Cheated on

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I sat on the bed next to Brite "y/n I just thought you should know about this.. I'm sorry." I took a deep breath my eyes watery "thanks for telling me." She hugged me "I'm so sorry. He doesn't deserve you." I got up "I-I need to talk to him." "Hey you can talk to me if you need to." She said I nodded before I quickly left the room and went towards his "y/n you ok?" Drift looked worried "I-I'm fine..But Dire won't be." Drift have me a confused look as I walked into Dire's room and slammed the door behind me "oh hey babe." I glared at him "Don't call me your babe!" He frowned "what's wrong?" "I know that you were with her!" "Y/n chill out let's just watch a movie, yeah?" "How can you act like it's ok? Like you didn't cheat on me with someone who hates me! You've seen how she treats me!" I was sobbing now I looked so pathetic and Dire he just looked at me, he didn't even feel bad "y/n I didn't cheat on you what do you mean?" "Can't you tell me the truth?! What does she have that I don't?!" "What's wrong with me?! Was I not good enough for you?" Dire bit his lip "y/n I.." "What does she have that I don't?" I repeated as I looked at him "because she's clearly better than me. So tell me?" Dire looked away "she just..does everything you don't!" I flinched "like what?" "You know what! She's not afraid to have sex with me unlike you! She does what I want when I want it! She's just better than you she looks better than you she's nicer to be around and she's not a little crybaby!" "You know what? The love was gone after that fight I don't even know why I stayed with a jerk like you." 'he doesn't care about me I don't need him.' I took a deep breath and left the room without another word everyone was standing there of course Including HER I avoided her gaze as I looked around before I went to Drift "y/n I'm so sorry." I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his shirt "he cheated on me.." my voice was just barely a whisper everyone was looking at me "Hey let's go for a walk, okay?" I nodded numbly and let him lead me away from everyone and out the house "I know this is a stupid question but.. are you ok? Are you gonna be ok?" He asked worriedly "I'll...I'll get over it." I sat down and leaned against a tree "I-I just thought that he'd be different, I really thought he loved me. I'm so stupid." I huffed "Y/n you're not stupid! If he wants to act like that let him." He sat next to me "because he doesn't deserve you, okay? You deserve someone better than him." I sniffed "Drift do you have a girlfriend?" "Hm?" He seemed caught off guard "well an ex.." I looked down 'so he's had his heart broken too?' "Have you..dated since then?" He shook his head "nope. I mean I've had my eyes on someone for a while but.." he trailed off with a shrug "oh." I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
I sat up 'must've fallen asleep.. Am I moving?' I opened my eyes 'oh, Drift..' I remember getting home Drift had left me to change and get some sleep. he's so sweet I'm surprised no one has asked him out.. maybe they have?
I stared at the ceiling before looking at the time 'it's so late why can't my body let me fall back to sleep!' I rolled out of the bed 'maybe he's still up?' I tiptoed into the hallway 'ah his door's closed.' I bit my lip and quietly knocked on the door "Drift are you up?" I spoke softly not wanting to raise my voice.
the door opened. I looked up at Drift "did I wake you up?" "No I've been up." He moved aside and let me come in "I can't fall back asleep." I said as I laid on the bed 'that's a lie, I know exactly why I can't fall back asleep.' "It's the first time I've slept in my room alone in months." 'And if I'm alone and left to my thoughts I'll start crying again.' Drift bit his lip "I'm sorry this happened to you y/n." He laid down on the bed 'he's shirtless..' I blushed and looked away 'so what, y/n he doesn't even like you, you just got out of a relationship, and you've know him for years! It's not like it's the first time I've even seen him shirtless.' I looked up at the ceiling "sorry for bothering you so late." I apologized "y/n you apologize to much." He teased "sorry." He looked at me "what was your relationship like?" He looked I don't know I can't place the emotion "ha well I mean like a normal relationship but.. I don't think he ever loved me." My voice cracked at the end "what do you mean?" Drift pushed 'Does he know?' "H-He.." 'come on y/n he's your best friend you can trust him.' "Well it started when we got into a huge fight because. I didn't want to do it with him. And the first time he understood but then the next time he got mad at me He didn't yell at me but he raised his voice at me. He told me that I didn't love him if I didn't do it. But I still didn't and since then we were never okay, even though he apologized neither of us really let go of that. He yelled at me and I-" my voice shook I yelled back so he told me he didn't think it'd work between us And as soon as he saw me start to cry he apologized and said it'll never happen again and I forgave him I should've just left then." "He.. tried to break up?" Drift's voice changed "I don't know.." He shifted "but it's my fault! I should've never yelled at him." "that isn't your fault!" Drift raised his voice and I looked away "hey." He spoke softly "did he ever do that again?" I shook my head "no.." I forced the words out as I tried not to cry "he never yelled at me after that he never kissed me after that or showed any affection unless we were around people. And that hurt, it hurt so bad Drift. he didn't even love me anymore it was like we just acted around everybody else because it was like we were just friends not even close friends. At night we still slept in the same bed and Dire..he would pull me close and tell me he loved me more than anything. But it was a lie. And I, I think I still loved him. But the love was gone it was all fake after that stupid fight. I wish I had just given myself up to him that night." I was crying now Drift looked like he felt bad "I'm sorry I should've never asked." I shook my head "no it''s nice to talk to you about it." He pulled me into a hug and I gladly accepted as I laid down next to him. I tried my best to keep my eyes open I wanted to keep talking to him Drift pulled me close "I should've asked you out first.." Had I been awake I would've realized it then.
I woke up next him. Practically on top of him I blushed and moved over as I looked at him. He was still asleep. 'He's' 'Get a hold of yourself y/n! I shouldn't be crushing on someone so soon but.. I've liked him for a lot longer than that but he's my best friend I'm not going to ruin it over some breakup feelings.' I sat up and went to my room to get ready for the day after that I went straight to Dire's room without knocking. Of course she was in his bed. I didn't speak as I went through the closet and took all of the clothes I'd left and put back all the stupid hoodies I'd taken "y/n?" I froze but didn't speak "Y/n please baby." He got out of bed and gently pulled my face to his "forgive me?" He kissed me gently as he stared at me "I..I" 'His kisses were always gentle.. no! I'm not going to let him hurt me again I won't.' I took a deep breath "there are no second chances with me Dire. I told you that before we even started dating." I said calmly as I left the room before coming back "y/n?" He asked hopefully "I forgot my shoes..?" I looked around where's my shoes?" Dire shrugged "guess I already took them.." "can we be friends?" "Dire that never works out I think it's best if we.. pretend the other doesn't exist." He frowned "whatever."
I took my clothes as I left the room I went to my room and threw the clothes "I should've just forgiven him.." I whispered as tears threatened to spill I blinked a few times before I put all of my clothes away "my shoes aren't in here either.." Drift had decided that we should probably go do something instead of me just sitting around and crying all day. He's a good friend.. we'd gone to the amusement park (I wish Fortnite had an amusement park.) I looked around for Drift after getting out of the bathroom "Drift!" I stopped 'oh he's talking to a girl.. good for him!" I forced a smile on my face as I went over to him "hey Drift.." Drift looked relieved "oh y/n!" He pulled me close and eyes me 'he wants her to leave him alone." The girl smiled at me sweetly, a little to sweetly for my liking. "This is y/n." he introduced "she's-" "his girlfriend." I interrupted as I eyed the girl she rolled her eyes "oh?" I could hear the challenge in her voice Drift seemed uncomfortable "it's fine y/n." "Hold on Babe." I couldn't help but smile when he blushed at my words "is there a Problem with that?" I asked barely managing to keep the challenge out of my voice she stepped forward "nice boyfriend you got there." She said with a smirk "Oh I know." I practically hissed as I grabbed Drift's hand. Any other time I'd probably be scared as hell but she was very obviously hitting on Drift.. and I didn't like it. She placed her hand next to Drift "mhmm." I narrowed my eyes 'can't she just stop!?' "You're pretty good looking what'd you say you name was.. Drift?" Before he could answer I spoke up "what do you want from him?" I asked crossing my arms. The girl rolled her eyes as she placed a hand on his shoulder I batted it away 'I shouldn't be so jealous.' the girl smiled up at Drift "so do you think maybe we can.. hang out about today?" 'Fuck being jealous.' I glared at her "can you not flirt with my boyfriend like that?" "Bitch he's to good for you anyway!" "Oh so you think you're any better? Get your ugly ass away from him he isn't interested!" "He doesn't look like he's to interested in you!" She rounded I stepped forward "if he wasn't interested we wouldn't be dating now would we? You dumb Bitch." Drift looked at me "I'm really not interested." He said bluntly "cmon y/n let's go." I blushed as he held my hand I turned around and smirked at her she just rolled her eyes and stomped off "what was that about?" I looked away "what?" "Y/n you looked like you were about to fight her." "Sorry." "You okay?" 'Now that she's gone.' "I'm fine." I smiled at him he let go of my hand "sorry." He apologized "I'm sorry.. you seemed uncomfortable and I.." He shook his head "thanks I rejected her multiple times she wouldn't give up." He smiled "should we go home or stay longer?" "Home for sure. To much drama." I laughed and Drift smiled "your laugh is cute." I blushed.
I glared at her as soon as I stepped into the house "those are my shoes." I said calmly "give them back please." Calamity looked at me "well I found them in My boyfriend's room." I took a deep breath "well Dire didn't buy those." "Well they're just some stupid shoes buy another pair." I flinched obviously no one else knew why those meant so much to me they really shouldn't mean so much to me but..
I was currently at my favorite shoe store ever they had a huge sale and I was gonna get those shoes.
"They're all sold out?!" "I'm sorry ma'am but we sold the last pair just last week." I groaned "Oh my god!" 'I knew I should've gone when the sale started.' I met back up with Calamity,Brite and Valor "all out?" Calamity asked curiously I nodded "yep." She smiled "maybe next time." 'Why is she so smiley lately?' "Ok ok let's go now." "Rest in peace to birthday shopping." Brite laughed "oh shut up."
We walked into the house "did Carbide forget to put the money towards the electric bill again?" Brite nodded "yeah.." "Surprise!" "Holy.." I fell back Brite grabbed me "that's embarrassing y/n." I smiled "I know." She turned the lights on "aw I love you all so much." "Oh we know." Dire said with a grin Drift approached me "hey y/n I got you a present I grinned "ooh what is it?" He handed me a neatly wrapped box which I promptly ripped open 'neatly because I love him and he took the time to wrap it.' "Drift how did you get these?!" "I walked into the store and I-" "but I thought they were all sold out?" He shook his head "not when I went there." I wrapped my arms around him "I love you so much!" He blushed "it was no problem." He opened his mouth to talk before closing it "hey after all this meet me in room okay?" I nodded 'he's so..ugh I can't describe it I like him. More than a friend I might add.'
I wen to Drift's room "oh y/n can I ask you something?!" I turned to Dire "um sure."
After we talked for a bit he asked me if "you'd be my girlfriend?" "Dire I.. yes?" He grinned and pressed a kiss to my cheek 'I'm not sure I really want to date him.'
I went to Drift's room he was looking at his phone a frown on his face he muttered something before he looked up "oh..Never mind I already got it." I frowned "oh ok."
End of flashback
I glared at Calamity "just give me the shoes back they're my favorite pair." "Then you can buy another." Drift had went somewhere as soon as he'd come in so I had no backup. "Calamity can you just give me my shoes? They mean a lot." " aww are you gonna cry? Dire was right you are a crybaby." "Well you of all people should know that he's a liar." I snapped as I stalked towards her "I'll give you one last chance to give me my fucking shoes." She smirked "or what? Are you going to get your boyfriend to.. oh wait you don't have a boyfriend anymore." She laughed.
I shoved her against the wall her eyes widened "oh is it not funny anymore?" "Y/n what the hell is wrong with you!" Dire pulled me back. by now everyone was in the room "let me go!" He set me down everyone was staring, I didn't even care anymore "get out of my way." "Y/n you need to chill out!" "You don't get to tell me what I need to do! You need to stop cheating!" He raised his hand and I flinched I was still scared he'd hurt me. Which only made me angrier he was only raising his hand to fluff his stupid hair. I shoved him out of the way and turned towards Calamity "give me my stuff!" "I don't have any of your stuff!" "You lying Bitch!" Drift grabbed me "y/n what's wrong?" He asked worriedly as he looked at me. I stopped and looked at him "she has my shoes.." I whined  "Y/n it's fine I can buy you another pair." I looked at him "no. Those are the shoes I got when.. I just want those ones okay?" He looked puzzled but he made no attempt to let me go. everyone was comforting stupid Calamity  "y/n you need to calm down okay?" I took a deep breath "those are my favorite shoes. I know it's stupid but I really love him.. please give me my mother fucking shoes." "Hmmm." "Just let me go!" I had tears in my eyes but I was only crying because I was mad 'why won't he just let me go?' I struggled in his grip and turned to him "Drift.." 'oh I really hated doing this to him.' I twisted and looked at him before I spoke again "just let me go I just want my stupid shoes. I'm not going To hurt her." "You promise?" "Promise." 'No I don't.' Drift let me go and I walked towards Calamity "come to apologize?" Dire hissed I stood in front of her "can I have my shoes back?" "These are mine Dire gave them to me last week." 'So you're telling me he took my shoes that he knew I loved? the ones that he saw Drift give me and gave them to that bitch. I've been looking for those shoes all day.' I turned to Dire "so you think you can just give my stuff away?" I looked up at him, he looked intimidating and honestly I was scared he'd beat me up with the way he was looking. If looks could kill.. "Y/n I didn't realize they were yours Calamity said she wanted them." He shrugged "so I told her fine." "You didn't know a pair of women's shoes in your room were mine?" I whipped towards Her "you knew those shoes were mine! You were there when I got them! You saw me look for them at the mall!" I lunged for her but stupid Dire grabbed me "get your hands off of me! Don't touch me!" I struggled in his grip "let me go!" No one even made a move to help me, not even.. I turned to Drift who looked down I lowered my voice "you have two seconds to put me down or I promise you I will make you regret ever touching me." Dire didn't speak nor did he move so I did the only thing I could do. I kicked him. Hard. Dire let go of me and groaned as he brought his hands to where I had kicked him. I glared at him before I turned around I didn't make eye contact with anyone as I stomped up the stairs I was done. if I stayed here I'd have to deal with Dire and eventually watch Drift get a girlfriend no one even liked me anymore, especially after that. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed some clothes in it I made sure to grab my phone and delete everyone's number including Drift's before I put it my pocket I debated saying anything to anyone I looked downstairs to see everybody around Calamity asking her if she was ok. they were loud but I looked to find Dire and Drift alone arguing? I took a couple steps and listened "why the hell would you cheat on her? There's no reason she deserved that!" "Well she's the one who didn't want to do anything with me!" I don't know why they bothered keeping their voices low "she's better anyway." "You should've never even touched her! What is wrong with you? You didn't even want her! and you never even deserved her!" "Oh do you think you're more deserving?" "At least I didn't hurt her like that!." He raised his voice so Dire raised his "so what? She clearly didn't want you!" "You only asked her out because you knew." He stopped "you know what you did." I turned around and went back to my room I made sure to close the door I sat on my bed "I need to leave..they all think I'm some psycho." I wanted to say goodbye to Drift. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick note I also explained why I was so mad and that I'd had feelings for him since that day. I took the note to his room and left it where he would find it before going back to my room I closed and locked my bedroom door and left through the window except I slipped. I slipped. Off of the roof. "Shit I didn't grab my bag." I mumbled obviously I wasn't hurt right? "I can't move it.." I shivered 'I'm going to freeze.' I leaned back "it doesn't hurt if I don't put weight on it." I muttered as I yawned "I probably can't sleep if I even move in my sleep it'll probably wake me up."
I jerked awake to a sharp pain in my leg wait I'm not outside.' I looked around well obviously I'm in a bed. I leaned over to see Drift asleep on the floor my leg was wrapped in a bandage I laid back down and shut my eyes 'the note the note the note..' 'what note?'
I woke up when it was dark outside "oh thank god you're awake." I looked at Drift and gave him a lazy smile 'definitely on drugs.' "Y/n how did you manage to fall out of a window and break your leg?" "I didn't fall!" I laughed as I looked at his worried expression."y/n you've been asleep for two days. Anyway your leg is all healed up.. about as healed as it can be.. (cause you can get shot and heal up I'm assuming breaking something doesn't affect them.) and the meds should wear off soon." I smiled "okay." Then some lady came in and her and Drift talked then she talked to John and then everyone left so I went back to sleep. 'The note..The note..' "the note!" I sat up and jumped out of bed and slipped my shoes on. I stumbled to his door and knocked on it "Drift?" I was so nervous he opened the door "oh hey y/n.." "did you get my.. note?" "Yeah..Yeah I did. I'm sorry you feel that way I didn't realize it was so obvious." He scratched the back of his neck I frowned "wait what?" "What note did you read?" "The one you left on my bed last night." "Drift I left a note under your bed three days ago." Drift blushed "ah. I read that one." My face turned red "" He nodded "yep. Here." He handed me a box I looked at it closely "What's this?" I asked with a smile "open it." I opened the box "Drift where did you get these this time?" He smiled "I know people." Was all he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into the room and closed the door. I blushed at out close proximity he then leaned back "Calamity thinks you're dead. Dire thinks so too." "Is he.." "yep he's devastated actually. He broke up with Her." "So no one knows I'm here?" "Except John Raptor And Brite." I nodded "I'm gonna go change." Drift nodded as I left. I unlocked my door (I always keep a key hidden.) and went and changed my clothes "I love him.." I smiled to myself as I went downstairs.
I went into the living room "Y/n you're alive?!" Dire wrapped his arms around me "you're ok!" I sighed and let him hug me I guess it was only fair that he thought his ex that he cheated on died. Calamity  approached me as soon as Dire went to go tell everyone I wasn't dead. "So you tried to run away like a little baby? I'm assuming you want your shoes back too?" She looked me up and down "where did you get those?" "Oh these? Drift." She glared at me "those are the limited edition ones where did He get them?!" I shrugged "you can keep my other ones I guess." "Y/n!" I turned around just as Raptor picked me up "your leg is fixed! Drift wouldn't stop worrying about you! He didn't even sleep unless he was in the same room as you!" Brite nodded "he was super tense. So are you dating yet?" I blushed "d-dating?" "Yeah. Dating." "Don't you think it's too soon?" Brite shook her head as raptor set me down "girl, let's go talk." She led me to her room and closed the door " ok first. do you like Drift?" I nodded "yes." "Look if you want to date him that's perfectly fine." "But won't everyone think I'm a.." she shook her head knowing what I was going to say "first of all Dire cheated on you second. You two have practically been dating for forever. You do couple things all the time. You aren't jumping into a relationship and it's ok if you're over Dire. If the love wasn't there it wasn't there. There is nothing you can do about it." I bit my lip and hugged her "ok.." "y/n If you aren't ready for another relationship you don't have to do it." "What if he says no?" Brite stared at me and laughed "you're kidding right?" I shook my head "I'm serious Brite!" "He won't trust me." "Fine but I'm trusting you on this one." I got up and left the room heading straight for Drift's he looked up and paused his game as I went in and closed the door "y/n?" I bit my lip and shook my head as I sat down on the bed "I'm just watching." He shrugged "alright."
After about 20 minutes I looked up "Drift.. can I talk to you for a minute?" Drift looked up and turned around "hm?" I took a deep breath "look we've known each other for a while. And I may have developed a bit of a huge crush on you." He looked at me and unknown expression on his face "and so I want to know.. ifyou'dbeinterestedingoingoutwithme?" I forced it all out at once my face red "of course y/n." I blushed as he wrapped his arms around me I pressed a kiss to his lips leaving him blushing too. "Ok. When?" He shrugged "whenever you want." I smiled at his words as I laid my head on his shoulder "I'm glad I fell out that window."

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