Guess we're friends now

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I stared at Drift. He looked terrible, he was definitely sick but why'd they have to leave me to care for him? We didn't even get along. At least he was asleep "you look terrible." I scoffed as I watched him from the kitchen. "so do you. And you aren't even sick." 'guess he isn't asleep.' I huffed "for someone who's sick you're still annoying as hell." he glanced at me "well for someone who got left in charge you're still short." "wha-that doesn't even make sense!" I rolled my eyes "you're just tall." I muttered as I went into the living room and sat on the couch away from him "I'm not trying to get sick." "then why are you here? I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." "Oh, I'm so sure, that's why John left me to make sure you didn't leave the house like you always do."

It's not that I truly hated Drift. everyone here was like really close friends. I only say that and not family because everyone had a crush on someone. We just never clicked really. Whenever we interacted it wasn't kind words that were exchanged and I just sort of got used to it. If I was mad I'd take it out on him no doubt about it. Everyone just assumed we were dating or had a crush on each other and that just made me so angry. I don't like him like that, and I don't like him at all.

"Hey Y/n~" Drift grinned widely as I glared at him "This is all your fault!" I huffed. I was currently sprawled out on my bed with my eyes half closed. I was definitely running a fever. "Well, I decided to stay home to watch you.." "oh, you shouldn't have." I said sarcastically as he sat at the end of the bed "Hey, you're lucky. Tonight was movie night." I looked at him "I know.. Thanks, I guess..loser" he ignored the last part "so is this the part where we kiss or?" "I'm sick." "Ok well, we'll save it until you're better right?" I laughed "I guess." Drift handed me a bottle of water and some pills "Here you go, babe." I took the pills and quickly took the water "Did you just call me babe?" "I'll be back to check on you in a couple of hours." "Wait don't leave me in here by myself!" he looked at me "well then what do you want me to do?" when I didn't answer he shrugged and left the room. I waited a moment before I decided to get up and follow him to his room. "Hey this is your fault so now you get to be sick again." "That's a lame excuse."

"I can't believe y/n missed that movie. She wanted to see it we should've just let her come.." "she's sick she can't do much of anything and I don't think you want her getting everyone sick." Brite said with a grin as she opened the door and went inside "I'm surprised Drift stayed home to watch her. I thought they couldn't stand each other?" Raptor seemed just as confused about it as everyone else.  "I'll go tell Drift we're back." Brite said as she walked into the back "oh my God.." "what? What is it!" "ohhhh." Calamity grinned "Somebody take a picture right now!" "I already got it!" Calamity piped up.

I sat up and stretched "Hm?" I looked at Drift as he pressed the back of his hand to my forehead "how do you feel?" he asked softly. "Better than I did yesterday." I wasn't used to this, Drift asking me about how I felt? let alone being nice. Was I on drugs? "hey Drift...Thanks for letting me sleep with you last night" Drift smiled "might wanna reword that." "I mean letting me sleep next to you, You idiot."

"what is so funny?!" I glared at Brite as she covered her mouth "did you have a good sleep with you cuddle buddy?" "Hm?" I stared at everyone "Cuddle buddy?" "Y/n don't even deny it, we have the picture. You and drift Spooning?" Calamity laughed and I rolled my eyes "no I was not, I just.. Fell asleep"  I glanced at Drift who stood at the doorway and watched me, he wiggled his eyebrows and winked before he walked in. "What're you guys doing?" Calamity turned to Drift " the real question is what were you two doing? you and y/n were spooning!" Drift stared at her "No we weren't.." I could see his blush 'he's so cute.'  "mmmhhhm. You like her!" "you two are dating!" "No we fucking are not." I said now irritated "I don't like y/n! Ugh." I frowned  "Well you aren't all that great to look at either Drift!" I snapped as I shoved past him to get to the fridge. Drift looked down at me and laughed a little "are you mad?" he asked teasingly. I glared up at him "shut your stupid mouth! You annoying..Idiot!" "Oh. You're tired." "Oh you don't fucking say? Not like being sick makes you tired or anything. Oh wait, it does!" he eyed me before he put his hands on my waist "what are you-" I stopped as he picked me up "Drift put me down!" he laughed and I just glared at the ground while swearing. "Stop! put me down!" "I will. I will." I sighed and looked at Calamity and Brite who found this hilarious.

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