I'm actually running out of names for these lol

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I glared at My boyfriend as I stood up "you think I'm just going to do whatever you say, don't you? I'm not some mindless idiot! "Y/n I asked you to take your stuff out of my room." "Why? Are you kicking me out? Well too bad because I'm kicking you out!" I stomped to his room and slammed the door "you can't kick me out of my own room!" I don't even know why I was so on edge today I mean I'd been a bitch to Drift all day and he put up with it but I guess everyone has a breaking point. And now it was too late for me to apologize and make it better. I flopped on the bed and wrapped myself in his blanket "we're gonna break up and it's all my fault." I sighed as a fat tear rolled down the side of my face "I don't want break up.." I whispered to myself as I stared at the roof "I'm going out! Love you.." I could hear his voice but didn't reply and he didn't wait for an answer I could hear the front door close soon after "love you too.." 'what if he's going to find another girl?' I bit my lip as I let out a sob 'he can't even be here to comfort me..' I stayed in the room crying until I had no more tears to cry. I didn't bother moving for at least a good 30 minutes afterward but finally decided To get up. I took my stuff out of Drift's room and brought it back to mine before I went back into his room it's not that no one else was here. It's just that they all left when we'd started fighting. So now I was going to go back to sharing a room with Valor and Luxe and they weren't bad roommates just... loud. I mean Luxe was always practicing so she was only there at night and she usually went to bed quick but she snores and so does Valor it's a lose/lose situation really. I didn't want to break up with Drift I truly love him but... I yelled at him a lot today. I don't even remember how we started fighting but I'd been on edge all day fighting over the littlest things. I crawled back into the bed with a soft sigh I opened the window a little and allowed the cool air to circulate throughout the room. I decided to recap on what had happened 'we'd started fighting this morning and then we'd cooled off but then we got into it again. Never made up we avoided each other pretty mad and then that lead up to this fight 'we were sitting at the table... Drift seemed fine he apologized and said he didn't know why I was so angry at him.. he asked me to take my stuff out of his room I remember that part.'

"Y/n I'm sorry you're mad uh even though you don't know why. But I need you to get your stuff out my room so I can-" "what?!"

"This is all my fault!" I stayed in the room for the rest of the day. Drift never came in the room that I could remember but I fell into a deep sleep I could've sworn I heard Drift come into the room obviously I woke up "Drift..?" No answer I looked around 'he's not in here.' I sighed softly and stared at the roof 'all couples are supposed to fight right? But what if he's out with other girls? I sat up Drift wouldn't do that to me. He'd break up before he'd cheat. 'But he was asking me to take my stuff out of the room!' He was gonna break up with me! I sighed as I accepted the thought we were going to break up but I didn't let him get the chance to speak. I sniffed as I began to cry I just wanted him back. For him to wrap his arms around me and tell me it's going to be okay. He didn't have to apologize for anything. I just want him back.

Alright it'd been two days since Drift left and my sadness had turned to worry and guilt Raptor and Luxe reassured me and told me he just needed a break and that he was fine and that he didn't tell me because he knew I was mad. "Where is he?" I asked again I sounded pathetic. I was practically crying over him he'd ignored my calls and didn't even open my texts. "Where is he?" I repeated my stupid voice cracking the two just looked at me apologetically. I turned to Raptor I know you know where he is." Raptor shrugged while Luxe took this as an opportunity to escape when Raptor wouldn't say anything I sighed "Just...Tell him I love him.. and I'm..I'm SORRY for being a little bitch." I turned around and went outside "at least he's safe." I couldn't help but feel miserable I was the reason he left and even though he was safe I felt like I hurt him. I went to his room again and sat down in the past two days I'd taken everything of mine and moved it back to the other room it was only a couple things since I'd never even officially moved in with him. I just slept in there and hung out in there. I  bit my lip as I picked up my phone. 'Wait if he won't answer my phone..' I stopped he doesn't want to talk to me I should give him his space.
I didn't mean to nearly hurt myself I'd just gone out with Luxe and Valor it's been a week I haven't attempted to contact Drift at all I was still totally heartbroken though.  We'd decided to go to a party it wasn't anything special just a party. I hoped Drift would be there Raptor said he hadn't seen him since he left I'd yelled at him for lying to me about it but he assured me that Drift was fine. I don't remember what happened at that party I remember meeting some guy. He'd given me a drink I wasn't worried about it because there was no alcohol at that party I remember him laughing as he picked me up no one had seen it happen he brought me to his car and then everything else was a blur.
I woke up in a strange bed that guy was next to me "what the fuck!?" I scrambled off the bed and fell on the floor "who are you?!" He seemed unfazed as he watched me "Maverick." He said calmly as he watched me "where am I?" He smirked "our room." I wrinkled my nose "what?" "Boss said you're mine." I glared at him "well I'm not some object!" He rolled his eyes as he walked over to me "put your shoes on." I stared up at him as I quickly put my shoes on something about him made me uncomfortable. He led me downstairs and down into what appeared to be a basement more like a dungeon there were a ton of cells I frowned as I looked around "why did you bring me here?" I asked nervously he stopped at a door "because we need you." The door closed behind us and he walked down a long white hallway before he stopped at another door. He opened it I couldn't see over his shoulder "I think you might want to reevaluate your decision to keep quiet." Maverick spoke "Yeah right." My eyes widened 'that voice.' I struggled to see but then stopped what was he hiding that they wanted? Maverick grabbed my arm and dragged me into the room "y/n?" He looked the same except his arms were chained to the wall "Drift! You're okay!" I wriggled out of his grip and wrapped my arms around Drift "y/n why are you here?!" I shrugged "pretty sure I was drugged at a party." Drift glared at Maverick who just grinned "now are you going to tell me where it is or not?" Drift looked at me apologetically "no. Not until you let her go." "I'm not stupid. You won't talk unless we have her." He grabbed me and pulled me back "now.you can tell me or I'll tell you what I did to her last night." My eyes widened 'he didn't do anything last night?' "Oh, you couldn't hear her all the way down here? I'm surprised." Drift narrowed his eyes "what the fuck did you do to her?" Maverick shrugged "nothing actually but seeing how defensive you got that quickly.. what if I were to.." he looked at Drift before he pulled me towards him and placed a kiss on my lips. Obviously, I didn't kiss back Drift didn't look like he cared I knew it was on purpose but it kinda hurt. Maverick grinned "don't worry we'll continue this." He led me out of the cell "just keep yourself safe y/n." He said softly as I followed him giving Drift a worried look. Maverick had me wait in his room while he did something before he came back "here drink this." I eyed him suspiciously "it's not drugged." I drink the weird tasting liquid and immediately regretted it "that much." He said as he smirked
I woke up in a cold sweat I don't really remember what happened last night. Drift suddenly burst in "y/n!" He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a kiss "we need to go." He spoke quickly as he looked me over "are you..okay after what happened?" I stared at him "w-what happened?" I asked nervously he bit his lip and shook his head "um don't worry about it." "But that makes me worry." He offered a small smile "here get on my back." I quickly climbed onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck "try not to choke me." He said causing me to smile a little he went over to the door before footsteps could be head "never mind the window!" He went over and tried to open it before swearing and breaking it. "What is happening?" I asked softly "we're escaping duh." He looked out the window "well the good news is we'll survive the jump." "Bad news?" "We have to be quick." I got off of his back as He started to climb down the wall getting as low as he could before we jumped "y/n you should've gone a lot lower." "my leggg.." "y/n we don't have time! Y/n? Y/n!"
I opened my eyes to a white room "the medical office?" I sat up and looked around as I tried to remember what had happened "Drift!" "Y/n?" Carbide looked over at me "she's awake!" a medic came in the room and looked at something before leaving John and Luxe entered the room. "How're you feeling?" "I'm feeling fine. Where's Drift?" John looked sympathetic while Luxe looked nervous "look y/n you've been asleep for a while.." "how long?" "Couple days." "That's not long." "Well, you weren't supposed to survive." "Ok.. where's Drift?" "Look y/n he's.. bad." I stared at her "what do you mean bad?" "Y/n he wouldn't leave this room. And the doctor wouldn't allow him in here anymore because you took a turn for the worse." "Can I see him?" Luxe nodded and helped me up "do you want to get changed and cleaned up first? I brought you some clothes." I nodded "thanks."
I showered quickly and got dressed "how did I.. take a turn for the worse?" I stared at her "you had some strange drugs in your system. Took a while for the doctor to figure out that they were really bad so you were in and out of it.and you'll probably be exhausted these next couple days" I nodded not remembering the past couple of days as I left the room with Luxe making sure I got to Drift's room without a problem. I knocked no answer. I knocked again. He's probably asleep. I opened the door to find Drift asleep as I had suspected instead of waking him I climbed into the bed next to him and sighed softly.
"Y/n..?" I opened my eyes a bit at the sound of Drift's voice "hm?" I asked as I stretched he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace as he kissed me over and over again "you're okay." he said softly as he looked at me I laughed and nodded as he kept me in his arms "I love you so much." He said pressing a kiss to my forehead. I grinned "I love you too..I'm sorry I got into that stupid fight." I admitted as I looked down "y/n that fight is nothing compared to what happened to you. I'm just glad you're alive." "Me too!" I said causing Him to smile.

Sorry, I'm so tired right now. I will revise this later..probably.

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