover?!"Drift rolled his eyes "Only because no one else cared." "Do you even care about me?" "No y/n I don't." "Because you're annoying."  Drift just shook his head "aren't you supposed to be practicing your shooting because your aim is trash?" I looked at him "Aren't you suppose to be helping me?" He stared at me
"I know you're not trying to shoot like that." Drift wrapped his arms around me "you hold the gun like this." I blushed and leaned back "What the fuck are you doing?" I opened my eyes "Whaaaaaat? Nothing." "Y/n why are you leaning back like that? Is that how you shoot a gun? Because you're gonna get killed shooting like that." I turned to him "no Drift but I.. I have a huge Crush on you. I mean how can someone be so sweet and attractive and annoying and cocky at the same time? I know some people hate people like that. But you're so frustrating and stubborn and I love it. I can't get you out of my head. Ever since the other day when we were in the pool. I only told Fate you liked her because I wanted you to get with her so I wouldn't have to watch you make love eyes at her all the time. I didn't mean for her to fucking reject you like that and leave. I'm sorry. But part of me isn't because that meant I would have a chance with you but you hated me after it so naturally i just hated you back and hoped it would go somewhere? I was jealous of her so I figured at least you should be together so I had a reason to hate her. after that day at the pool and when i had that hangover I realized that You're so sweet and I can't take it anymore. I want you to like me back. Fuck I want to kiss you again! I want to be yours and I don't even care if you tell everyone and reject me! I can't keep this stupid secret any longer Okay? I have a huge crush on you and I have for a while now!" "..and i was hurt the other day I mean maybe I wanted you to kiss me again. Ever think of that?!" Drift stared at me "well I.." he trailed off "I don't. I.." I stared at him "Oh. That's.. That's ok." 'is this what it felt like to be rejected? I'm hurt. This must be how Drift felt. Fuck.' "How long did it take you to get over her?" I asked quietly "not long after she rejected me she really showed me her true colors. She was a bit of a stuck up little Bitch." 'but he isn't. He's been the same person since we met.' I forced myself to laugh "yeah. I guess." he suddenly kissed me bringing his hands to rest on my waist leaving me standing there Dumbfounded I kissed back my eyes closing as Drift pushed me up against the wall then ended up pinning me to the ground. He pulled away for air before he kissed me again. Passionately.
"Oh, they're really going at it.." "yep..Told you i shipped it." "wow, there's really tongue action going on in there." "But in the middle of the yard?" "If they remove any clothes I'm calling John.." "kind of jealous. Dire never kissed me like that." Valor looked at him. And dire crossed his arms "i don't like Pda. Clearly, those two couldn't care less."
Drift began to trail kisses down my neck I breathed heavily my face a bright red as I blushed. I was well aware of what I wanted from him at this moment even if we'd just admitted feelings. Things were heated. I arched my back and looked at him "Drift.. What of everyone sees us?"  "Y/n we're in the middle of the yard and everyone is home I think it's too late to worry about that now." he said softly with a smile 'Fuck he looks so hot when he smiles.'
"will you be my boyfriend?" he grinned and shrugged "If you're up for it. im not sure you can handle me being an annoying whiney little bitch." I laughed "Hey, you two! Keep your clothes on! I know it's hard but you're in the middle of the yard!" "that rhymes!"
I moved to the side and blushed before moving back. "Can we go inside?" I asked him quietly he just smiled.
I sat on the bed 'ew it's so early.' I had already showered after being with Drift the previous night if you know what I mean.
Drift sat up and glanced at me. He looked nervous before he spoke up "Y/n you know this is a one-time thing right?" I froze "what? Y-You took my virginity and you don't want to stay with me?" he shrugged "I can't walk normally because of you. And you don't even care?" "Well I'm quite proud of that. Now at least everyone will know what I did to you." I struggled to not strangle him I was wearing His hoodie but had nothing on under it. Drift shamelessly eyed me. "you look cute in my clothes." I blushed and looked down. "a one-time thing?" I asked softly as I snuggled under the covers He nodded "Well unless you don't want it to be?"
"y/n why're you wearing a hoodie that only goes to your knees?" calamity facepalmed "Raptor that's Drift's hoodie." "oh.. Wait." he smirked," really y/n?" he turned to drift who was watching. "He's definitely undressing you in his mind right now." "Am not. It doesn't take much imagination either.." I crossed my arms "it's cute." I sat on the couch "you're all just jealous that you can't wear your boyfriend's hoodie." "I don't have a boyfriend." "Shut up, Dire."

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