Pt 3

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I sat next to Teknique as I watched Drift with Rex,Funk Ops, and Carbide. Carbide wasn't Drinking, couldn't say the same for the other three Carbide had agreed to Drive us home, for some reason he wasn't serious today he was just partying with us. Drift came over to me "you wanna Drink y/n?" Tek got up "I'm gonna go talk to Funk Ops." I watched her leave as Drift sat down I took a sip of the drink and gagged "Drift what the hell is this?" "Dunno Rex said it would taste good." I shook my head as I took another sip "it's..strong." I swallowed before pushing the Drink to Drift. He shrugged "hey I'm going to hang out with the guys just come get me if you need anything." I nodded and watched him leave.
After a while of sitting their I felt a tap on my shoulder "mind if I sit here?" I shook my head "no it's fine." The male sat across from me "I'm Maverick." "Y/n." "So you're here by yourself?" He asked curiously "n-no I'm here with..Drift." " he your boyfriend?" I shook my head "no really close friend.." "oh so you're single?"
after a while Drift came over and sat next to me he looked at Maverick "who's this?" He asked 'why does he sound jealous?' "Oh this is Maverick." "Nice to meet you Drift." Drift nodded "likewise..cmon y/n it's time to go." I nodded and stood and followed Drift who took my hand as we all left Maverick watched as we left I waved to him Drift stopped pulled me close and kissed me. "What was that for?" I asked quietly "no reason." Drift said quietly as he wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close as we walked. "are you jealous? Cause I wasn't going to do anything with him." "What? Me jealous? Never." He sounded relieved I rolled my eyes "sure."
Once we got home I went to the room mostly because everyone except me Drift,Teknique, and Carbide were Drunk to some extent. After Drift helped Tek get everyone to their rooms he came into the room looking exhausted as he flopped on the bed "night y/ you." I was already asleep not hearing his words as I snored softly.
"Y/n please wake up!" I opened my eyes to Drift's desperate expression as he picked me up and hugged me tightly "are you ok? you were talking in your sleep..well you were yelling." I nodded and held onto him tightly "you wanna talk about it?" I nodded still not letting go of him he sat down "What is it?" "y-you left..with her. You said I never meant anything to you." I looked away unable to meet his hazel eyes "you only wanted me for my body just like Dire.." I didn't want to remember the dream but I did anyway
"y/n look I already got what I wanted from you. You're such a slut." He smirked as he shoved me back I watched him helplessly as he kissed Calamity before turning around and leaving "Drift wait!" I tried to run after him but I was stuck in place "Don't leave me again I-I can't live without you!" Calamity turned around with a smirk "then don't." Suddenly I was on a cliffside hanging on for my life Drift came over to me and held out his hand his eyes wide "y/n grab on!" I did. he pulled me up and kissed me "oh, you didn't really think I could ever love you did you?" "Huh?" He smiled as he shoved me over the edge. The last thing I saw was him waving at me..
I cried more as I looked up at him "y/n I'd never do that to you and you know that! We're not even dating!" I buried my face in his chest as he tried to calm me "y-y-you pushed me.." he held me tightly y/n I'd never hurt you I need you to know that." I nodded still not being able to meet his eyes as I calmed down and stopped crying and began to breath correctly again. "Thanks.." I whispered to him as I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up and looked at Drift who was still leaned against the wall holding me. I smiled as I looked at him I definitely like him more than a friend. I liked him more than I liked him when he left I think I really genuinely Loved this boy but I wasn't ready for another relationship this soon. Drift opened his eyes and gave me a sleepy smile "you feeling better?" He asked as I wriggled out of his tight embrace "yes." After we got dressed we went downstairs.
"Y/N are you okay?" I looked at Raptor "yes. Why?" "Because everyone heard you screaming like you were being murdered last night." I flinched "I was. In my nightmare at least." "Still?" Raptor sounded concerned "look y/n maybe being around him so much isn't help-" "it does. Just him being there does."  I said softly Raptor looked over at Drift who was on the couch watching Tv with Tek "really?" I nodded "yes he always helps me Raptor." I took a deep breath not sure of how my brother would react to my next words "I think I might love him." "Are you dating?" I shook my head "no. Just friends." Raptor sighed "y/n if he makes you happy.. then I'm happy.. but if he hurts you I'll kill him." He smiled and before he left the kitchen and went back to his room. I sat next to Drift on the couch and snuggled close to him "Thanks for helping me Drift.. I really needed it." He smiled and kissed my forehead "well I couldn't let you cry all night." After a while Calamity came downstairs with Dire "I heard you screaming last night y/n." She began with a smirk "so I'm assuming you aren't a virgin." She turned to Drift "And that you're the reason she isn't." I rolled my eyes "So are you two dating or something or just fuck buddies?" Dire asked as he glared at Drift "None of your damn business." Drift retorted glaring back Dire visibly flinched and looked at me "you got over me in a couple days? Slut." You could hear the jealousy in his voice as he went back to glaring at Drift "what? You mad that she isn't crying over you?" Dire just scoffed "pfft no I'm just surprised she fucked you so quickly when a few days ago she 'wasn't ready' I just laid my head on Drift and closed my eyes as I yawned softly "we didn't do anything last night.." "I did care about you y/n, more than Drift Did apparently because he's the reason you have those nightmares in the first place." "Dire go bother someone else." "Y/n you can't possibly think he cares about you. Did he tell you how he was dating Calamity before he even left?" I flinched and sat up "Drift What is he talking about?" "oh so he didn't tell you?" Calamity smirked at the pain in my voice "you said you loved me! That night before you left you said you loved me why would you lie about that?!" "y/n I-I was drunk ok!?" I stared at him as I got up "I fucking hate you I should've never let you back into my life!" "I wasn't dating her!" He said as he looked at me "liar!" Drift flinched but didn't speak as he looked at me I held my head as I began to cry "why couldn't you just tell me?! I wouldn't have admitted I had feelings for you if you'd just said you had a girlfriend!" "Y/n I-" "don't say it because you know what? For someone who keeps saying they'd never hurt me you've sure hurt me an awful lot in the past year!" Drift sighed and stood up not looking at me as he went upstairs. I sighed and sat down as Raptor walked over to me he grabbed my arm muttering a let's go as he dragged me outside
"Y/n what is your problem?! I thought you just said you loved him?" I stared at my feet "well, I lied just like he did about everything else!" He sighed "well what are you going to do about it, run back to Dire?" I didn't speak 'doubt it..' I knew how I felt about it. if I went back to Dire he'd only want to do one thing he'd pretend to care about me and love me and not mean anything 'but at least he hasn't lied.' "Look y/n I don't know why you're making a big deal about this it happened almost a year ago!" Raptor raised his voice at me "you are not going to act like this understand? You are 18 and you are going to act like it!" I flinched. Raptor never yelled at me I looked at my feet now ashamed of myself but still mad I turned around and left going upstairs to the room to find Drift packing? "What're you doing?" I asked quietly "leaving." "I lied remember?" He turned around not looking at me 'he's crying. I made him cry.' "Drift I-" "no y/n don't give me that bullshit because we both know that it's a lie you're getting mad at me over something that happened a year ago. So you can go back to Dire and be his little toy because I'm not just going to stay and watch you hurt yourself like that again. And I'm Also not going to sit here and get close with you again for you to just drop it over something that you're ex boyfriend said." He spoke calmly but I could still hear the pain in his voice "Look I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember I remember Raptor telling me just because were the same age doesn't mean I can be with you. And I'm sorry I can't be the boyfriend you wanted y/n. I'm sorry that I'm the reason you have nightmares I've apologized to you over and over again and I didn't think you'd really do this to me over Calamity, Someone that you know I hate now. Over something I said while I was drunk." I watched him "Drift please don't leave me again I can't deal with this happening." He didn't answer "Y/n I need a break from all of this." I went to the window and climbed out 'I can't watch him leave..' I ran to the woods wiping my tears "y/n!" He called after me. "What the fuck!"  "it's my fault, I did this!" I said to myself

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