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I went into the bathroom and ran some warm water before placing the small dog in the water.
After washing him up I placed a blanket in a small basket and laid him down "stay here." I left the room closing the door behind me I took a deep breath before I went back downstairs "oh y/n you're just in time to put the star on the tree!" "What? Me?" Zoey nodded before carbide handed me the star and lifted me up.
I placed the star on top with a grin 'I don't need him to be happy..But he would definitely help..' Carbide set me down and I forced a smile 'I don't need him!' I reminded myself. I spent the rest of the night laughing with everyone it was like we were family..and calamity is the annoying sister no one likes. Before going back to my room I made sure I put everyone's presents under the tree except for wolf because he was for someone else if they decided to show. When I went back to my room I took wolf outside through the window again so he could go to the bathroom before I brought him back in the room to go to sleep.
I woke up the next morning with wolf on the bed next to me I smiled sadly as I looked at the bed on the other side of the room. I got up and took him outside before going downstairs to see everybody. "Y/n you got a dog?!" Y-yeah he was gonna be for someone but they're not here yet.." Raptor looked at me "y/n, we have to talk later." I nodded and sat next to Zoey.
After everyone opened their gifts (I got the high tops that I kept telling Fable I loved. Everyone had pooled their money and so everyone had gotten a gift card I got a $150 gift card for my favorite mall and Calamity thought it would be funny to get me a pregnancy test. Raptor had gotten me the high tops I'd wanted since last Christmas which were just the ones that I'd worn when I'd matched Drift. John came back "You guys we'll be getting a transfer member tomorrow since he wanted to stay with his old team for Christmas. Y/n make sure the room is clean." I nodded "alright.." I don't know why Everyone looked at me with a knowing smile I didn't like the idea of sharing a room with anyone other than Drift  After everyone was done I went to talk to Raptor "y/n.. are you ok?" I just nodded He frowned "you can talk to me anytime y/n." I nodded and hugged him wiping away the tears with the back of my hand before I went back with everyone.
The next day I'd made sure the room was clean and that Wolf's bed was on my side of the room for when whoever was coming came I was actually very curious. "And Raptor will show you your room." It was already kind of late when he or she finally got here. Raptor opened the door and talked for a while "she's not in a great mood right now so don't bother her too much." Raptor opened the door "I'll let you get settled in." he sounded like he was laughing he closed the door I looked up at the male "Drift.." Drift smiled "hey, y/n." I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him as I cried "I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" "Don't be." He reassured as he kissed my forehead "it's not your fault." "I should've never yelled at you!" Drift held me tight as I continued to apologize "y/n stop apologizing it is not your fault." He promised. Wolf ran over and jumped and spun in circles in front of Drift "You got a dog?" "Well I found him in the woods and I was going to give him to you for Christmas.." "you got me something even though you didn't know I was coming back?.." I nodded "I promised I'd wait for you.. you have a tendency to lie every time you say you're leaving." Drift sniffed "are you crying?" "N-No." he said softly as he brought his lips to mine in a gentle kiss "Y/n I got you something too." I looked up at him surprised what is it?"  He smiled "it's not ready yet." I still hadn't let go of him. I looked up at him "Drift?.." he looked at me "hm?" "I-I think I.. never mind." He shrugged "hey y/n you didn't hook up with Dire did you?" He asked quietly I shook my head a slight smile "what?" He asked catching my smile "I just love how you act all tough around everyone but with me you' ya know? You're overprotective but still sweet. Like how I imagine my boyfriend would be . I like that about you." Drift smiled "Well I like everything about you." I blushed as I leaned my head against his chest "how'd you get here anyway?" I looked up at him "oh I got a ride." I nodded and yawned "ok well it's.." I looked at the clock "9:58 so I need to go to bed." Drift went to shower and change while I laid on my bed eventually falling asleep.
When I woke up I was in Drift's bed right next to him "I don't remember falling asleep here.?" "You uh came over here." He mumbled as he played with my hair absentmindedly. "And I didn't want to bother you since it was cold.." "really?" I said not believing a word he said "ok well I was cold so I assumed you were too." I sat up "Drift the heat is on and you have a huge blanket that you're not even under." "I got hot." "You're shirtless!" I laughed "you're so stupid." Drift smiled as he pulled me close I stared at him blushing at our closeness "ok I wanted to lay with you y/n."  "uh Drift I thi-" "will you be my girlfriend?" I stared at Drift "w-what?" "Will. You. Be. My. Girlfriend?" I opened my mouth "I-I... really?" He smiled "yes really." "..yes Drift. I'll be your girlfriend." He kissed me "now I can say I love you..without having to whisper more than a friend after it." He said with a grin I smiled "I love you too Drift." I suddenly started tearing up "what's wrong?" He asked softly "I thought you left me again.." Drift frowned "Baby I could never leave you even if I wanted to. I was never far." "Wait where were you?" "Just a day's trip away." "And I couldn't visit you?!" "Raptor uh he talked to me.. he told me to stay away from you because he didn't want you hurt when I left again." I laid my head on his chest "why'd you leave me?" "Because you didn't want me." "Were you with another girl?"  "No. Y/N even though we weren't dating I..I didn't want to move on because I didn't want to think you moved on." Drift said as he kissed my forehead softly "what time is it?" "4:32." "Early!" I grumbled as I moved my head and laid next to him. I took a moment to admire his face His hair, His mesmerizing Hazel eyes,his soft kissable lips.. his jawline. I let my eyes wander even lower "y/n is there any specific reason that you're biting your lip?" I blushed and looked up "sorry." 'He has a six pack a fucking six pack.' I moved so I could still look at him "Damn you got even hotter while he was gone!" I said immediately covering my mouth. Drift just laughed "y/n go back to sleep." I blushed as he pulled me close and kissed me again "goodnight Drift." "Goodnight y/n."

I'll see myself out 💀

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