What am I even supposed to call this? Pt. 1

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I smiled as I stared into the eyes of my best friend.
"Are you sure no will care?" "Who cares." "Okay." I eagerly brought my lips to meet his again
"if this time next year none of us have a boyfriend or girlfriend.. we should go out." He stared at me and blushed "really? okay." "But don't wait for each other okay? If you get a girlfriend that's good." He nodded "okay, Drift,.. I trust you. I wanna do it." He smiled back "you're sure?" I nodded "positive." He pulled me into a kiss "okay."
I panted as I laid under him "Drift.." I bit my Lip as his eyes met mine "can we go again?" I wrapped my legs around his waist and he smiled  "you wanna go again?" I nodded eagerly "yes." He smiled and leaned forward to kiss my neck "okay."
The next morning we'd acted like it had never happened. though it was a night I'd never forget. We never did that again but we did a lot of things that made even me question whether we were dating or not. From the cute hugs to the not so secret make outs No matter what happened I'd always like him more than I should like a friend. He really treated me like I was his girlfriend. But it stopped when I'd started talking to Dire.
"Y/n you don't like him, do you?" "Why does it matter?" Drift shrugged "I dunno I just.. I get a weird feeling whenever he's around." "Drift you aren't jealous are you?" "What? No." "Because we were never a thing, That night..should have never happened." "you regret it?" He watched me, and I hated that he could keep a straight face even though the hurt was visible in his eyes. 'Of course he's hurt, I'm basically saying I don't like him.' "Well, do you?" He asked again his voice harder than before. I bit my lip 'of course not.' "Yes." I lied "I regret it everyday. We were way to young to be doing that." "Well it's only been a few moths.." I shook my head "Drift, we were 18. We were just stupid teens!" He looked down "you asked me how I felt about him. And so I told you." I stared at him "well I don't care what you think. You're just jealous." He stood up "..I'm gonna go, We can hang out this weekend if you aren't busy."
Liar. We didn't talk as friends a lot since then. Drift was constantly telling how he felt about my relationship though. If only I'd listened.

I didn't expect someone to be knocking on my bedroom door at 4 in the fucking morning. I blinked and stared at it before deciding to get up and open the door "Drift?" I quickly masked my surprise "what the hell do you want?" I huffed as I tugged my shirt down "-because it's 4am!" "Hey.. um you know.. Dire isn't here is he?" I stared at him "I really am sick and tired of you not liking him. He's my boyfriend I just wanna be friends with you again! He doesn't want me near you!" He flinched "is he here?" He repeated as he avoided my gaze "No." I said simply "late shift." "He's with someone else." "Get out." "I'm not even in the room." "Get off my door porch!" He looked at me "y/n he really is! I wouldn't lie like that!" "Go away. I can't be seen with you." He backed away looking like a kicked puppy "sorry, for trying to help." He muttered as he walked away. I closed the door and went back to my bed.

It was a while before Dire finally came back. He laid next to me "hey baby." He said softly as he kissed me "hey. Where've you been?" "I told you I work late." "But your shift ended at 8:00. It's 3:56." He turned to me "I know, I'm sorry. Traffic." I just nodded and he kissed me roughly, slipping his hands under my shirt, as he pulled me closer I kissed back and allowed him to, my eyes fluttering shut. But as soon as he moved to pull it off I pushed his hands away. That seemed to ruin the entire mood and he roughly pulled away and rolled over. "Dire." I stared at his back "I told you I'm not ready for that." I sighed "look I know we've been together for a while but-" "are you cheating on me?" He spoke lowly sounding angry for some unknown reason "what? No!" I laughed "you're kidding right? Just because I don't want to do this?" "Y/n you won't even let me see you when you're putting a bra on So, who's the other guy?" He growled "Dire there is no one else I'm just not.. I'm not comfortable with the way I look, okay? I don't want you to see me, therefore I go out of my way to make sure you won't!" He narrowed his eyes "no need to get all riled up over it." "What?" I stared at him "you're cheating on me, aren't you?" "Oh you're so funny." He rolled his eyes "stop acting like a baby. We've been dating for like, 7 months I don't understand why we can't do anything because you're 'embarrassed.' With your body." "I just don't wanna do it with you!" As soon as he registered what I'd said he glared at me "oh, so you are cheating on me?" "N-No. I meant not with you or anyone." But even as the words left my own my mouth I knew exactly who I was talking about "so you're fucking some other guy?" "No, but I think we should break up." I hissed as I glared at him "what?" All his anger seemed to disappear "you're gonna leave me?" The way his voice sounded made me feel bad and I had to keep myself from apologizing "I don't know." I rolled over and moved as close to the edge of the bed as possible. I needed to think, and I needed some sleep.
Drift really didn't have any reason to lie, did he? He probably thinks I hate him when I really don't. He'd told me that Dire not letting me hang out with any guys was 'seriously overprotective and definitely not because he wa so sure I was going to cheat on him' but he isn't wrong. Ever since we started dating me and Drift stopped talking but then we did try to fix our friendship and Dire literally accused me of cheating on him with Drift. So if I really was in a bad relationship that could potentially get worse, how do I find out if he's really cheating and drop him before this gets worse?
"Thanks for coming.. I know I was a real bitch to you last night." I avoided his gaze as I stared at my hands "yeah..pretty rude." I looked up to see him smiling 'he's not mad?' I smiled a little "so, you said he was with someone else?" I asked slowly not wanting believe what came out of my own mouth "yeah.. I can show you if you want to see it for yourself since you don't exactly trust me." I frowned "you have a picture?" He looked disgusted "Why, the fuck. Would I want what they were doing. on my phone." I laughed a little 'how am I not crying at the fact I'm being cheated on?' "Well, what were they doing then?" "I refuse to relay that information, but, when I saw them yesterday they were going to that ice cream place." "The one we used to always go to?! With the cute little swings in the park next to it!" He nodded "yeah.. why're you so excited?" "Because we haven't been there in Forever! Come on!" I think the reason I met up with Drift just slipped my mind. I just wanted to be with him again. I'd missed him a whole lot more than I'd realized.
"-And then Zoey tried to beat her up but slipped on an ice cube and fell like they do on Tv!" I was doubled over laughing at my own story as I sat on the bench "I died!" Drift smiled at me "I haven't seen you laugh that hard in forever." "I haven't since we were together last, except ya know, when Zoey slipped on an ice cube." He frowned "you haven't laughed?" "Well not with anyone I like this much. Dire thinks my jokes are terrible and he's never around so it's just me and everyone else and to be quite honest, it's boring." "Oh." "But I did miss you." I admitted "Like, a whole lot." "Hey, I missed you too. But I'm not paying for your ice cream." I gaped "wha-who was even talking about Ice cream? I mean wow. That's messed up that you'd think all I cared about is ice cream." He rolled his eyes "well since you don't want any I guess I'll get some for myself." "And I'll tag along like a good friend should." *he paid.*
"So what're we doin next?" "Next?" He echoed "yeah, forget Dire I can catch him cheating later. He told me he works late today. So that means we have all day to hang out!"
At this point I'm positive that I'm just avoiding the inevitable. I know what's going to happen and that's what scares me. How had I accepted this so quickly?
"Y/n." "Hm?" I opened my eyes to look at him "I'm not sure you should go." "Why not?" I asked tiredly as I threw my legs across his lap "because you're not the greatest when it comes to confrontations.. shouldn't you just do it when he gets back?" I shook my head "nope I gotta do it.. and you'll be there for moral support." "Um.. I kinda have plans." "And you'll be there when I call you for moral support." He nodded "sure." "What's your plans?" "Just boring work. I'm trynna save up for something so I'm taking jobs so I can get it faster." "Sounds cool.. can you at least drop me off though?" He laughed "yeah." "After my nap though." I said softly.
"Hey, I gotta go." I sat up "okay, okay.. how long is your job gonna take?" He shrugged "not more than an hour or so, why?" "Come get dinner with me after. I'll pay." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "Positive. And you're going. Okay?" "Fine."
As I stood outside of the ice cream shop I was tempted to leave If they've been meeting up here they should be here any minute. Dire gets off at 6:00 said he'll be at work till 10:00 I took out my phone

Me- hey, when are you off?
Dire- sorry babe, still 10:00

I nodded to myself as I went inside and take a seat. I busied myself with texting Drift my immediate regret but assuming he's at work, I'm pretty screwed. "-Thinks I work till 10:00." I stiffened at the sound of his voice and turned around the girl he was with.. was pretty. whether I'd like to admit or not that's definitely one reason he's with her. I wasn't going to try to hide either. I cleared my throat and his eyes widened slightly when they met mine "Oh, hey babe!" "Don't 'hey babe.' me. Thought you were at work till 10:00?" "I'm on break.." "hm? 4 miles from where you work? And with another girl? Interesting." "Babe it's not like that." He said quietly in order to not make a scene I lowered my voice "I don't want excuses and I don't want to hear your reasoning. If you didn't like me you could've just said so. It hurts a lot less than this." I let out what sounded like a whimper and bit my lip "Don't expect me to be in that room when you get back." I scoffed as I stalked out of the shop, shaking my head as I began to tear up "suck it up, it was obvious." I told myself as I began walking home.
I wasn't kidding about not being there. I didn't keep a lot of my stuff in that room so it was just a few clothes and other small items.
"What's up?" "Can we go get dinner now?" I whispered to the phone as I sat on the edge of the bed "you still want to go?" "Yeah. We can just go to the drive thru.. I want chicken nuggets." "Okay. Just be ready." "Okay, bye." "bye." I set the phone down "course I'm ready. I'm leaving." I said to myself as I stepped outside
"Hey, can you bring me to my mom's place?" I asked as I stuffed a chicken nugget in my mouth "right now?" I nodded "I don't exactly have a backup plan. I'd stay with Zoey but she lives in the same house as Him. And I'd stay with you but don't you share an apartment with your sister? I don't think she likes me." He shrugged "well, she's mad at me for letting Dire go out with you." He mumbled "why?" "She's kinda the one who saw him with someone else. I didn't tell you cause ya know, you kinda hated me." I looked down "Drift.. I didn't hate you." He shook his head "I'm sorry I pushed you away." I said softly "It's fine." He mumbled "but your moms house is two hours away and it's late." "sleepover." I smiled a little "I guess." He shrugged.

Don't ask. I have so many drafts that I'm working on I'm going through and half ass editing them so part two will be up in a few days maybe. And this will probably change quite a bit as I work on pt. 2

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