I dont even know what im doing anymore.

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I don't feel like making up names so c#1 is one cousin a girl and c#2 is her brother

I stared at my friends around me "please I really need to be at my parents house.. they said it's really important I just need one of you to watch D/n for three days!" They all spoke over one another and I groaned "alright thanks for that. Glad to know I can trust you guys.. Drift are you ready?" "Y/n I've been ready." "Ok um grab D/n." He picked up the large puppy with a small smile "cute.." he whispered to himself as he followed me out of the house. "We have to be there by 8 pm or we aren't going to make it in time."
"Y/n I told you I can watch him okay?" "But I thought you were going somewhere?" "I already cancelled my plans." He rubbed d/n head "and cmon I'm a good puppysitter even if we don't really get along all the time!" "Do you even have any experience?" I asked sarcastically as I eyed him "pft of course I do!" I just smiled and kissed him "be good okay?" "Okay." "Drift I was talking to d/n.." "Right. I knew that." My mother smiled "y/n I'm betting that you're going to be the next one to be married!" My cousin had just married a couple months ago and now mom insists that I was going to be next. Drift blushed and I looked at my shoes "moooom stop!" She laughed "aw come on you two have been dating forever!" We walked out of the house "goodbye Drift text me if you need anything!" He waved "see ya." "Goodbye sweetie!" My mom waved as she walked out to the car to greet my father.
We were only going to see some other family so we should only be gone for a few hours which was why I was slightly worried but only because d/n had anxiety and was usually nervous around everyone.
"D/n sure has grown!" My mother said as we sat in the car. I just nodded "yeah he's a Great Dane mix.." "so. How are things?" "Oh Fine everybody is doing good." I said quickly as I stared out the window "I meant between you and Drift. You two are doing well right? You would tell me if you weren't?" I laughed "relax mom everything is fine. I've been thinking about a future with him." I bit my lip before continuing "I think he's the one. I really do love him." "Well then.. does that mean you're ready to get married?" My dad spoke not moving his eyes from the road "m-maybe? I just.. I mean we have a kid!" My dad's eyes widened and my mother gasped "a What?!" "I mean d/n! He's our baby!" My dad looked visibly relieved and my mother held her chest "y/n you could've given me a heart attack!" I laughed a little "sorry."
I smiled as I stepped into the house "Drift we're ba-" I stopped and stared at the sight in front of me "Well ain't that precious." My mother said as she walked inside going into her room my dad going to the kitchen. Drift shifted and d/n moved and stretched back out on his chest. "D/n you're to big you're gonna crush me.." he muttered as he pet him his eyes still shut. d/n licked his face "ew.. I know where your tongue has been and frankly I don't want it anywhere near my mouth." I laughed "Drift wake up." "Whyyyy?" He groaned not moving from his spot. "Cause my Aunt Uncle and cousins are coming." "Okay?" "They haven't really met you." "What am
I supposed to do?" "Just act how you did when you met my parents?" "Sure." He sat up blinking and waking d/n in the process. I smiled "I thought you two didn't really get along?" He shrugged and stood just as there was a knock at the door. "Oh god what am I supposed to say? Or do?! What if they don't like me? You won't leave me right?" "Calm down!" I kissed him before going to the door "you'll be fine." I opened the door and smiled "Hey Auntie!" I hugged her as everyone walked in my mother and father came inside too. "Y/n where's the boyfriend you were telling me about? Or is he fake?" I rolled my eyes "no he's here!" I dragged her over to Drift "Drift c#1, c#1 Drift." D/n growled and backed behind Drift "nice to meet you Drift~" I froze and met his eyes he bit his lip to hold back a laugh as he stood there "hey you must be Drift! I've heard so much about you!" C#2 came over with a grin he was much more like able than c#2 and well I did talk to him about Drift a lot. "Y/n has a huge crush on you!" He said as he shook Drift's hand "I'm c#2 by the way." Drift smiled and turned to me "you have a crush on me?" He asked with a grin I rolled my eyes and ignored my blush "shut up." C#1 smiled sweetly "so Drift how long have you been dating y/n?" She asked narrowing her eyes slightly "Since sophomore year? Yeah Since (random date.) to be exact." He smiled "why?" "Just asking." She said before stalking off c#2 stood there "well I'm gonna go.. hey d/n." He wagged his tail a little and sniffed at c#2 before he left "I don't like her." Drift said softly "Well me either that's c#2's sister. And she was a little to friendly." He nodded "yep. Weird."
"Alright "y/n you and Drift will sleep in your room and d/n too.. c#1 you can sleep in s/n bed if that's alright with y/n and Drift." She winked I blushed "mooom we are not like that." She laughed "then c#2 can have the twin sized bed in the and A/n and U/n can have the larger bed!" "Now everyone go to bed because tomorrow we have things to do More family is coming!" I sighed and went to my room "cmon d/n." Drift called as he followed after me.
After we got into our pajamas and got into the bed c#1 came in and got into bed. "You two better not have sex while I'm in here!" She said crossing her arms I rolled my eyes "we won't." "Yeah.. the bed is to small." I glared at Drift as he smirked "well you two probably haven't even done it before." I blushed because no we haven't and it's not exactly something I think about a lot. "So. You don't even have a boyfriend.. or girlfriend!" She sat up "yes I do! He was with his grandmother because she's dying!" "Oh. Sorry." I quickly got up "im gonna go get a water.." Drift looked at me "don't leave me." He whispered "oh please d/n is right there I'll be like 2 seconds." I left the room and went back into the kitchen before quickly going back to my room to find d/n in my spot curled up next to Drift He blushed "Drift I thought you didn't like d/n?" I laughed softly and ignored c#1 as I climbed back into the bed d/n jumped down I patted the bed "cmon d/n." He jumped on the bed and made himself comfortable near the foot of the bed. Drift bit his lip before he quickly kissed me "goodnight babe." He said with a soft smile 'oh my god I love him so much.' "Goodnight. Love you." I said before turning over and shutting my eyes. "Love you too."
I was awakened to sound of c#1 and Drift arguing and rolled over and closed my eyes. "don't worry I don't like y/n either." "Well I don't like you I'm only pretending because you're y/n's family "so? We don't have to like each other to have a little fun. And y/n doesn't wake up to anything! I've slept with her boyfriend before and I have no problem doing it again. Especially because you're hot." I "DON'T PUSH ME." I sat up and stared at her on the floor eyes wide and full of tears "Drift what the hell?!" I glared at him "y/n! Sh-" "I don't want to hear it. Get out." "But I-" "I said get out! Go home I don't want you here!" "What? Why?!" "Because you just fucking hurt my cousin." He opened his mouth and then closed looking like a kicked puppy. I helped c#1 up ignoring Drift. "Are you Okay?" "Can we talk in private? He hurt me." She asked lowly I nodded and led her to the bathroom and closed the door "what happened?" "I-I wasn't doing anything to him I was j-just talking to d/n and he called me ugly! So I told him stop and then he hit me." "He hit you!?" for some reason I couldn't bring myself to believe that part She lifted her shirt a little to reveal a purple bruise on her stomach "wait when did he hit you?" 'No he wouldn't..' "I-" "y/n what's wrong with Drift?" C#2 burst in without knocking "what do you mean?" "Well ha came into the kitchen looking for your parents so I asked him what was up. And he goes 'your stupid sister just tried to seduce me.' And I was like yeah she did that to y/n's last boyfriend and he said 'well she told y/n I hurt her which I mean I did push her but she was all over me doing that weird here hold my leg and pick me up thing.' And I said yeah that's weird and he goes 'but y/n believed her and I think she wants me gone? So I was like No way y/n is head over heels in love with you! But he said nope not anymore I'm leaving.' And then your mom came out and he asked to talk to her and that's what they're doing now.. I didn't know he cried in front of people!" I turned to c#1 who bit her lip "that's not true." "Except that you were doing that same thing in the kitchen and y/n's mom stopped you." I didn't speak as I maneuvered out of the bathroom. And ran downstairs "mom!" "What?" She turned to me "where's Drift?" "He left. What happened?" She tilted her head "I.. don't know." I went back to my room to find Drift lying on the bed "why're you still here?" "Oh I was gonna leave. But I still had all my stuff here and also I want d/n every other weekend." "What?" I stared at him now amused "Drift I'm sorry. You'd never hurt anyone." "Except that ex of yours." He corrected "I love you." "I know." He pulled me into a kiss "your cousin is a bitch and it is not up for debate. I hate her." "Understandable." "I'm still here you know!" "Oh I know."

These make me want to yeet myself off of a cliff they're so cringe tbh

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