What am I even supposed to call this? Pt. 2

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I sat on the couch as I tried to keep my eyes focused on the tv "y/n go to sleep." Drift watched me as I shook my head "I'm not tired.." I mumbled as I leaned against him "I'm just, resting my eyes." I sighed softly "you're a really good friend." I blushed as the words left my mouth "I mean, I really, really, appreciate you just being here for me right now, because I have friends who could care less." "Y/n, you're tired. Just go to sleep." "You're probably blushing." I said, not bothering to open my eyes "I love you." "Yeah,yeah, I love you too." I opened my eyes and gave him a wide grin "so you do love me?" "Y/n go to bed." "Hey, you're the one that said it." I shrugged "go get in the bed." "Are you coming?" "Yeah."
After about a half hour I was still up, going over what I'd said 'well I told him I loved him.. I didn't say as a friend on purpose. I'm not sure what I love him as yet, I just know I love him.'
Sighing softly, I got up and I went into the living room and found him fast asleep on the couch. 'It's freezing in here.' I frowned and went and grabbed a blanket. I stared at him for a moment before getting on the couch next to him, and pulling the blanket over the two of us. "It's just to combine our body heat." I said to myself as I shut my eyes.
We sat there just staring at each other for a while. I was on top of him which was awkward enough, not to mention the way the both of our legs were. "Uh.. you looked cold." I said softly as I raised the blanket as evidence. He smiled "hm.. so did you come with the blanket?" "It's a package deal, take it or leave it." "Well, it does get pretty cold." I blushed as I moved from on top of him. "Breakfast?" "Pancakes! But I wanna help." "Sure, seems easy enough."
Save for the flour on everything it was pretty simple. "I bet I can catch this." I challenged as I flipped the pancake and caught it on a plate "you think that's impressive?" I nodded "yeah, unless you can do one better.. like, four flips." "That'll hit the roof." "Precisely." He rolled his eyes and settle for putting them on a plate with a spatula like a normal person.
"So I've been thinking," I began quietly as I stuffed a piece of pancake in my moth because these things were good as fuck what the heck. "Yeah?" I nodded "see, you got alllll this space, and you don't hang out with your sister that often right?" "Hm." He looked slightly amused but also curious with what I had to say "so, what if you got a roommate?" He watched me "well, if Cat is okay with it.." "if I hear you guys in that room together, I'm going to be the one moving out." I blushed as his sister entered "but no, you can stay. But I don't wanna hear anything. I better be warned so I can leave." I looked down now thoroughly embarrassed "I-We're not friends like that." I squeaked out "yeah, that's what I said about my boyfriend." "Does he live here?" She opened her mouth to speak but Drift beat her to it "he might as well." He scoffed "and we have to give you a warning?" "You're never here, Drift so how am I gonna let you know he's coming over?" "Well how am I supposed to know people greet each other at the door by immediately sucking each others faces off and going into the room?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust and gagged. Cat just rolled her eyes "oh, please. Don't act like you two have never done anything together." "Wha- we haven't." I crossed my arms "oh, really?" She put her hand on her chin as she grabbed a pancake "it's been almost a year since that night, hasn't it? And you're both single." "Y/n just broke up with her boyfriend!" "Oh please, sis didn't even like him like that. I mean, Y/n can you sit here and tell me right now that you don't like my brother?" I stared at her 'why she gotta call me out?' I blushed "n-no.." I want to yeet myself off of a cliff I literally could've lied but no, I decided I'd expose myself. "Drift, just because you're stupid and can't see when your best friend likes you, doesn't mean I'm going to pretend I can't." Drift stared at me, blushing as well. "I mean.. you had a boyfriend so I'm not gonna say that I like you.." "disgusting. Save all that Mushy shit and just date already." "But I just-" "so? He was dating someone while he was with you, why should you not go out over that? Forget him. He's trash." And with that, she left, closing the door loudly behind her.
I bit my lip 'Do I really want to go out with him?' Even I knew that there was an obvious answer to that. So, summoning all the dignity I had left I met his eyes "so um.. should we? I mean do you wanna date? Er be my boyfriend..?" I really didn't no how to ask him out. I've never asked anyone out "I mean, Cat said we should and I think she's pretty good with relationship stuff." He muttered "Are we?" "I guess."
And that was all we spoke of it. And as soon as we started cleaning up and distracting ourselves it was like the conversation never happened. "Hey," I grunted as I pushed the flower back on top of the fridge "does dating mean we, ya know?" "No, I don't know." "You knowww?" He turned around to face me "no, I really don't. Care to explain." "..." I blushed "you know." "Y/n." "Sex!" I covered my mouth and looked at his red face "now was that really necessary?" "Serious question." I said softly. Though he was my best friend we'd never really talked about it because, well, he's a guy and I'm a girl. But I mean my girl friends have no problem with that topic around people they're comfortable with.
But even now, as my face turned a light shade of red from his lack of an answer I didn't feel uncomfortable asking the question, just embarrassed I'd yelled the word sex, and the neighbors probably though that crazy person lived here. "Well, I dunno. I haven't done anything with anyone since.." I nodded "me either." I admitted softly "I just.. I kinda wish I'd never agreed to date Dire, and my relationship was good for about two months Then it was trying to convince myself I hadn't fucked up." He shook his head "you live and you learn." "But, I liked you even when I was in a relationship. I would think about you all the time, and how different it would be if I'd dated you. Like Oh, he wouldn't be out this late and just say traffic because he didn't lie. And I feel bad. if I'd focused on my relationship would it have ended?" "Damn.. I dunno. Would you have wanted it to?" I stared at the male in front of me "yeah.., yeah I think I would have. I just wish he'd said it wasn't working out instead of cheating. And I wish I'd listened to you." He smiled and brushed my hair out of my face "hey, it's okay to be sad over it for a while." I smiled "I just don't wanna ruin this relationship too." He shook his head "you won't." I smiled a little "can we forget this extremely cheesy cliche moment ever happened?" "Please." He said with a grin "I like your smile." I smiled too "It's nice." "Weird compliment, but I'll take it." I laughed "would you like me to compliment your lack of pajama fashion?" He rolled his eyes "that was mean."

1 year later
"Best friends that can kiss." "Hm?" "That's what we are. Cause we're still besties." I stared at the roof "But we have relationship options too ya know?" "Where do you even come up with those explanations?" I shrugged "sounds better than friends with benefits. I want something better than dating, cause we're also not just boyfriend and girlfriend." He shrugged "like, the ads for wedding rings with two diamonds and it's like one for your best friend and one for the love of your life." "I'm the love of your life?" He cringed and I burst into a fit of laughter "well you make it seem like it's a bad thing!" "Only cause that is the cheesiest thing I've ever heard." "Oh please you're probably gonna say that when you propose." "..." "..." "..." "..can we forget I even said that?" "I think it's cute you think we're gonna get married." "Do you think we're gonna get married?" He shrugged "I've thought about it a bit.. even getting a dog with you." "Cause kids are expensive." "But what about if you want to have kids?" I shrugged "I feel like I will, eventually but I want time to go on vacation, have fun as an adult ya know? but if it happens unexpectedly.. we're gonna keep it right?" He nodded "of course, As long as you want a kid we're gonna have a kid." I smiled "I hate how Cliche and cheesy our relationship is. Let's go skydiving or something." "What does that have to do with cliche and cheesy?" "How many movies do you see people going skydiving as a date in?" He shrugged "I guess, But why not normal diving?" "Why not both?" "I love the way you think." "I love you." "I love you too."

Ugh cringe. I don't wanna edit this one rn either so, yeah it'll probably stay unedited.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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