Phone call

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I stared at the phone in my hands "You know I don't think this is a good idea." I tried to set the phone down but Brite smacked my hand "No you have too!" "No I don't wanna!" I whined as I stared at it "Look I was just joking! Hahaha." She didn't look amused and neither did Luxe or Demi "Look if you like him, Go for it. If not." She shrugged "you do anyway so you know." I groaned "okay I will, but get out!" I shooed all three girls out of my room and slammed the door shut. And took a deep breath before pressing call. One ring 'please don't answer.' Two rings 'please don't answer.' Three rings 'should I hang up now? I'm gonna hang up.' I moved to press the button "hello?" "Fuck.." I muttered quietly "h-hello?" "Y/n? Hey." I bit my lip "Hey, Drift.." "Tell him you like him!" Luxe called and I mentally facepalmed "what's up?" I took a deep breath "I was wondering if you'd um like to hangout sometime?" "Tell him you think he's hot!" I blushed and moved away from the door "sorry, Stupid Luxe And Brite." He laughed "sure, we can hangout." "w-when's good for you?" "Anytime this week except Thursday." "Um how about tomorrow?" "Sure." I sighed. Hoping that he didn't catch it or the soft 'thanks god.' That I'd whispered to myself "okay.. thanks." "Thanks? You don't have to thank me. We're friends." He laughed and I blushed "sorry.." "hey, what time is good for you?" I glanced at the door "um just come over whenever." I said with a small smile "Alright. Was that all?" "Yep." "Okay I'll see you tomorrow." "bye." "bye." I hung up and set my phone down "oh my god oh my god oh my god.." he wasn't supposed to agree! "So can we come in to celebrate?" I groaned and opened the door "you guys are so Annoying!" They just laughed "so, what're you gonna wear?" "Clothes? We're not going on a date." "Yeah but like.. you can't walk around in your shorts and sports bra." "Hey, I don't do that as much anymore!" "Yeah, only cause Raptor and his friends were here!" "Well Drift is one of his friends so it would go without saying that I'm gonna wear more than that." Demi sighed "thank god. I'm tired of having to see you in the morning at breakfast in shorts and a sports bra." "They're comfortable," I shrugged "and I don't care. I don't look bad, do I?" "No. I just don't want to see you half naked everyday. That's your boyfriend's job." "You mean Drift's?" Luxe grinned and Brite and Demi laughed I rolled my eyes "just get out so I can take a shower and go to bed."

I sat up "12:30? I slept in.." I got up and groggily went downstairs "Y/n, again?" "Hey I'll put a shirt on when I'm good and ready. It's not like I don't have anything on how would you like that?" Luxe literally facepalmed and Demi died "what's so funny?" I grabbed a granola bar and left the kitchen "oh, hey Drift." 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!' He looked up from what he was doing and smiled "hey." "Gotcha!" Raptor grinned "what the-? You fucking cheater! I wasn't looking!" 'Hopefully he didn't notice I wasn't wearing a-' "hey y/n you should put on a shirt." Raptor Pointed out. "Ya know? So Drift over here can stop drooling? Wouldn't want him too excited." "Oh shut the fuck up!" He snapped, that brought me back to my feelings for Drift and wondering how Drift felt about me. He definitely didn't have the same feelings I did. But, did he like me as a person? Friend? Maybe even more than a friend? I have no idea. And now that's all I could think about. The possibility that Drift, the boy whom I've had a crush on for a few months now, didn't even look at me that way.
"Hey y/n what did you want to do?"
I blushed and took his hand "follow me." I'd decided to bring him to my favorite spot,away from everyone else. "I um.. do you have a girlfriend?" Drift blushed " last girlfriend um she left me." "Oh. I'm sorry." He shook his head "it's fine, I just haven't found anyone to date yet.. it's been a year. Is that bad?" I shook my head quickly "n-no you should take your time to get over her!" He shook his head "I've been over her but.. there's so many things that could go wrong in a relationship. I guess I'm just waiting to see if I should make a move on the girl I have my eye on." I bit my lip "I like you." I forced out "I like you too. That's why we're friends." "No. I like, like you." He stared at me for a moment before he seemed to realize "OH." I looked down "you mean like..oh." Now I was scared of being rejected. Why is he acting so surprised? "I'm kidding!" I forced a fake laugh and he frowned "that's not funny.." I bit my lip "especially when you're lying." "I'm not lying I was just joking.." "so, you don't like me?" He stepped towards me "if you don't like me,why did you bring me out here? for a joke?" I bit my lip "I-I.." he watched me carefully "stop biting your lip.." he muttered. I did as I was told and no sooner than that his lips were against mine. My eyes widened and it took me a second to return the kiss.
"You're a bad kisser." Drift said with a grin "hey I've only ever had one boyfriend..two years ago." He laughed "guess I'll have to teach you." He teased but I really couldn't tell if he was kidding. "I'm dead serious." He said with a stupid smile. "Does this mean you'll be my boyfriend? Doesn't that mean that we kiss? And go on dates?" "Yeah, I'll be your boyfriend. And Yeah, if you want." I smiled "sounds great."

Needs to be edited but I'll do it later

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